Why did Germany stop acting like a civilised nation in WW1?

Why did Germany stop acting like a civilised nation in WW1?

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Desperate to prove themselves relevant to the whole world, the Germans frantically searched for a reason to wage a war they could win. The death of some irrelevant prince in some backwater country with a vague connection to the German "emperor" Was all they needed to start a war.

With inflated egos, they decided to declare war against the whole world. The Germans fought this war quite seriously, exterminating anyone in their path and using all sorts of underhanded tricks. They were dead-set on world domination.

But the rest of the world wasn't taking it so seriously. They could have easily exterminated the Germans, had they stooped half as low as them. But, as humanists, they didn't want to deprive future generations from observing one of nature's most hilarious mistakes. Trenches were built along a general area. Within, all the territory was declared a German reservation. Where Germans could upkeep their unique customs and "culture".

Have they ever acted like a civilised nation, tho?

What are you talking about specifically?

Rape of Belgium for example

>treats other europeans the exact same way as europeans treated their colonial subjects
>100 years later they're still butthurt that they got a taste of their own medicine

>the FP presents a thoughtful and completely valid historical analysis

>a later poster cannot rebut the analysis and instead snarkily suggests that that analysis is "un-serious, the stuff of banter", thus belonging on /int/ and not Veeky Forums when it very, very clearly belongs on Veeky Forums

Spotted the German.

Because the Kaiser was an edgelord and the general staff were pragmatic to the extreme and had no issue with requisitioning resources from occupied territories to fuel the war effort.

Why you day whole world?

From German Wikipedia:

>"Inexperience led to the lack of discipline among German soldiers; Drunkenness, friendly fire, panic-caused accidents, regular clashes with Belgian and French rearguard led to confusion; Anger at the stubborn and initially successful defense of Liege during the Battle of Liège, anger at the Belgian resistance as a whole, which was not seen as a self-defense; mostly prevailing hatred for the Roman Catholic clergy in Belgium and France; unclear or inadequate German front-lines for the protection of civilians and the failure of German logistics - all this led to uncontrolled looting and riots, etc. [49]

John Horne & Alan Kramer: German Atrocities, 1914

>it is amazing indeed

G*rms will g*rm, what do you expect.


>he forgets tat germs genocided herero a decade before the war
Senpai... never trust a hun

Said Anglo while selling opium to Chinese.


Now I have to watch it again

>uncontrolled looting and riots
I can't find the bit where they included the execution of Belgian civilians via firing squad

(From the same article):

>"The" great fear "of which the invading German armies were captured took the form of a collective madness, according to which hostile civilians made a massive resistance in a francire war. This complex of myths was fueled by the traumatic experiences of the struggle in the interplay with ideological and cultural predispositions - the expectation of a levée en mass according to the model of 1870/71 and the paranoid vision of a part of the officer corps. The delusion developed such a dynamic that he convinced a million men of the reality of the illusion. [48]

Not an excuse or anything, just an attempt to explain the atrocities.

and bakc to their old tricks.

>this still hasn't been added to wikipedia

>mfw this thread

You know, I've grown up around people of German descent all my life here in the US, they do all that weird shit Germans do like Oktoberfest, wear lederhosens, speak German to each other at church, scrub their boots to keep Krumpus away and get fucked up off of shitty beer and sing songs. Its all fun and they're nice people but ever since I started browsing Veeky Forums I really can't stop noticing all the autism that just permeates around them, the only thing stopping me from bringing it up is common courtesy and this feeling that I'll get ethnically cleansed for talking shit on their Barbarian tendencies. I would know about barbarian tendencies, I'm a mestizo, maybe thats why I get along with them so well

as far as i care, krauts are as bad as anglos and frogs, all of them should be exterminated.

1/64 German-American larpers don't count

>Why did Germany stop acting like a civilised nation in WW1?
pro-tip: Alex Jones.

I don't know mane, they're pretty German to me, they're just like their cousins that visit from Germany.

Essentially like the rest of Veeky Forums opinions are extremely polarized. Eternal Anglo, Frogs and Krauts wage a three-way war against each other, they don't view the world with any nuance and entire countries are either good or evil in their eyes, but most are probably just memeing

c*tholic """Germans""" aren't Germans

None of what you said seems bad.


This tbch


Lets hope they keep it like that, European Border autism is pretty deadly

I like it, its like my little slice of heaven away from other beaners and surrounded by friendly, autistic blondies

Because they made da poo poos in ihr windeln.

Literally look at the opiate crisis in american today to see that the british were vindicated in their policy. They found a commodity to market to the chinese masses and they turned the trade balance. Except nowadays the first world is fair game for exploiting social problems by flooding in cheap addictive drugs to pave over those problems and in the long term of course destroying society all together. The anglos jist took the idiocy of neoliberalism to its conclusion in a precocious manner