Normally I go to r/cmv for this sort of thing...

Normally I go to r/cmv for this sort of thing, but for some reason the moderators don't trust the account I''m currently using, so I'm gonna ask you guys.

What was so bad about McCarthyism that distinguished it from the current discrimination against conservatives in Hollywood and Silicon Valley?

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McCarthy was actually competent

McCarthyism had an actual national security purpose.

Don't most people consider McCarthyism BAD? I'm asking for an argument from that perspective.

I really dont know why people treat him like a war criminal. People seem to forget that the cold war was going on, and people subverting and attempting to destroy their culture was the last thing they needed. Do you think that we would just let the american nazi party just exist in america in 1944?

I just want to know what he did that was so bad.

McCarthyism was considered bad because it was chasing magical communist boogeymen that ruined a lot more lives than it ever did catch actual spies and informants.

Moreover, have you considered that being an asshole at work is why someone like Damore got fired, and not for being a conservative or whatever the fuck?

There's open discrimination against conservatives in Hollywood. Are you actually denying that? Also, Damore's memo was very civil.

Only Jews and communists consider it bad.

He sidetracked the real fight against communism by accusing a bunch of random people of being reds without evidence.

People like this are a red's best friend.

>What was so bad about McCarthyism that distinguished it from the current discrimination against conservatives in Hollywood and Silicon Valley?
don't know about 'bad' but the obvious difference is one is done by companies because conservative viewpoints are considered bad for business (big corporations want to make the most inoffensive widely-appealing garbage possible) and the other was done by the government in response to "subversive cultural influences" which conveniently included any opinion that went against the government's

It's considered "bad" only because he was 100% right and the very sort of people he accused got to rewrite history through pop culture.

McCarthy actually managed to uncover a Russian plant or two early on in his career and he used the clout from those to bully anyone who he saw as standing between himself and power. He might have gotten away with it for a lot longer if he hadn't tried to go after the fucking U.S. Army like a retard.

>McCarthy actually managed to uncover a Russian plant

No he didn't.

State enforcement.

Actually american working class culture and a part of political scene was destroyed by big business during that time. Cold war was a good smoke screen. Like war on drugs or war on terror. That's why choice between democrats and republicans is now a virtual one.

It is strange that the only official reason behind the hunt witch against conservatives is money, because the recent abuse of liberal propaganda in the comics had a bad effect on the sales.

le epikly got em good guys le praise le kek MAGA Heil Trump XDDDD!!!!

Church of rainbow is fighting the church of red neck. These are both regressive fundamentalisms.

>abuse of liberal propaganda in the comics had a bad effect on the sales
1. Not bowing down to the church of rainbow might lead to even worse results. Comic books are already on shaky ground with PC.
2. Comics are dying anyway.

are you having a stroke from that truth bomb?

>Not bowing down to the church of rainbow might lead to even worse results.
Source? I am confident that good, unpolitized comics still have an audience.

Obviously, entering at war against your consumers is not very good for business.

Where would I go if I wanted to hear a left-wing perspective on this?

>what's the difference
Everything? The only real similarity is discrimination on political grounds, and even that is really shaky
And the op pic is one of the cringiest things I've seen in a long time, no wonder you're from reddit

Okay, name a thing, then.

Except that McCarthyism destroyed more culture than actual "Russian plots" ever did. Consider that being opposed to nuclear war, criticizing the government in any way (or appearing to), or being opposed to segregation were all seen as grounds to label someone a Communist and blacklist them.

>Moreover, have you considered that being an asshole at work is why someone like Damore got fired
Oh, yeah, what an asshole, how dare he question the narrative with supporting sources in a civil tone while being discriminated against in googles educational policies, promotions and employment.

Fucking white supremacists.

>supporting sources

None of which were peer-reviewed or written in the last decade. Makes sense, though, because he compared working at Google to working in a Soviet work camp like an actual retard.

>None of which were peer-reviewed or written in the last decade
But that's wrong. I also like how sources are turned irrelevant if they're not written by a paraplegic queer afro-ameridian otherkin in the last 23 days.

>Makes sense, though, because he compared working at Google to working in a Soviet work camp like an actual retard.
Yeah man, I mean, what's wrong with being denied education opportunities because you're male? Or being turned down for promotions because the absence of a vagina?

But I guess that makes him the bad guy and an asshole, right? You retarded illiterate excuse for a human being. Do you gobble up everything you hear on TV?

McCarthyism was primarily in the public sphere, whereas this is in the private sphere

McCathyism was a state enforced program whereas the issues conservatives have on the west coast is down to a lack of talent

The idea there are basic differences ON AVERAGE between men and women are well established. He never argued that women couldn't code or work in tech.

Yeah writing a memo like that aimed at his own company, he should have expected backlash, but for an amateur there was nothing wrong with the paper