Did people like the Incas (pic related) have morals?

Did people like the Incas (pic related) have morals?


Bugs, easy on the death

well, quechua rural regions have little crime to this day
petty thieves are usually lynched or stoned

>do humans have morals


Oh right
the poison for Kuzco

Any society that can progress into a civilization where cities are founded and thousands of people live near each other regularly must have self-imposed restrictions on basic immoral conduct in the majority of its population to persist living in those urbanized settings.

I don't think they had morality or laws they didn't even fucking write

Even children playing together develop rules of morality for their games and this is usually done spontaneously even before they can write.

Of course they did, are you fucking stupid?
It just wasn't *Western* morality, their culture and morals were completely alien to us.

For example:
It was legal for an Aztec slave to escape their master, the law said that if they managed to reach the Great Temple of Tenochtitlan before being captured they were free. If not, the slave owner could dispose or punish them as they wished.

All subjects of the Aztec confederacy were to pay a tribute in sacrifice victims. If they refused, Garland Wars were organized with the purpose of making them submit again and capture slaves.

Aztec weapons were made to stun, maim and incapacitate, not kill. It was dishonorable to kill an enemy in battle if it could be helped. The more victims for sacrifices an Aztec warrior captured, the higher his standing.

Jaguar Warriors were the highest-ranking Aztec warriors, akin to the European knight or the Japanese samurai, usually chosen from the nobility and appointed by the Huey Tlatolani (Emperor) himself. Other warriors were forbidden from wearing the pelt of a jaguar, this was reserved only for this warrior caste.

Education was compulsory in Tenochtitlan.

Also, the Mayans had a fully developed language and maths similar to Japanese ideograms. Aztecs had an ideogram written language, though not as developed as the Mayans.

There were thousands of Aztec and Mayan codices (books) burned by the Spaniards because they contained "heresies", including treatises on medicine, philosophy, poetry, math, astronomy and religion.


this is due to game theory not divine inspiration

Of course they had.

Also their agricultural life had this saying for children. Don't steal, don't lie and don't be lazy.


so is all morality you dope

Go away, moron.

*tips fedora*
not same person

They jad a writing system. Forget ehat it's called but they would also write on thier mantas... for government census.

Don't fall for that racist BS.

Runa Simi Quechua.

>japanese ideograms
Pls go