Which successful culture has come closest to being legit evil? Like the evil empire you'd get in a fantasy setting...

Which successful culture has come closest to being legit evil? Like the evil empire you'd get in a fantasy setting? And it can't be some retarded system that only endures for a few decades; its longevity has to stretch to the centuries.

Other urls found in this thread:


ww2 japan and germany. Sweden during their conquest of Germany. Ameriindians




Decimation of their own people for the sake of profit.

Decimation of other people for the sake of profit.

how much gold and rares did they drop?

Except, the Ottomans were benevolent rulers that pretty much ensured Orthodoxy would survive in eastern Europe and always took in refugees from other countries (like Jewish Spaniards).

Western culture

Definitely America.


>the Ottomans were benevolent rulers
>castrate and ensalve christian children to fight who were abducted before birth, effectively orophaning them
>kill priests whenever someone revotls

I agree with this dude yet it does not go along with OP's
>"And it can't be some retarded system that only endures for a few decades; its longevity has to stretch to the centuries."

I think Communism may fit but I'm not too sure.

The Aztec empire.

Enslave, sacrifice, rape of basically all meso-american culture without leaving much culture behind.

Early Islamic Caliphate, before it fell apart

White people.

Humans when they have power over others with no consequences to their actions. Even someone with a well rounded grasp of psychology, philosophy and the pitfalls of abandoning morality will eventually succumb.

This is why liberty is so important.

You look at morbidly obese and say "they should be receiving mental healthcare and only allowed to eat a good diet, people have too much freedom", however you are only saying that and being considerate exactly because you have to come up with a good reason.

This is something people often fail to understand. You ultimately have to rely on humans to carry out whatever ideal you are fond of, the benevolence you imagine will rapidly evaporate. Heavy oversight must be applied to the use of force.


Orthodoxy survived because of Russia.


Actually, the orthodox church didn't survive at all, since Constantinople became Istanbul the patriarchy of Constantinople remained intact, but all the national churches made themselves independent and to this day still are. Before the ottoman empire Constantinople was basically the Vatican of the orthodox.

Well, literally every single empire was bad to the bone. Especially British, Mongol, German, Russian and Roman.
Frenchies and Spaniards were assholes too tho.

Stupid retard. So you think a multicultural empire that spans two continents is going to have a blank sheet? Of course they've done bad things. But for the most part, compared to other cultures from that time, they were definitely benevolent. Just look at how the Spaniards from the 15th and 16th century behaved. They were fucking savages even towards other Christians.
Also, the whole castration thing is way overblown and we both know some of those kids probably ended up having better lives as cucks at court than being some toothless peasant that can't even read or write.
I used to be like you once. I used to hate Turks and Ottomans and thought they were a plague. Especially since I'm slavshit. Then you start reading more and you realize that the Byzantines were incompetent fucks and that western Europeans were the same xenophobic, imperialistic retards that they've been since they killed the Roman empire.

this is some great way of thinking about actions and consequences itselves. I mean, what's the point of the "think different" if people are not often open to listen to what you have to say. You must present and convince people your idea works. Once you have convinced people of power, this can be applied democratically or by force. By force is not always wrong though, that's when people get wrong about freedom and that everything should be solved democratically, specially in the US.
We rarely get people impose ideals without people supporting him. Mein Kampf was bought by a lot of Germans. Fascism is a way to get there. But you still need people.
Good point user


> White people.
Wh*tes aren't, and haven't culture

benevolent means you are loving towards all of your subjects. Which they weren't

I vote for the perfidious Albion
The Opium war is still one of the most evil plot to have ever been put in play

can't wait until they're all dead

i fucking HATE white people, they're so racist

probably russia

it's an expansionistic culture which is the closest we have to a globalist world order, they also started the whole drama in the middle east in the 70's partially.

>they also started the whole drama in the middle east in the 70's partially.
It didn't start in the 70's tho
pic related


They have a book that tells them to do deranged malevolent things to nonjews.

>White people is monocultural

bix nood dis muhfuggin clapback yts stay stealin our culture u invited 2 da cookout frfr

One man's evil is another man's good... But these guys were pretty much the Tyranids of their day.


Assyrians unironically intentionally bragged about how vicious they were, the razings they did, people and cultures they wiped out, destruction they caused, etc..

Aztec culture was genuinely fucked up.

>Religion based on sacrifice like no other in history: Hundreds if not thousands were sacrificed every day in the most gruesome methods - Their beating hearts torn out, flayed alive, vivisection. The Aztecs literally believed the sun would not rise if they stopped their sacrifices.
>The Priests of Xipe Totec actually wore the Human skins of their flayed victims.
>Entire culture revolved around obtaining captives - Even warfare was ritualized and organized for sport just to capture victims - The Flower Wars.
>Daily worship for those not to be sacrificed still involved gruesome rituals like bloodletting.
>Even their sports were also organized around getting sacrifice victims.
>Worship of the water gods, Tlaloc and Chalchiuhtlicue, and a very important part of their annual ritual included the sacrifice of infants and young children. Babies were known to be boiled to harvest their skulls.
>The Aztecs were generally oppressive assholes and hated throughout Mesoamerica, they demanded harsh tributes from all their vassal states.
>The most respected Aztec warriors were those that could procure the most slaves.
>Their culture in general was obsessed with death and their moral system completely alien to what we consider good and proper.
>The clergy was corrupt and short-sighted and held total reverence and control over society.
>Slavery, though somewhat uncommon, was also practiced.
>They contributed nothing of significance, simply building upon the discoveries of their predecesors like the Olmecs.

This Spanish propaganda to distract from the fact that the Spaniards like all civilizedEuropeans(tm) were busily committing human sacrifices, burning witches, torturing people for petty crimes in gruesome public spectacles at the time.

>Documented history is propaganda
No, fuck off.
I defended the important discoveries and contributions made by native peoples in another thread but history should be neutral.
There is no way to defend or go around how fucked up Aztec culture was. All of this is well documented and backed by evidence.

>abducted before birth

Qing Dynasty China.

>t. Subhuman Han


Turk rats during 1917, North Korea and the WWII Axis Powers.

Ottoman magic.

Even the Aztecs best allies of Texcoco and Tlacopan disliked them for their cruelty. Those two cities formed the basis of the empire and they acknowledged that the people of Tenochtitlan had a more vicious and brutal version of their religion.

I'm Mexican and I agree, those fuckers warred every 3rd day because they needed to eat some hearts and skin some fuckers alive

All of them. But I'd probably point towards Gold Coast African states and only because they prayed on their own kind. At least you can other the people you defeat, rape, enslave, castrate and sell on a mass scale.

>Implying evil exists
Fucking spooks. But in reality, I really can't see any other regime in history as being inherently evil, you see all governments had good intentions. Nazi Germany wanted to take mankind into some real world Isle of Thule, the Soviets tried to free the working class of it's oppressors, ISIS is trying to free Arabs from the oppression of the kafir

There is no evil, there is just the Other

>be Jews
>live in Christendom
>write in the Talmud stuff like "Jesus is burning in a boiling shit lake in Hell and his mother is a whore"
>"Oy vey! Why do the goy persecute us so!"

Belgian Congo?
Well, they built railroads, but still.


Which of thwir subjects did they hate then?

All I got was some fingers

Why are massacres and atrocities against Greeks, Serbs, other Slavs, Armenians, peoples of the Caucasuss, and Assyrians so well known and documented and sourced if the Ottomans were such benevolent and kind rulers?

How the heck did their religion even come about

Literally Christian propaganda. I suggest you watch the TTC course by Kenneth W. Harl.

The mongols maybe? Literally everyone that didn't bow to them they butchered.

evil isn't real

This, but unironically

>millions of dead in the early 20th century
>well-documented population eradications and displacement
"Christian propaganda"

T*rk, if the Ottomans were so great you wouldn't have EVERY SINGLE ETHNICITY fighting for independence (except perhaps Albanians). Sunni Arabs, Catholic Hungarians, Orthodox Slavs/Greeks... every single one.

How come there weren't similar movements on a similar scale against Austria-Hungary (the closest you got were a Hungarian chimpout and Gavrilo Princip's wild ride), likewise a multicultural and multiethnic nation?

Because they didn't kidnap children into slavery, you dumb cunt.

>20th century
>ottoman empire
so you're basing your judgment of a political entity based on what it did in 22 years rather than the other 600?
not that it even matters because just about every country was responsible for retardo nationalism in the 19th and 20th century. what, you think the romanian/bulgarians/hungarians/greeks were super nice to the turk populations after nationalism became a thing?
>Ottomans were so great you wouldn't have EVERY SINGLE ETHNICITY fighting for independence (except perhaps Albanians). Sunni Arabs, Catholic Hungarians, Orthodox Slavs/Greeks... every single one.
why wouldn't you? there's absolutely nothing out of the ordinary with that in an empire this large. there's always somebody that's going to have a problem with your rule.
testament to the fact that the turks weren't so bad is the fact that, you know... these places still fucking exist and they're still christian. and seriously, you're talking about austro-hungarians as if they're good? the people that wanted to magyarize the romanians and serbs? (and by that i mean wipe them out of existence entirely and enforce catholicism because they're cucks).
yeah, no. i don't love turks but they aren't so bad. i'll take them over austro-hungarians and russians any fucking.


Zhang Xianjhong.

Zhang is my favorite, for so many reasons.

>Zhang is my favorite, for so many reasons.

USA is a genuine satanic country.

Oooh jewish spainiards. god damn ottomans loved jewish spainiards.

>Mongol "empires"

This. The Assyrians were exceptionally cruel.


fuck these guys are assholes

>Sweden during their conquest of Germany
Explain why you think so. Swedes were only helping their protestant allies

To be fair it's not clear that they were EXCEPTIONAL in their cruelty, certainly they liked to boast about it, but this was as much a tactic to terrorize their subjects to dissuade them from revolt than it was actual excessive brutality for the standards of the time. Bear in mind that genociding enemy cities was the NORM in this period, the ASSyrians weren't the only people to do it, and the ASSyrian love of learning and patronage of culture should not be dismissed.

"Heavenly Candles" and being the OG edgelord.

t*rks are cockroaches