If this existed a cohesive state in the modern era, how powerful would it be? Would it be more powerful than the USA?

If this existed a cohesive state in the modern era, how powerful would it be? Would it be more powerful than the USA?

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who the fuck cares

Assuming they colonised the Americas they would be unbelievably powerful, somewhere along the lines of the British empire and the United states combined.

Not as powerful as the European Union

It wouldn't matter because it would fall apart after a week

No, because it's not as powerful as the EU. It loses Germany, Sweden, Finland, Poland, and Scotland, in exchange for picking up Turkey, the Middle East, and North Africa.

The modern EU is about equal to the US, and being not as powerful as the EU makes it not as powerful as the US.

I wish.

>The modern EU is about equal to the US

>the modern EU is about equal to the US

probably rather weak since most elements would resent being forced to be part of it.

What part of "cohesive modern state" do you not understand?

Such as what? the US? Spain? UK? Neatherlands?

>The modern EU is about equal to the US
hahahah. you kiddos are funny sometimes

That's the Euro equivalent of some redneck saying shit like "THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN." It's just banter. It will never actually happen. Modern states are too powerful.

>modern pseudo-empire held together by pure greed and jealousy is about equal to the US

I believe we will see Scotland and regions of Spain gain more autonomy in the next 20 years, possibly as far as independence.

>pure greed and jealousy
sounds very american


>The modern EU is about equal to the US

>what is cohesive


>muh racism will show them whose boss!

If the Roman empire managed to hold onto those territories and didnt fall to islamic invasion or germanic migrations then those territories are likely much wealthier and developed then they would be IRL.

>The modern EU is about equal to the US

Jesus christ you are delusional

t. guy from the EU

The problem with the question is that it cannot be answered unless we make up a totally new history for the world, one without the huge colonial empires of the many european states. The middle east have pretty much always been quite a prosperous place so we shouldn't count that out from the comparison either.
If you come back to us with a summary of the history of this Neo-Roman Empire we could actually start trying to give you a proper answer.

Economically the EU is almost the same size as the US, smaller now that the US has begun to recover. But when the UK leaves, it won't even be close.
Militarily though? Russia gives them a run for their money, let alone the US and again, a good half of Europe's military capacity is about to Brexit.

However it would likely also mean that europe didn't embark on its colonial empire era which means that the west would've been less wealthy and developed.

It's a fact, Ahmed.

>Russia gives them a run for their money
Russia may be rearming itself put it still couldn't take on EU with any semblance of victory.

Meant to point to

A single armored division would be able to take it out.
So ehm no.

Also alternate history is the lowest form of talking about history.

nato would curbstomp Russia so hard it's not even funny

But every white American is ethnically European, I'm not sure what you mean. They're not a different race? There is no such thing as an "American" ethnicity, even though some of them like to claim it.

Is this a world where Islam never happened?

Please, the EU as a whole has been thoroughly castrated by the Krauts and French, and now things will only get better for us average slaves now that the UK's bailing.

Can't blame them, though. I'm just afraid of what will happen to my country when this whole shitshow eventually collapses.

Alot of its territories like the balkans wouldn't be worth suppressing, but if it managed to keep western europe(assuming this w. Europe is similar to todays) and the oil rich middle eastern territories, I think it would be very powerful.

We're not talking NATO, we're talking EU. So the combined armies of the EU, minus soon the UK (which is the most capable Western military after the US).

So then you've got France who has a capable military but are finicky about when/who they fight, Germany who's military is hamstrung by political bullshit cause muh guilt, Eastern European armies that are still rocking cold war era arms and ammunition, and small militaries like Belgium and Denmark that are useless for anything bigger than a policing action.

>I'm just afraid of what will happen to my country when this whole shitshow eventually collapses.

Don't worry, thanks to Merkel and Co you'll be taken in by the comforting arms of the new Caliphate of Eurabia. Provided you give up your wife and daughters for ethnic diversity, of course.

>I'm just afraid of what will happen to my country when this whole shitshow eventually collapses.
Same thing here.
Though I'm Portuguese so I guess fear isn't an option since I know we're not gonna be a proper independent nation anymore even in the best scenario. We'll either be forced to merge into Spain or become a vassal state of the UK or Germany.

Most likely vassalized by the UK
Belgium is going to be ripped to shread though

The Roman Empire was really impressive because it covered that much land in a time when Modern technology such as motorvehicles and the internet did not exist. The fastest way to travel or communicate was by a horse messenger. So, to the inhabitants of the Roman Empire, the Empire was "the world". It was said that the Roman Emperor ruled "the entire world". There is no equivalent today, and if there was then that empire would probably span the globe.

Russia eu war would be such a meme. Neither is able to occupy the other in any meaningful way whatsoever

Being this delusional

How is it delusional? You cannot argue that the US militart is vastly superior to Russia's in every aspect aside from like anti-air systems. Combine that with all of NATO's militaries and the war would basically amount to Russians fighting a slow, defensive war of attrition.

corpartive power = political power
Companies run the world, not countries you dummie

If you think any of those countries are more Important than the Middle East you're an absolute moron.

With the Middle East you have the most oil rich and strategic lands in the world. They would control the entire meditaranean. A lot more important then a couple European shitholes.