To that faggot whale who dumped and killed the pump when TRIG broke through 65k...

To that faggot whale who dumped and killed the pump when TRIG broke through 65k, I'm going to fucking find you and kill you motherfucker. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

FUCK HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOST $2000

>I was using full leverage

Dude that was the funniest shit. I sold at 64k and then seconds later it was down to under 60k



sorry for your loss but seriously what did you think was going to happen? a no-name shitcoin was PnD'd


>on bittrex
this coin is up 2500% since 2 fucking weeks ago

didn't expect it to end LIKE THAT
he dropped the price by 10k sats and killed momentum. It's literally dead now

Buy MUE coin right now then. Will begin mooning this week. Check out the charts on coinmarketcap if you think i'm lying.

its actually going back up. not all hope lost

Im still in it. once it hits 59k im out

You're all week handed pussies. This coin will hit ath before the weekend burn. Man up the lot of you. Its pathetic.

Plz elaborate for my mental wellbeing.

70m coins (70% of total) will be burnt on the 15th. They have a patent pending and solid team. Its good for $2.80-$3.00

I have watched literally every video that has come out about this shit coin and they all scream "scam" to me.

Well that's your right. But I personally will not be selling until it hits around $2.80

Buy high annnnnnnd sell low™

"And here's the one that's driving me berserk - why do only fools and horses work"

Nice one Dave

how you feelin? im down $670 on it atm.. :(

sold at a loss long time ago, made back half of it on the OMG dip, better than nothing. FUCK THAT WHALE THO

Im still in.

Hold me, im scared.

when did you buy? I don't think we're getting back to 65k anytime soon, although price didn't drop too sharply for now. idk what to tell you my man, I would have sold at a loss long time ago.

Feeling good.