I was going through some old family photos and I found this

I was going through some old family photos and I found this.
Any idea what kind of uniform he was wearing and what year the photo was taken?

That is Elite SS Stormtrooper

any more details? what country are you from, anything written on the back of it?

I'm from USA, and there's nothing on the back of it.
Grandma is passed, so I can't ask her about it.

That's strange, why would she be pissed?
Was it bad?

Einsatzgruppe Sturmfuhrer, looks like their Barbarossa kit (1941) so he would have been conducting the genocide of Jews in Eastern Europe at about this time.

She passed away recently, So I don't have anybody in the family to really ask about it.

Tunic and cap look like the WW1 US uniform.

looks like a jap to me

Ok. i'm no expert in US uniforms but by the look of it he wears a pre-ww1 uniform. the visor cap likely seems to be a M1905 and the vest a M1910

the belt as well is likely a model circa 1910

So based off that, what branch of military would you say he was in?

Are you mixed race at all OP? His eyes look slanted. May be Finnish or have some Native American blood?

I'm white, I never researched my ancestry though.

visor cap looks like pic attached (which is a USMC 1912 enlisted blue cap) but on your pic if it wasblue it would be darker, so he is not a marine

and the tunic is this like this one: 1907 pattern khaki cotton tunic, prescribed in 1904 and worn into 1910

Is "this foto is SS Solder" Veeky Forums equivalent of "this is brown reclusive"?

US army. nothing points out he is in the navy or marine corps

Love this meme.

Crossed rifles on the cap makes a point for infantry.

yes , like this one: 7th Infantry Regiment Company M Enlisted Infantry Cap Insignia 1896-1905

more like this one without the regiment number:
Enlisted Infantry Cap Insignia 1875-1896

what is "this is brown reclusive"

I do like how, if not for slight nuances in uniform, due to his facial features this could also have been warlord China.

He's wearing a WW1-era USMC or U.S Army tunic

He's not wearing a vest

A tunic then. Translation mistake