Why have melting pot societies historically been seen as more attractive than ethnically homogenous countries?

Why have melting pot societies historically been seen as more attractive than ethnically homogenous countries?

>Increase Relations with the country where the immigrants are coming from.
>More people=More money as in GDP
>If the person is educated, new ideas in improving the country can arise due to different prospectives.

>Why have melting pot societies historically been seen as more attractive than ethnically homogenous countries?

That is the dumbest question I've heard in a long time.

> Homogeneous

Im sorry [spoiler]but what does the pic means?[/spoiler]

It means she wants to fuck him

Are you aware of what happens when the female becomes aroused?

Because since they are melting pots they have a type for everyone.

Look at the replies and take a guess...

t. virgin

Not him but it didn't even cross my mind that someone would put up panties soaked in vaginal fluids to dry.

>tfw focused too much on the action of hanging up the panties and thought it had something to do with the flooding

Do you have autism?

Yes, please be more understanding.

Women are degenerates. Also did anyone have a pic of this one guy's tinder profile that says he's been in jail for dating underage girl but still got messages from girls?

That's vulgar af

Fuck.. Mossad sent in some Jewish Chad for some subtle Israeli propaganda. Impressive hasbara.

>melting pot

Pick one. It's an Ashkenazi ethno-state.

Wait a second



You have it all reversed.
Attractive societies become multicultural. They are not attractive for being multicultural.

That said, there is nothing wrong with multiculturalism.
But it also doesn't have any sort of intrinsic good to it either.
Eventually, the pot melts and you're left with a single culture again.

I don't know, Sweden was seen as the home of superlatively attractive people until recently. Swedish Bikini models and all that, while places like Tunisia and Turkey are generally seen as shitholes

Most young people are quiet mixed and even then Ashkenazim are mixed race

Because an ethnostate does not exactly look appealing for people not part of that grop because they know they won't belong.

pretty much this
and islamic culture has no fucking chance of supplanting the west
once they come here, and they see the shelves of everything they could ever dream of, the entertainment, the tits, it's only a matter of time, though it can be a hard process for everyone.
look at indian men, they're almost famous for collapsing as soon as they're exposed to the west. it can't be beaten.

>Ashkenazi ethno-state
>Ashkenazi aren't even 20% of the population
>Took in thousands of Ethiopian Jews during a famine
>Takes in thousands of Ethiopians every year
More than half of Israeli children are mixed. How can you say it's not a melting pot?

women am i rite

again, it can be a grueling process, but swedish bikini models will never be supplanted from the inside. things like that are the deadliest weapons against islam.

You know what's even crazier?

Ashkenaz = Germany in Hebrew

Jews who went from Italy to Germany in the 7th century and developed Yiddish became the Ashkenazi Jews.

In the thots' defence that guy is super handsome.

>roasties will support the rape of children for a square jaw
Elliot Rodger was right


>waahhh ur victim shaming

Cry harder faggot. Don't be a slut.


> Israel Forcibly Injected African Immigrants with Birth Control, Report Claims

> www.forbes.com/sites/eliseknutsen/2013/01/28/israel-foribly-injected-african-immigrant-women-with-birth-control/#5df3313c67b8

>Why have melting pot societies historically been seen as more attractive than ethnically homogenous countries?

>women are degenerates

Did you need to have one tell you that she wouldn't sleep with you first or did you come to that conclusion yourself?

>Report Claims
Most important part of that clickbait.

The woman who came forward drove to pick up birth control every 3 months, then pretended she had no idea about it when her husband found out. Fake news.

>OP makes naked assertion
>Veeky Forums libfags so completely intellectually dishonest they just play along with it

Where's the evidence for

>Why have melting pot societies historically been seen as more attractive than ethnically homogenous countries?

What even is a "melting pot society"? Are you referring to historical Empires? Because the majority of them were, depending on where you were within that particular Empire, extremely homogeneous.

Roman Gaul for example may have had a Roman Governor, his staff and Greco-Roman colonies - but the bulk of the population were always Gallic.

So in lieu of this, what exactly constitutes a "melting pot society" prior to say, 19th century America?

>once they come here, and they see the shelves of everything they could ever dream of, the entertainment, the tits, it's only a matter of time, though it can be a hard process for everyone.

Pakistanis where I'm from, the bulk of our Muslim population, are actually becoming inter-generationally more radical. Moroccans in Holland are becoming inter-generationally more maladaptive, more welfare dependant - likewise with the Maghrebis in France.

What you said is a comforting lie to believe in, but a lie regardless. It's the product of an atomized cretin who is so deracinated he believes "culture" is the accent one speaks with and the entertainment one consumes, and that "ethnic identity" is a travel document issued by the interior ministry.

Fuck off roastie.