What would have happened if Strasser took power instead of Hitler?

What would have happened if Strasser took power instead of Hitler?

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We wouldn't have that Chaplin movie

national socialism would have been more relevant to its name and germany would have been run by someone who isn't a turbulent manchild

NatSoc never solidifies its political control over the country and the Nazi coalition falls apart

Depends if he could play nicely with Stalin

That feel when you could've lived in the timeline were Strasserists and Stalinists join together to crusade against capitalism.

This would had happened even with hitler in charge.

You'd be making this thread every day about 'what if hitler' in your desperate attempt to be a Nazi hipster.


a whole lot of assumption in that one post
dont think that guy is particularly well-read on the subject

Was not totally aware Strasser was anti-capitalist. Do you have proof of this claim?

Strasser wouldn't have come to power and Germany would be as degenerate, if not more so, as it is today.

but what if Oskar Schindler commited rape to Eva Braun?

Nothing because Strasser was a boring fat faggot.

His point is very simple. If you killed Hitler when he was a baby, another Nazi-esque politician would have replaced him. It was simply the natural result of previous events.

Is this sarcastic?

>We are Socialists, enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth and money instead of responsibility and achievement, and we are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system! And with my inclination to practical action it seems obvious to me that we have to put a better, more just, more moral system in its place, one which, as it were, has arms and legs and better arms and legs than the present one!

His point may be 'simple' but its entirely based on a whole lot of assumption.

It's based on one assumption, specifically Great Man Theory not being true, which is a fairly uncontroversial position to take.

I forgot what this theory is called but it's absolute retardation created by Anglo and BRD historians in the 1960s in order to demonize German nation as a whole

>another Nazi-esque politician would have replaced him
Not at all, it would have been a socialist, but since the socialists were less popular over all, the government probably would have stayed in conservative hands. Hitler pretty much singlehandedly unified the NSDAP and elevated it from a tiny splintered irrelevancy to the party that ruled Germany.

>hurr great man theory
Without Hitler, no Third Reich. The rise of Prussia was the result of a number of competent monarchs in a row. There was nothing inevitable about it. Single individuals can shape history, no matter what professor Rubinstein tells you.

It's ex post facto arguing. No matter how things would have turned out, you would always have been able to point to some prior stream of thought to justify it. Germany had a strong socialist tradition, yet it was the Britons who turned to the nationalization of their economy for salvation.

It assumes that "nazism wins the election" with or without Hitler and this is equivalent to the total political takeover that Hitler and the Nazi party engineered after his ascension to chancellorship.
It's important to remember that the Nazi Party never "won" a parliamentary majority until AFTER Hitler was appointed chancellor due to backroom deals with the conservative party--It's THIS period (where Hitler expands and eventually solidifies total political control over the country) that turned Nazism from a political anomaly into "The Third Reich". To say this process was inevitable WITHOUT HITLER is total assumption based not an understanding of the reality of the political situation and the actors therein, but on a kind of ridiculous whig history perspective that everything would have turned out the same no matter who the characters were.

I meant this

Germany would've turned into a vassal state of the USSR. Strasserism is literally just Stalinism.

Before becoming Führer people actually saw Hitler as "moderate Nazi" compared to the likes of Strasser or Röhm. They were seen as violent revolutionaries while Hitler was seen as a more professional politician who was ready to make compromises with the conservative parties and the ruling class and keep his men upsetting the social order too much. They probably thought he would be more lenient of the Jews, which he actually was for the first few years, before the Kristallnacht in '38 there wasn't that much open violence against Jews.

It's wrong to think that if Strasser or Röhm got into power there wouldn't have been a Holocaust of some sort. Strasser was strongly anti-capitalist and anti-semitic (Jew was used interchangably with capitalist), and his main base of support was working-class thugs. If he got into power instead of Hitler (which is highly unlikely, seeing that Hitler only came to power because he made a deal with the conservatives, something Strasser wouldn't do) he probably would get his thugs do a Kristallnacht earlier then '38, maybe not only against Jews but also the rich. However it's debatable if they could stay in power after this.

We wouldn't have had WW2 and fucking Jews hiding behind the Holocaust everytime and endlessly reminding us just how bad it was through various forms of media

>Sure,he was a charismatic orator

Which is why National Socialism won the election and why his country followed him until the very end. Very few could have fit his shoes.

I don't think Strasser could have ordered a Night of Long Knives and if he didn't do it the military would have ousted him pretty quickly, though probably not without some level of civil war. I don't think he would even get to Kristallnacht.

*Stalinism with German characteristics

>Instead of the Holocaust you may have massive slave labour usage
What a fucking retard. The Nazis had millions of forced laborers from Eastern Europe
