*loses to Haiti*

*loses to Haiti*

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haiti ended up having to pay a massive debt to France with massive interest.

>*eats mud pie*

Which resulted in Haiti having to chop down most of their trees to pay their debts, or face another war. They were doomed from the start.

they lost against haitian mulattoes, blacks were just cannon fodder

I guess you guys lost to Haitian mulattoes too before you regained your independence huh? Trujillo please go.

actually we did, dominican republic was ruled by a haitian mulatto named boyer who had a french father and a black mother, so you see, dominican republic was never ruled by black haitians

Why would they agree to that?
They had beaten France militarily and killed all white who could have supported France.

No lots of Blacks were in the higher up parts of the resolution lol. Hell many prior slave rebellions were done by Blacks.

That's the funn thing. the minute people here that mulattoes supported the revolution (as there were many that supported the French) people go "IT WAS ALL LED BY MULATTOES".

The French were coming back and by oaying reparation France would recognize their independence.

>Why would they agree to that?
because france was threatening to invade them again and the last time that happened they suffered 80,000 deaths, and the death toll would have been higher if the french hadn't gotten crippled by disease

france had a navy and haiti didn't they blocked all trade to and from the island.

the US decided not to help because they were friends with france and supporting a country led by a slave revolt could make american slaves question their status as well.

Britain didn't help because they were trying to be friends with the US and they were preoccupied with napoleon and other parts of the empire.

Spain attacked and took 2/3rds of the island when france wasn't looking.

blacks always like to ride mulattoes coattails, they say obama is black although he is clearly mulatto since his mother is white

fact is, the haitian revolution was instigated by mulattoes who wanted equal rights as the french

this is also the reason dominican republic and spain had a large scale guerrilla war, the mulattoes wanted equal rights or spain had to fuck off

mulattoes aren't submissive like blacks

Where does the word mullato come from anyway ? who invented it ? Because that word is actually disgusting and uncomfortable to read, idk why.

mulatto as an identity doesn't exist in America you dumb nigger

>mulattoes aren't submissive like blacks

Lets completely ignore all the many slave rebellions allover the places that had Black slaves or the fact that the Haitian revoltuion was started by Black slaves.

Christ what's with Dominicans and their frothing at the mouth obsession with shitting on Blacks?

people used to think half breeds were sterile like mules since whites and blacks are a different species

the only time blacks managed to have a successful, organized rebellion was when they allied with mulattoes

that's a fact

Mullato doesn't come from the word mule, Negro.

> Mulatto does not derive from " Mule". The word derrives from "Muladi", which is from medieval Arabic " Muwaladeen", which means white mixed with Moor.

I never said that it was successful only with Blacks. The success of the Haitian Revolution comes from many factors.



Do you know why dirt cookies went p in consumption. Just answer that for me.

Toussaint, Jean-Jacques Dessalines and Henri Christophe among many other leaders were of recent African ancestry that were the basis of Haiti's revolution.

>They had beaten France militarily
They killed a unharmed farmers, if the French did come they would have been all killed.

France did invade and got btfo

Source ?

So the French "getting BTFO" involve them slaughtering an entire Island of Niggers and Anglos ?

And as usual Anglos sides with negroes, which is no wonder since their women need the black bulls

How the fuck did Britain "lose to Haiti"?
We were on their side

They lost to yellow fever, not Haiti. And Britain was backing the slave revolt.

Black people are not exactly the smartest people on Earth.

You must be pretty accomplished to have met every single black person on Earth.

>be Haitian
>free yourself from slavery
>btfo of yourself every day by killing whites

>As usual the anglos sides with negroes, which is no wonder since their women need the black bulls

Please stop with your pathetic cuck fantasies. White women are less likely to race mix than anyone, and clearly you know nothing of history if you think brits always sided with niggers

Just like ww1 and ww2