Were they really all massacred? It doesn't seem possible or realistic. Sure, some nasty incidents surely occurred...

Were they really all massacred? It doesn't seem possible or realistic. Sure, some nasty incidents surely occurred, but I think it is much more reasonable to assume that overwhelming majority of "natives" simply assimilated into American culture by converting to Christianity and interbreeding with whites. It's not uncommon for Americans to discover that they're 1/50 Cherokee or something when taking DNA tests.

Other urls found in this thread:


You're asking the wrong question. Nobody claims every Native America was massacred. What you should be asking was-'did the US (both the government and by the private actions of its citizens) have a deliberate policy of ethnic cleaning towards the native inhabitants?'

The answer is yes, btw.

I know, but it just seems like there were just too many "Indians" for them to have all gotten massacred. I'm not denying that there were massacres. But it just doesn't seem realistic that these massacres were so frequent and so widespread that they managed to remove all Indians from 99% of the continent. Doesn't it make more sense to assume that most of them simply assimilated through inter-breeding?

Why would you 'assume' anything? US-Indian relations are widely documented. Do you actual care about the subject? Read a book about it god knows there's plenty of material.

Like everything you're asking about happened well within the clear light of historical veracity and you're here on Veeky Forums asking stupidly round-about questions instead of investigating the heart of the matter.

Not all were massacred. Some got killed by plague, but a ton of tribes basically just fucked and got fucked by the French leading to Hapa kids who then had kids with French and Brits and from 3rd Gen were basically whites.

Do you really think the vast majority of natives interbred with whites to the extent where in most parts of the states today, you rarely ever see a full-blooded native? Gtfo.

>Do you really think the vast majority of natives interbred with whites

What other explanation is there? The red man used to cover the entire continent. Now he only exists in reservations. How did this occur?




Do you think, for example, that in 1492, where approx. 112 million Natives existed, that Native Americans would exist in their current populations today without some kind of genocide?

Do you think it reasonable to assume the number of Natives has dwindled since that time simply due to the white man fucking them out of existence?

What sounds more reasonable to you?

There were never anywhere near 112 million native inhabitants in what would become the territory of the United States.

But that's my point. There IS NO FUCKING WAY that Americans could have killed 112 million natives with just 18/19th century technology.

It would take atleast a thousand years for there to
have been enough interbreeding to reach the situation you propose.

>The population figures for indigenous peoples in the Americas before the 1492 voyage of Christopher Columbus have proven difficult to establish. Scholars rely on archaeological data and written records from settlers from the Old World. Most scholars writing at the end of the 19th century estimated that the pre-Columbian population was as low as 10 million; by the end of the 20th century most scholars gravitated to a middle estimate of around 50 million, with some historians arguing for an estimate of 100 million or more.[1] Contact with the New World led to the European colonization of the Americas, in which millions of immigrants from the Old World eventually settled in the New World.


So you think fucking them out of existence would have been faster? Lol.

See: user knows.

There were only 2 million native americans in the USA

That's for the entire AMERICAS, and still most experts propose a number less than HALF of "112 million". The population of native inhabitants pertinent to this discussion of US-Indian relations is a FRACTION of that ridiculous 112 million number you proposed, maybe even a 1/10th of the number.

>what are diseases
Literally the entire incan empire and mayans were thoroughly killed by diseases. The same can be said of the natives in north america to some extent and then add on the wars with the settlers and the U.S. government.

It wouldn't take thousands of years. Take a look at this.

You're ignoring the fact that the native men would have to settle for native women. Maybe even the majority of Native women would have to settle for Native men.

On average, I doubt euros were starting families with natives. They saw them as savages.

maybe, maybe, maybe. 50 million is still a lot of fucking natives.

White americans are on average 0.2% native american. Times 250 000 000, that gives 500 000 natives living diluted in whites.

Most of them died of disease decades before their tribe ever met a white person. Europeans brought Old World diseases to the East Coast and Mexico, and those diseases followed pre-existing trade routes.

That's why there were so many buffalo around when the Oregon trail was running. Before Columbus, there had been a few million Amerindians hunting them. But then the Columbian exchange happens, natives get smallpox, and suddenly there's only ~150,000 of them left. Meaning way fewer buffalo get eaten, and their population explodes.

Most of them lived in latin america, where they still make up a good chunk of the genome

>I doubt euros were starting families with natives

It was probably much more common than we know.

50 million natives didn't live in what would become the US at any point in history you doofus.

The USA didn't not destroy all Natives in the AmericaS.

In Latin America, interbreeding created Metizos.

And there are still massive Native American communities in other countries. 45% of Peru's population is pure Native.

What is that supposed to prove?

It takes a long ass time for there to be enough interbreeding between 2 sharply different ethnic groups to form a "new" mixed majority. Unless ofcourse you conquer a people, wipe most of them out and bang all their women, as is the case for South America.

"probably" based on what? your opinion?

>While it is difficult to determine exactly how many Natives lived in North America before Columbus, estimates range from a low of 2.1 million to 7 million people to a high of 18 million.

7 mil is still a lot of fucking people.

18 mil is still a lot of fucking people.

Even 2.1 mil is still a lot of fucking people.

One thing is for damn sure though, euros did not fuck all of those people into near-extinction.

In the USA Native Americans were consistently transferred off land into reservations. These reservations are isolated and for the most, no interbreeding occured, and very few Americans actually have Native American DNA.

It's just natural for humans to fuck each other. Why would you limit your options based on arbitrary criteria?

idk, ask a racist?

They're still here, there are 3 million pure natives in the USA

Because of a long running series of racial divisions present in the United States., that were deeply ingrained in society.

Why'd you even bring up '50 million' in the first place if you had no idea you dweeb? At least you learned something today even if it wasn't on purpose.

There actually were anywhere between 50 and 120 million people in the Americas before Colonization.

Americas != America

Most of them in mexic and peru, where they're still the majority...

>Because of a long running series of racial divisions present in the United States., that were deeply ingrained in society.

Yeah, but that was because of Jim Crow, which didn't happen until the late 19th century.

Mexico is 60% Meztizo.

Peru doesn't have a majority.

According to official statistics, it's all debatable due to complex understandings of race in Latin America.

What is Chattle Slavery?

Cattle slavery


very true. I actually know next to nothing on this subject, just vaguely googled these numbers.

endangered = near extinct

I didn't know that redskins were enslaved. I thought that was only blacks.


Redskins were the slavers, not the slaves.

Genetics don't require "complex understanding" and prove their substantial native ancestry. Some countries like bolivia are almost pure native.

>higher population than their pre columbian population

Actually they were, but it was uncommon. But that's not the point. I believe the constitution, or at least one of Jefferson's writings refers to Native Americans as ignorant savages.


compared to the rest of the world they might as well be endangered.

Tommy Lee Jones certainly has some Native in him.

They have a higher population than iceland.

Tom certainly wasn't against inter-breeding though, if you know what I mean.


tommy lee chad

My suburb is bigger than Iceland.

guess icelanders are endangered too then.

Right, are the icelandic people endangered?

Except if you look at official statitics the numbers overlap, which is which.

mestizo (mixed white and Amerindian ancestry) 68%, indigenous 20%, white 5%, cholo/chola 2%, black 1%, other 1%, unspecified 3% ; 44% of respondents indicated feeling part of some indigenous group, predominantly Quechua or Aymara

From the CIA World Factbook.

68% Meztizo, but 44% indigenous?

Val Kilmer too



Yeah, mestizos are mixed whites/natives.


One example isn't enough.

Stop being a cuck, I'll bring up a million other sources if need be.


Not majority indigenous is the point.




Between 30 and 60% depending on the study. That's the equivalent of tens of millions of natives...

Cattle - large ruminant animals with horns and cloven hoofs, domesticated for meat or milk, or as beasts of burden; cows.

Chattel- an item of property other than real estate.

They only have 11 million people.

Dude I'm just fucking with you because the word chattle looked similar to cattle, implying black people are no more than livestock. Don't take it that seriously, do you happen to be from that one website with the white alien in the logo by any chance?

There are more than 100 million mestizos, if they're 50% native hat's the equivalent of 50 million native

I just like to argue, wasn't taking it seriously. Gives me orgasmic pleasure. Was planning on putting one of those bait pictures.

It's actually an admixture of around 44% white and 44% Native, and 6% Black.

Also, two halve of people's DNA don't add up to a person unless you're mentally handicapped..

Ok 44 million, whoopee

Jesus Christ you're dense, it means that the natives interbred. Fucking retard.

I'm going to apply the Sargon rule, you're the dense one. I hope you're an SJW.

Okay, now that we've address the central topic, it's time to move on to something else: Did they REALLY use every part of the Buffalo?

Yes including the testicles.




The almighty God placed animals on Earth for Man to do with as he wished.


The buffalo is worth more than anybody who ever held the Mexican passport, prove me wrong, Squatamalan shit.

Yes but because it was necesary to survive more than anything.

>native hunter's used every part of buffalo meme.
>implying this wasn't true for almost all cultures up until there was such a surplus.
>also implying there wasn't a fuckton more waste as the natives didn't have access to pure/sea/rock-salt, didn't make sausages, and at best made jerky.

native hunting methods (IE: stampede off a cliff) weren't really all that efficient either..

I'd argue the european/American/Mexican settlers/ranchers made better use of every part of a cow, sheep or goat than a native did with a single bison, In terms of preservation, and use of things like horns, hooves, brains, teeth, etc.

Natives were pretty fucking wasteful.

A good 90%+ died before ever seeing or hearing about white people. The survivors, shell shocked from their apocalyptic event, tried to pick up the pieces while the vast majority of the infrastructure they had built was reclaimed by nature, and wild game rapidly grew back to large numbers.

Settlers came across nice cleared fields and what seemed like natural paths that needed minimal work to become roads and fucking exploded, while having a variety of interactions with the Mad Max version of natives. Some good, some bad, some just sorta okay. But the natives were hardly at their best when they met white people. Their best though, wasn't as impressive as the anomaly of Europe. Nothing was.

Some tribes got their asses kicked, either by settlers or other tribes. Some made deals and got betrayed. Some made deals and betrayed the settlers/other native groups. Most of it sucked most of the time.

Some made arrangements that even sorta worked out, ish, like the Inuits of northern Canada. If you ever go up there and get on the community's good side, you'll learn a lot of cool shit about which plants get you different kinds of high, and how delicious bannock is. But it's hard and you run a real risk of getting mugged, murdered, and pretty much guaranteed to have shit stolen the second you take your eyes off of it.

here's an example:
>native converts to christianity
>adopts a christian name.
>marries a settler's daughter, her father being somewhat cautious but seeing as he's a good christian basically agrees to it.
>nobody really minds, generally most heavy-agricultural work left people very tan anyway, and so they might at most suspect he's got a bit of "native blood", but he dresses "white", and is a christian so whatever... there's more important shit to worry about.

>they keep it under wraps/secret out of a sort of "shame" for many generations.

90-95% of them were "removed" from the continent by diseases brought by the Spanish. Its well documented that the rest either: A. assimilated as you say, again, this is well documented and was very common from early on to the present. B. died in from deliberate disease, exposure, or warfare, or C. continue to live on reservations to this day.
You're asking a question thats already been answered and is readily available to you.

The disease factor is a overstated. A lot of deaths that people somehow ignore is being pushed out of good land into bad land which killed people whether due to environmental pressures or settlers/military, also lots of war between natives and political entities.

mestizo are mixed
they are still partially native

Weird left this thread and saw pic related on twitter

This is some high level bullshit that dumb people believe

That's like killing 500 natives per day nonstop since 1492


so what?