What divides Eastern and Western Europe, according to Veeky Forums ?

What divides Eastern and Western Europe, according to Veeky Forums ?

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Traditionally it would be things like the Vistula river or the Hajnal line. Today it's a little murky with the V4 being in the EU and NATO but not really being "Western".

Carpathian mountains
Iron curtain

whenever it was baptized by western roman church or eastern byzantine church

Anything east of Poland

Neither of those make much sense to me. The East-West division is a historical-cultural division primarily based on the Great Schism and remaining Ottoman influence. The most obvious dividing line is in the Balkans, a hotpot of contrasting cultures on a very small area (Croatia - mainly western Catholic, Bosnia - large ottoman influence, muslim population, Serbia - Eastern Orthodox). Of course, nobody agrees where the Balkans supposedly begin and end.

>What divides Eastern and Western Europe
Central Europe

orthdox christianity and lazy governments


It's more of a cultural division than anything geographic ,western europe has traditionally been Catholic and Protestant europe (which once was the only europe), while "eastern europe" was orthodox europe. The new division based on post-communist regimes has come back to the front because of disagreements within the EU and USA with western european countries, which is why you see things like V4 even though they have little to no historical connection and are more geopolitical formations.

desu v4 has more historical connections than geopolitical ones

The technology group, western nations have western, Eastern euros have Eastern technology group

These custom nations like Ukraine are such bullshit


Poland is Eastern tho

Only if your rules are based on muh cold war

why does it go through italy?

It's pretty nice to release them as a buffer state between Russia and the Ottomans.
Or force Russia to release them and then ally them in your next war against Russia.

That's pretty much the whole point of Ukraine's existence.

The only logical divide, Czechs and Poles that call themselves Central or Western Europeans should be hanged

>slav or east of slavs
>None of the above conditions
Not eastern
>pet of western countries like Finland or Greece
"Not Eastern"

If you're eastern and in Europe you're eastern european. If not in europe you're oriental ie asiatic.

Not really. What happens is that you don't want to share region with the Ruskies. It's fine, ruskies are barely european. Real eastern europe is mostly what you guys want to call central.

it's not >hurr we don't like russians
it's the distinct differences between western, central and eastern europe
not to mention northern and southern

Eastern and Western Europe are divided by their religious affiliation, West is Rome, East is Patriarchal, until Bosnia fucked it all up for everyone

Central Europe.

Eastern and Western are thirds, East and West are halves.

So...Austrians and Swedes are Eastern?

>one of the most important parts of the Holy Roman Empire
>not Central/Western

Religion and culture.

I guess because northern Italy = industry, while southern Italy = agricultural "society".

The Rhine.

Everything that doesn't have English as their mother tongue=Easter Yurop

That's nice and all, but Bohemia is not the Czech Republic.
The modern one is distinctly East European in everything and practically indistinguishable from Slovakia or Poland.

To me the primary historical divide was the one related to serfdom.

In Western Europe serfdom declined replaced by freehold tenancy, large scale enclosures occured etc. In Eastern Europe (for various reasons) serfdom survived as a significant part of the economy until the 19th century.

By this standard most German lands including Prussia, the Habsburg Empire, and everything east and south of that is Eastern European.

Fuck off, my country is completely Eastern except for Prague.
fuck off, it doesnt work that way, we arent in 1450 anymore

>distinctly East European in everything
for example?
>practically indistinguishable from Slovakia or Poland
which makes sense, as all three are central europe
you wouldn't say the same about czechia, belarus and moldova

The Elbia

Main factors of the divide in order of importance:
1. Language and Religion, followed by
2. Economic and Political history, followed by
3. The current level of economic and human development.



>United States
>Protestant OR roman catholic
Lol no. All the LARP churches aren`t even really christian.

>Hajnal line

Catholic/Orthodox border
Iron curtain

He isn`t exactly wrong, even if his wording was retarded. The hajnal line is probaly the oldest and most enduring line dividing east and west europe, if you exclude arbitary things like culture.

It's a made up concept created in the 1960s. There is nothing traditional about it.

"Eastern" became a code word for "poor" in the West while "Western" became a code word for "gay" in the East. It seems like all other definitions are meaningless.

Based on several aspects like language families, religion, customs, and social issues like the cold war, WWI and other shit like that, it should be something like this

>Western Europe

pick one


>high percentage of Lutheran Christians
>Estonian not being a baltic language and having strong resemblances with Finnish
>Early religion having Nordic influence
>Vernacular architecture having Nordic influence

More like Finland should be considered Eastern Europe but isn't because they're rich. Estonia has no excuse.

>The only logical divide, Czechs and Poles that call themselves Central or Western Europeans should be hanged


Not that user, but Estonia is rich though
>Estonia is a developed country with an advanced, high-income economy that as of 2011 is among the fastest growing in the EU. Its Human Development Index ranks very highly,[7] and it performs favourably in measurements of economic freedom, civil liberties and press freedom (3rd in the world in 2012 and 2007).[20] The 2015 PISA test places Estonian high school students 3rd in the world, behind Singapore and Japan. According to Eurostat, Estonia had the lowest ratio of government debt to GDP among EU countries at 6.7% at the end of 2010. A balanced budget, almost non-existent public debt, flat-rate income tax, free trade regime, competitive commercial banking sector, innovative e-Services and even mobile-based services are all hallmarks of Estonia's market economy.

So, cold war borders? They only existed for 40 years.

It's poorer than many Eastern countries.

That`s why I said his wording was poor. Historically speaking the line makes up the most clear difference between east and west

The line itself is extremely arbitrary. For example Novgorod would certainly follow the "western European" pattern yet it's never included because muh line. It doesn't help that the concept has been raped to hell and back by brainlets like that HBD roastie.

>which makes sense, as all three are central europe
>you wouldn't say the same about czechia, belarus and moldova
Czechia certainly is closer culturally and historically to Belarus and Moldova than it is to let's say England. Poland and Hungary even more so. Your central europe is actually just a sub-division of eastern europe.

>western countries
Top kek

England isn't western European, it's barely even European. Czechia is closer to Germany than it is to Moldova.

As a Latvian, I think that that map ( ) is fairly accurate, tho l like to still tease Estonians by calling them eastern

Germany is the easternmost western european country. Of course it's gonna share stuff with the westernmost eastern europeans. The core of western europe is France, not Germany, making England the second most western european country due to similarity. No matter if anglos cry that they're special.


Nonsense. North and south europe are sub-divisions of western europe, not entities on their own.

Finally someone gets Greece right

Other than being ex-commies, Czechia has nothing to do with Moldova and I mean literally nothing.

That is how I would divide it. I'm conflicted on Bohemia though

This is how I see it. Maybe I forgot some lines since I have to go now and did that part fast.

The middle of Europe.

Just as a reference, european languages mutual intelligibility. I used this map to make this one

Languages really shouldn't be given such importance.

Here we go again.

Rate my autism pls

>newly westernized
More like they were always western and only got easternized after WW2.

Map maker here, Baltics should also have the Newly Westernized Stars

Why does everyone put Slovenia in the Balkans ITT?

Wealth desu

imo of what would be western tourist friendly

Unfortunately many eastern germanics have been indoctrinated by centuries of byzantine pan-slavist germanophobic propaganda, leading them to renounce their own roots and western germanic bloodkin


Depends on the era

The west/east europe thing is a fairly modern label. It's only logical to go by cold war borders. Eastern=communist influence

My oc which designates Europe as something specified by vatholicism and protestantism (western christianity), feudalism and later capitalism and different historical, religious and ethnic borders

Bohemia and Hungary used to be majority protestant until the Habsburgs went full retard in there. Hungary and Slovakia still have significant protestant minorities.

There's no "east europe". There is.

>Atlantic Europe
Sheep shagging and fishing
>Central Europe
German influenced catholic culture with twirly sounding music
>The Russosphere
Depression, vodka, and the legacy of Kievan Rus + Mongols
>Nordic Europe
Autism, vikings, and depression
Poverty, tribal feuds, superstition, and the ramifications of colonization

Europe's mini-africa
>Southern Europe
Wine drinking metrosexuals and a disdain for authorities


Hans, you are Eastern European in that Polono-Turkish city of Berlin.


t. Pražák

fucking hang yourself, nigger. I bet you vote for KSČ as well

True Western country would not try to prove to everyone so humoressly and persistently that they are western and developed. You are shittier than even Poland in this respect. You are trying to cheat using the fact that nobody ever been to your shithole.

Kill yourself you idiotic larper



>65% of Austria is Eastern

wrong reply, meant to go to

what a weird map
if going by cultural criteria, what qualifies the definitely eastern baltics+bargain bin finns but not mediterranean croatia?

This, pretty much
I hate being considered eastern even though I'm only touching the eastern border of the IC

I saw this on /pol/ last night

Very good question. I just pulled it off of Wikipedia without thinking. I'd probably take the Balts off