
What would Bismarck think about Germany's future leaders?

He'd pull what hair he had seeing what Willie II did, and proceed rocking in the fetal position after that.

>tfw you didn’t keep the right strong

>Germany was a mistake

Probably would see Hitler as a jumped up little faggot.

You don't really need to speculate. Bismark made it pretty clear what he believed.

Could he have predicted World War II in less than 30 years afterwards?

World war 2 was the inevitable result of the treaty of versailles, and I don't think even Bismarck foresaw such a terrible thing being imposed on Germany

>World war 2 was the inevitable result of the treaty of versailles

The Great Depression was a more important factor than Versailles DESU. The Nazis never would have risen to power without the Great Depression.

>Wilhelm II
"I knew that faggot would get everyone killed."
"So at this point they just gave up and demanded to be invaded.

He would've despised Hitler and admired Merkel's pragmatism.

Y'know, I think you are somewhat right.

I honestly think he would admire Merkel. Save the refugee business, she pretty much made Germany the master of Europe without a shot being fired.


He would not like how merkel handeled the refuge crisis and may have fuck europe for a while

Especially for such little real material gain

yes and yes, though as another user said he would take some issue with her handling of the refugee crisis

lol why didn't I think of this?

>mfw /pol/acks love to suck on the 3rd Reich's dick and fondle the balls
>mfw the 2nd Reich blows the 3rd out of the water in everyway

And I'm not even German but I still love to read about the 2nd Reich, really brought Germany together. Leave it to Ol' Willy and a Bavarian to fuck it all up

>when you predict ww1, ww2 and the cold war in 1907
Krauts btfo

>would not like
That's an understatement lol

Neither would FDR


>The Great Depression was a more important factor than Versailles DESU.
user the depression was a direct result of the treaty as Germany was idiotic and just mass-printed money to try and pay off their debt to France, causing hyperinflation.

The hyperinflation ended well before the depression. The collapse of the US economy effected Germany, as American investments helped get the Weimar Republic on its feet. When the investments stopped, Germany collapsed with the USA and thus, Nazis now has political capital for their rise

I seriously don't get why people jerk this guy off so much. He created a shit, unworkable government that collapsed in the face of its first major crisis. For the sake of "Muh Junkers" he ensured that all political power would be in the hands of the strata of german society that had next to no social or economic influence, and could only get weaker as the country grew more industrialized. The system was bound to lead to a military dictatorship at best, and complete governmental overthrow at worst. Turns out both happened. Half the stupid shit that caused Germany to lose the first world war stemmed from Bismark refusing to tell the Junkers to go fuck themselves.

>Muh foreign Policy
He sucked at that too. Guaranteed that France would always be a rival (Again because of muh Junkers), bond his country to not one but two agrarian shithole empires, Russia and Austria. I suppose to be fair Russia had not yet revealed how entirely incompetent it was in the Russo-Japanse war.

And all of this idiocy might be excusable if it was user friendly enough for a successor to easily take the reigns. But it wasn't, it was a deliberately over complicated mess. Bismark left Germany rivaled against the two premier industrial powers, dependent on two glorified failed states for defense, with a government that couldn't handle anything more complicated than a student council meeting without plunging into a crisis.

Fuck Bismark

Not sure. The problem with Germany these days is that it really lacks a clear foreign policy, one might even say it lacks a foreign policy period. It's really more reaction than it is actual action and I'd think Bismarck would've despised that in a way. I do agree that he'd propably like the german pragmatism though.

What if Austria was annexed during the 2nd REICH?

He would dislike most of them.

Some people mentioned how Merkel is pragmatic "other than the refugee crisis". This "other" is a huge issue. Napoleon 3 was a good ruler, "other than his foreign policy".

The world war would have happend in 1987

Earlier WW1. German state gets dismembered when they lose.