What is the right answer?

What is the right answer?

No. Socialism is not 'when the government does things'

Modern Liberalism + State funded R&D - Energy

Taxation is theft

classical Liberalism, probably

how could a country function without at least some taxes?

general education is probably a good idea though

With what public schools are like, fuck no. I'd never send my child to a public school.

>leave energy security out of it
This is what failed states look like

Depends on the school, desu

Depends on funding.

pay your tithe to God

Lot of public schools are good.

Christ no. I'll take all the money I'd be charged for public and go private. Fuck your dumbass kids.

Repeal no child left behind, and I'll reconsider

Are you a burger or bong by any chance? You guys could never into public education.

Well, in America's case, we have 100 million poor kids whose parents don't pay into the system.

>tfw to dumb too become an islamic socialist republic

Protip, its already been repealed under Obama

Whew, that's good.

Oh wait, he instead just lets Schools meet their own criteria for success. Yay.

At least I got to reconsider

Do these ideas on public education apply to higher education as well?

I certainly wouldn't want college to be the racket it is today, but dumbing down University and High School is just awful.

You must live in the bible belt.

Michigan, and I learnt more about science in my catholic middle school than in my public high school.
I didn't surpass my middle school teaching until the second year of my BS course.

thats because middle school teaches you everything you need to know
t. went to public school and learned nothing after 7th grade (except chemistry)

I'm including AP, here. Only exception is AP calc, but that was a bunch of bullshit, putting Calc I and II into the same class.

They have IB High schools now, so anything that isn't specialized is basically retard daycare. It's pretty disgusting

Socialism is more about agressive taxation on upper classes to balance wealth than bigger government (though I've never seen socialists who don't advocate for it anyway). From what I've seen, big government for poorer countries until you have a sizeable middle class who can afford voting with their wallets and charity, then classical liberalism.

Is there any system that taxes middle class people a reasonable rate, rich people more, and makes poor people do stuff like community service for their gibs?

Unironically everything other than the shit in the blue oval. The faster we can end the divisive instiutions, the faster we integrate into one people.

Someone just secured themselves a spot on the proscription list

How could the BBC function without taxpayer money? How will we get unbiased news?

>none - anarchism
Complete retardation right here. Useless image.

All you need to do is make taxes labour-based for everyone and that'd happen. Poor people work, rich people can afford to hire someone else to do their work.


>Socialism is more about agressive taxation on upper classes to balance wealth than bigger government (though I've never seen socialists who don't advocate for it anyway)
If you asked Veeky Forums, I'd probably be considered a socialist, but I hate the government. I'm Australian and a strong supporter of personal freedom and liberty though.

To me, a lot of social 'safety net' programmes make a lot of sense, especially those designed to be preventative. Comprehensive mental health treatment for instance, because in the long run, you're saving money by treating someone.

But guns, weed, gay marriage, hookers, and Erlenmeyer flasks should be all legal. I'd have a progressive 'freedom tax' type system, where the more commercialised, the more regulations you face. So an individual could make their own bathtub gin fine, they'd have safety responsibility for selling it to friends but no excise payable, then excise payable after a certain point. Same sort of thing with guns, no firearm-specific regulations on homemade guns for private use.

This would have the added benefit of giving a fairer playing field to small and medium sized businesses, because although they can't use an economy of scale, they have different benefits over large businesses and multinationals.

Also, I'd make politicians who voted to pass legislation hold a certain amount of legal responsibility over it, so we can sue the fuck out of them when they take away our freedumbs.

>ywn ride a bicycle powered Gatling gun down the shooting range without a helmet

Are you saying the BBC isn't unbiased?!
I'll have you know my mummy works for the BBC and she makes sure the less well-to-do get more time of the telly-welly!

Seriously user, HELP!
I hate the nanny state but everyone is too much of a mommies boy to put a bullet in a few heads!

Right now, somewhere between classic and modern liberalism. Society needs to become much more automated with robotic slaves and energy so cheap they practically pay you to use it for socialism to work properly.

Somewhere between classical liberalism and modern liberalism.

Is it right to force someone to pay for something? Taxpayers benefit from roads and fire protection and unless you believe ancap memes there would be chaos and disaster without them. Maybe paying to help the homeless and orphans is justified.

However why am I paying cops to arrest people selling a plant (cannabis) again?

How many aircraft carriers do we need?

Farm subsidies and corporate welfare?

America has been a corporation since uSA became USA, thats why they dont use the civil flag.

Classical liberalism now, and once proper private fire-fighting markets and road markets emerge, minarchism.

image misrepresents all of the positions, try again

The problem is once government takes over something, privatizing it causes chaos because society adapts to the guarantee.

t. soverign citizen

Holy FUCK the Americans in this thread are stupid.

And some of you others are not representing yourselves well either.

Socialism is not a political system. Socialism is the idea of cooperative ownership of labour and resources.

Socialism is the idea that workers should be able to own the products of their labour, through part ownership or cooperatives. That the workers should directly benefit from their produce, and that they themselves should decide how their labour is valued (i.e. not by a capitalist director or board of shareholders). Socialism is all about cooperative ownership of manufacture, it is an economic and social system, not a political one.

What you all seem to be thinking of (and what OP SHOULD have put in this shitty diagram) is Social Democracy. This is the system that, in its MANY different forms provides everything from public housing to food, while still being democratic in nature. This is what people mean when they think of the Scandinavian system, or the welfare states developed in many other European nations.

>But what about the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics

Countries misname themselves all the time.

What the USSR was was Social Autocracy or Social Authoritarianism. Basically like SocDem in that it provided stuff paid for by the public, but unlike SocDem the public had absolutely no say in what they got (and if they tried to say it anyway, got gulag'd).

The thing about Social Democracy is that generally the public (through democratic election) is given control over how much stuff the taxpayer should pay for. This is why the UK has the NHS and free public housing for the poor/unemployed, and a whole host of other benefits, but not specific ones like free transportation or free tertiary education (unless you're Scottish), as the public has deemed those unnecessary by virtue of voting for representatives that pledge to oppose them over representatives that pledge to support them.

>americans are stupid
>ussr wasnt REAL socialism and I would know being a leech with no real merits
europe is a literal shithole, they cant even afford protection for their citizens because they're so poor

they should have called it social democracy.

Social democracy is at least real unlike socialism which is an unworkable theory

>private fire fighting markets
People already got fed up with those in the West.
>road markets
They're pretty well maintained and a good idea, but they can be pretty pricey. There are a lot of these on the east coast.

I'm fucking tired of cars though. Auto insurance, maintenance, and having to deal with shit drivers that stop in roundabouts or can't use their blinkers. I'm pretty jealous of smaller counties and their public transport.

>ussr wasnt REAL socialism

The USSR wasn't socialism of any kind, because socialism is inherently a democratic notion. It is the idea of the workers (i.e. the people at large) controlling the resources and industry into which they put their effort.

No modern European nations are largely socialist either. There are isolated examples of individual enterprises being socialist (local cooperatives, generally of communal necessity in small or isolated communities), but never on a large scale, and certainly never as the majority of industrial activity of any nation state ever.

Socialism is, ultimately, unrealistic as an economic system. In any real world scenario, humans are not capable of the level of cooperation and altruism necessary to make a completely socialist system function on anything but the absolute smallest scale. Plus there are numerous arguments against it from an economic standpoint (organisational effort and expense, competitiveness, adaptability etc).

That said, it's really important people use the correct terms when referencing these controversial ideas, or else any discussion quickly turns into pointless demagoguery.

>Workers control the means of production and evenly distribute the resultant wealth within a company or corporation or cooperative

>Socialism but when every individual community of humans lives on pure self-determination, not just economically, but politically as well

Social Democracy
>A democratic political system that uses taxes to a large degree as a means to redistribute wealth to enhance social justice and equality

Social Autocracy/Authoritarianism
>Social Democracy but instead the people have no choice in how much they give or get, everyone gets what the autocrat of the state says they do, nothing more nothing less, with an ideological emphasis on equality and social justice

(Note: I do not support any of these systems, I am just trying to be informative)


Is authoritarian minarchism a thing? Like, taxes funding an extremely effective and ruthless police force and anti-corruption institution?

Basic income isn't shown but that's the answer.