Ok serious question Veeky Forums, how many of you have EVER downloaded a single crypto wallet?

ok serious question Veeky Forums, how many of you have EVER downloaded a single crypto wallet?

im betting very few, this is why you will always lose money like the idiots that you are.

>BTC (multiple, Core, Multibit, paper wallets ecc)

I'm keeping the shitcoins in the exchange because I need them to move, fees and time would kill me if I had to transfer every time.

BUT, I lost 500k DOGE when Cryptsy closed, so I feel idiot at the moment to keep them on Bittrex...

I keep 80% of my BTC in paper wallets, each holding a small fraction of the total. I have them printed on notes of my own design, heavy with intricate details in the imagery. Sometimes late in the evening I like to take them out of the safe I keep them in and stack them up, and count them.

You obviously have no idea how blockchain works but it makes you feel smart because you're downloading software from the internet. Man i miss being 14.

Are you serious? I do that shit with my guns lel

Oh very serious indeed.

Of course I do.

What do you want to know?

How blocks are mined, nonce + hash of all tx's + merkle root + previous block hash? How difficulty is calculated and adjusted? How pools work? How private key + public key cryptography works? The double hashing of BTC addresses, ie SHA256 + RIPEMD160? How tx's are signed? The structure of a tx, vouts, vins?

Only btc wallet
Everything else can stay in the exchange because it's only there to trade and gain more btc which I then put in my wallet

Ark because I'm staking my coins

this guy btfo

You need to buy some gold. You'd love it.

Its good that everyone is investing and speculating in crypto.

But I do recommend everyone to take the time to actually understand and learn the underlying technology and structure. Its really fascinating stuff.

Never speculate and invest without understanding something before. Don't tread in unknown waters.

Sounds weird.

nice lol

I plan on withdrawing a percent from bittrex onto a private wallet once I get an actually substantial amount of cash

you wouldn't download a paper wallet would you?

fuck you, i would if i could

>heavy with intricate details in the imagery

what like some religious manuscript? da fuck?

Nice! Just bought 100k Ripples

Never have.

I'm going to do this now. What exactly do you mean of your own design? Like artistically?

I keep 98% of my coins in my Trezor, split between 4x different passphrases with 2x decoy passphrases.