Why was he wrong again?

Why was he wrong again?

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He forgot that humans were greedy.
And that vision of history too.

He was a kike.

The "immiseration of the working class" stopped in most countries around 1840-1850 and wages started rising.

something something THE JOOOSSS something something


The factory owners actually threw the workers a bone.

His lens for history was faulty at best, dangerous at worst, further, is idea of humanity is grossly overestimating humanity's ability for compassion outside of the group, and somehow thought that the demonisation of a certain class of society wouldn't breed a boogey-man that transitory governments could hijack and use as a reason for their continued rule and eventual dictatorship, and in all scenarios of a revolution on this scale, dismantling societal order or ensuring some kind of non dictatorial state is unheard of.

Not all humans are greedy, just a small minority. These people do end up becoming CEOs / factory owners though, we call them psycopaths.

Because history has cyclical elements but isn't necessary cyclical in of itself. To tout a future state of society, without actually understanding human nature, is arrogance beyond arrogance.

Man fears far more strongly than he loves. And it is his fear that betrays him more than love. He'd rather have his mediocre life rather than realizes he has to gamble if he wants to play. And there are always men willing to gamble and who end up high.

There is no transfer of an absolute state to a class of proletariat. Because only a fucking idiot of a ruler would be so naive. The dynamics of different groups, social, ethnic, yadda yadda, means that there is always a trapdoor that allows more people to fall under the fold of benefits.

Soon everyone would be proletariat and, because most people have really shitty future-orientation, would abuse the system to exclude certain groups and welcome others.

Not to mention that Marx works off the same premises as capitalists. To paraphrase Henry Flynt, "A side of human potential is smothered by the mercenary imperative brought by capitalism. Quests are no longer possible because society is bound to this imperative." (Henry Flynt, Premises for Communist Economics)

Just because workers have been getting it better doesn't mean they are having it good. Honestly in my opinion workers still have it far from good.

Bad paraphrase, my bad.

The mercenary imperatives, which affects both communism and capitalism as they derive from axioms both share.*

You sound really butthurt about successful people

Psychopathy is over represented in CEOs. An Austrialian study of roughly 200 "professionals" found that psycopathy has a 1 in 5 rate among CEOs, the same as in the general prison population.


The fact that you consider some wealthy fuck with brand clothing and an expensive car 'successful' says a lot about your personality. This is not what life is a bout, CEO's have the ambition 'to get rich' thus they don't give a shit about the humans they work with, this makes them shitty people.

Ofcourse there are example of good CEO's but they are an extremely small minority, these are usually humble people who don't flaunt their wealth (example Bill Gates)

>in industrial societies, rich will get richer and poor will get poorer
Industrialization actually reduced economic inequality, it was de-industrialization that widened it again.
>a communist takeover can only happen in developed, industrial countries like Germany or England, because the workers will have high class consciousness there. It won't happen in agricultural feudal shitholes, because peasants are naturally reactionary.
In reality the communist revolutions happened in China, Russia, Cuba and Cambodia - glorified feudal peasant shitholes. Rich industrial nations with "high class consciousness" didn't give a fuck about communism or revolutions and opted for social democracy instead. Even today the only people who like communism are agricultural 3rd worlders (Chiapas, Rojava etc).
>Historical materialism ensures history is linear, with material base driving the ideological superstructure
Directly BTFO by reality, because the super wealthy and modern Saudi Arabia still has an absolute monarchy, while undeveloped, agricultural shitholes like Peru or Liberia have a capitalist democracy.

t. failed business owners

And most of them are jews.


Marx never believed in cyclical history.

He believed that those in power in a capitalist society would choose to increase their wealth rather than the gap between themselves and the rest of society.

He was wrong. They choose economic power over economic productivity every time.

He wasn't very jew friendly

Right, but his theory of worker revolution was contingent on the trends from 1760-1840 continuing, which they didn't.

Economic power over economic productivity? What do you mean?

He was an anti-Semite who said that our G-D was money. No! Our G-D is the one and only!

global rule 3 is enforced on this board

1 in 5 doesn't mean every CEO is psychopathic, or that anyone is claiming as such.

Big if true. I'd fucking laugh if their levels of psychopathy are disproportionately higher than other races/ethnicity/families whatever.

Pretty much. At the present time, most of us are braindead utility calculators. Men become timid and pitiful when they never test against the world, to have faustian ambitions to remake heaven and earth with the most noble of gazes.

That's my bad, it was more of a reference to how he saw history as being rooted and uprooted on class interests. I'm far more sympathetic to his interpretation of past events over his vague vision of the end of class stratification.

Not him but it's probably easier with an addition.

"Relative economic power". That means elites trying to game the economy so that the biggest gap is created. People aren't merely economic creatures, they're social creatures.


And social creatures want the greatest distinction possible between them and other men. In a game, that a lot of people see as zero-sum, ruthless men cannot win without multiples of men losing. Their existence only has worth if it boosts the relative value.

Those with economic power always push for a larger share of a smaller pie rather than the same amount from a larger pie.


>if you're black and you hate other blacks you're still black
>if you're white and you hate other whites you're still white
>if you're Asian and you hate other Asians you're still Asian
>if you're a jew and you hate other jews, you are no longer a jew

>People aren't merely economic creatures, they're social creatures.

Yes but a lot of people who end up in high positions in business tend to not really care about people, they are good at increasing profits at the cost of the worker. Unfortunately this is still the norm today.

well clearly he wasn't right, so he must have been wrong.

Not always. It's also about the social aspect of giving jobs to people who can help you out in other ways.

Of course. At the same time "a lot" also are effective leaders of their companies. Your beef is with a strategy that wins (corporate/institutional psychopathy).

At the same time, you have to realize most people are fundamentally "bad" who act opportunistically like altruists. People want stability, even if it means instability thousands of miles a way. The flaw of human nature is fundamentally why implementations of communism suck. Because humans aren't moral robots.

>they are good at increasing profits at the cost of the worker.

The profit motive is far better than the sort of shit that occurs in socialist countries. Imagine the level of nepotism when "price" signaling is only done by a few assholes. Not merely price signaling but trying to predict the desires, needs, and necessities of millions of people. What fool would trust a few people, with every motivation to skim, nepotise, and plunder government coffers?

I don't deny the fact he had jewish roots but in religious matter he was raised as protestant. of course this is not a big deal unless you are antisemite.

Jewishness is a genetic category carries the baggage of highly elevated risk of developing schizophrenia, autism and psychopathy due to inbreeding, which often results in creating pathologic ideologies like judaism, feminism and communism.


Honestly I think the biggest flaw of Marx is a flaw that affects most Ashkenazi type jews. Mainly that their above-average level of verbal IQ can construct systems of seemingly immense power and explanation. Without being able to mechanically verify it with a lower-than-average visual IQ.

A man thinks he knows the world and cannot deviate from this gyre of certainty. Even if mechanical verification would demonstrate the incompleteness of his model.

>At the same time "a lot" also are effective leaders of their companies. Your beef is with a strategy that wins (corporate/institutional psychopathy)

This simply is not true and the biggest dillusion of our time. The most succesful companies actually care about their workers and give them a say in how the business is run.

Humans don't have a nature, their personalities are determined by their circuntance, change the structure of society and you will change peoples mind.

he wasn't


>The profit motive is far better than the sort of shit that occurs in socialist countries.

Why dilute it by allowing people to profit without ever working, as with those who get an inheritance?

I was thinking more Toyota

Stop oversimplifying history, plus winning a war doesn't mean you are right, it just mean you develop better tool to achieve that end, usa is a morally sick society.

Walmart is the most successful company on the planet and they're downright exploitative.

I'm a commie, and i kek as fuck

I understand. But psychopathy exists because it is a strategy that works within institutions and often starts at rationalizing behavior with buzzwords in order to avoid scrutiny of the mechanics. So to speak.

Humans have a nature. They are primarily attracted to neotenous faces. Amongst the primates, we have the least difference between infant and adult morphologies. One can consider pedophilia an exaggeration of our visual scanning systems.

We are also social animals who depend on a tribe for protection. People have inclinations which leads them to different values in the sexual and political market. These inclinations also lead to "archetypes" or embodied strategies anthropomorphized.

At the same time, the actions of genetic winners (and reaction of genetic losers) tend to promote their own within a societal structure. Which means different inclinations having different levels of success on the basis of current social conditions.

The romans who embodied the republic weren't the same romans in the empire. The inclination for a sort of stoicism in work and play was replaced, in a sexual and genetic sense, by embodied strategies making use of state structures in order to court greater "success".

>Walmart is the most successful company on the planet

Yeah... that's not true

Because fathers want success for their progeny. You have to be a complete outcast not to understand the love of their children. The happy couple wants to see their son win at life, to vicariously embrace the joy of something which carries their attitudes and worldview through another path in time.

So now you want to tell these people, who've spent their life to acquire such wealth, that they are not allowed to give their son the best start?

Now of course a reasonable tax isn't bad. But trying to make a total tax ruins the motivations of men, who are selfish and yet are willing to make every sacrifice for that smile.

Yes it is.

Great, then we all agree that getting free money helps people become successful and productive.

A reasonable tax on those who are rich would be fine. And none on everyone else.

Revenue doesn't mean anything


I personally think the reason why jews were very inclined to those ideologies like libertarianism and international communism is because their history of discrimination and desperation made them rootless without a sense of national identity similar to other groups. but still this not make them a "hivemind of evil" or every jew follow those ideals, by example, there were non religious Jews in the USSR who persecuted and purged both religious and capitalist jews. Many jews fought with loyalty in the WWI for Germany, there were even fascist jews.

Interesting how the view on Bill Gates changed so radically over the years. I remember when he was thought of as an elite thief. When microsoft did tons of incredibly shady and highly illegal things to destroy their competition.

But, then he became a 'philantropist', and now it shows that word next to his name whenever he is on tv. Bill gates: billionaire, philantropist.
In fact most billionaires get this after their name nowadays, it's like they made a pact. Each giving away just enough to change the public opinion of them. Wouldn't even be surprised if they paid the news companies to add the "philanthropist" word behind their name. Truth of the matter is, if the average american gives like 1k to charity, they have given a higher percentage of their wealth to charity than these supposed 'philantropists'. But they won't get that word behind their name.

In the end, there is no reason whatsoever for bill gates or any other person to have 80 fucking billion dollars, philantropist or not. My opinion hasn't changed, he's still a cunt. If you wanna know how sly and how much of an asshole he was back in his CEO glory days, watch his deposition, it's on youtube. Everything he says is fucking prepared and often he throws in a cheeky smile because he knows he can't be touched.

It's not only free money. It's genetics. It's social connections. It's a bunch of shit.

>And none on everyone else.

The monetary tax is nothing compared to the cognitive tax. Imagine processing, all that ugliness, all the bureaucratic dreariness, the bug people of the world, and still thinking like a sane being.

We are simply in a society which degrades the value of cognitive frames of most people. We bombard them in childhood with ads and dopamine frying electronics. We bombard our teens with more ads and more dopamine frying. We bombard our college students with a fashion of thought that robs their agency.

Whole life-worlds bombarded by complete shit. Good men reduced to servile shit. A mindless world where everyone serves the mercenary imperative, not the quest of discovery, of humility, etc.

There is not enough money to pay people back for the depression of human potential.

No, it really is mental illnesses. Despite /pol/ memes, Jews don't actually operate rationally, their behavior is completely batshit. They're bringing that cuckold SJW gay shit to Israel as well, not just to European countries, so they have no problems ruining even their fellow Jews.

>t. the lamarckist

>biology doesn't real

everyone in the usa should just 2000 dollars per month i think that would be fair

>the immiseration of the working class stopped in most countries around 1850
This is bullshit

well, it stop at least in europe and high developed countries.

I'm not talking about any wars, I'm talking about all the failed states that abandoned the economic model, and the millions of starved/purged people. Is there any genuinely communist nation left? North Korea is basically feudalism, China is just plain capitalist. Maybe it's working in Vietnam? I genuinely know nothing about their society.



The worst they could do is 'squander' it by giving it to the people who would normally have gotten that money from the state directly.

So the worst would be that firms would have to compete for that money instead of lobbying for it.