Why aren't we seeing a pagan and occult revival and mystery cults in our post Christian era?

why aren't we seeing a pagan and occult revival and mystery cults in our post Christian era?

i had hopes for neckbeards meeting up IRL to do spoopy rituals for kek but it all kind of petered out with the cringey kekistan heresy

We have the internet and can easily figure out that the weather and disease aren't influenced by killing a sheep

All that is deemed racist by western media because blacks and other POC arent included in germanic and slavic paganism

Neither pagan virgin LARPers nor domesticated Christian pussies will be able to stop us from Islamizing the West. Join the side that is destined to win until it is too late, kafir.

i. Paganism and occultic groups lost a great deal of their power as they become less tied to geography (much popularity now is sparked by the internet). Most only make sense in a local context, and attempts to make "universal" models -
take neo-Shamanism for example - are hollow and simplistic. Like words in a sentence, these things become meaningless when they are unmoored from context and syntax and letters rearranged haphazardly.

ii. I never payed close attention to the whole 'kek' thing, but fact of the matter was that it had grounding in a joke and lacked the internal coherence to move beyond its ground. "Initiation" was to be in on the joke, not to have a particular sort of wisdom.

iii. We are in a post-Christian era in the capacity that we are more secular, but Christian virtue is still constantly upheld. Perhaps in a less meaningful way like neo-Shamanism, but they are all the same.

What did you think was going on after World War I?

We aren't post Christian at all. Over a half of all people in western society are Christian. Almost everyone else is cucked to the neck with Christian values.

The Christians wiped out paganism pretty darn well and whatever remained has likely suffered some Christian distortion. Much of the tradition and the lifestyle that made paganism what it was has been lost.

>why aren't we seeing a pagan and occult revival and mystery cults in our post Christian era?
We aren't seeing a revival in Paganism? Wat? Neo-paganism is more popular than it ever has been since Europe became Christian

They are even trying to build a new temple in Iceland.

>Over a half of all people in western society are Christian
It used to be 99% with the exception of a few visitors from non-western countries


In the good days

Good luck establishing/reviving a religion without government support and violent conversion.

Also if I'm not mistaken we know very little about muh paganism.

>It used to be 99%
It didn't. It's just acceptable nowadays to say you're an atheist without being shunned by the sheep.

It certainly used to be. What evidence do you have of medieval peasants having a significant number of secret atheists in their midst other than back projection of the present day secular zeitgeist?

Sounds like you live in a shit country, happens all over the place in Finno-Scandinavia.

Silly LARPer.

The followers of Evolian traditionalism are adopting neo-paganism in rapid speed, as it is more suitable to their agenda due to it's focus on ethnic heritage and lack of universalism. To much disdain of left-leaning heathens which used to dominate the movement for years.

Evola is a fringe ideologue outside this Sakartvelian Cheese Fermenting Shed.

>literally everyone believes in Christian notions of egalitarianism, universal morals and the (re-)ascension of mankind.

Radical right-wing movements are very interactive and interconnected with internet culture nowadays, this includes the influence of Evola's teachings.


Radicals are barely literate and they are the very definition of fringe.

30/08/03 12/09/15 30/09/17

We are still in a Christian era,the Apathy,Sodomy and Degeneracy is the obstacle that has to be removed.
A Christian Revival of Conservatism will have to occur.
Paganism has no Chance,go and ask about it on /pol/,perhaps some hilly billy pretenders will agree with you.
Polytheism is generally inferior and especially when you do not even write your believes in a book,mostly haven't even got a script and can't read or write(Let's not forget that their Religion didn't motivate People to love each other,build monuments of praise or have real law) and live in split up states,where the Feudal lords have no God given legitemacy,so they are constantly removed or manipulated by others and the Clergy,they just fight their neighbours and never really build large and lasting Empires.
Christendom has protected,helped and given Inspiration and power to our ancestors since Emperor Constantin legalized to praise the lord,his successsors converted the Imperium Romanum to the (true) faith and since then,it is the religigion of our ancestors.
Cults come and go,but Christianity even includes nearly all Pagan Holidays and we still celebrate Christmas,with a tree and a traditional meal,just that we now praise the stronger lord,whos followers conquered all of Europe.

Stay to your faith,converting was a shame for everyone,but most of us were born, Christian and have to fulfill our destiny to destroy all false faith that threaten our kind at this moment.

History was good to the religion,now we have to make history,by defending Europe.



>why aren't we seeing a pagan and occult revival and mystery cults in our post Christian era?

Because that's dumb and lame. Be a man and find your own way.


According to Christian doctrine, 100 christian Nigerians outweigh 100 European atheists. They may come to our lands to increase the dominance of the Church.

The Church has no ethnic loyalty, it is a universalist cancer that held Europe only temporarily. Paganism has been and will be the European way of life.

Oh kek. I wonder what's running through their minds.


>shunned by the sheep.
I know, now you get to be your own sheep who worships scientism and the irrational denial of the existence of things beyond yourself

Thank fuck for that

Nothing. They're Ukrainians.

>sheep who worships scientism
Yup; exactly. The other 50%.


the nature of religion has drastically changed since antiquity
there's no more room for irrationality/magic in the Age of Reason and Science

however, you can still fulfill your need for devotion and zealotry
now we have political ideologies and celebrities to worship

for me, it's the cult of Tay

>Wanting to live forever
>Being afraid of death
This is why Abr*hamic religions a shit

>cult of Tay
Childhood is worshipping Tay. Adulthood is realizing Asuka makes more sense


1 christian Nigerian outweights 100 Eurangutan ath*ists to be more precise.

We are though. People just don't call them that.

>Radicals are barely literate
That's probably what monarchists said around the time of the French Revolutiom before the Tennis Court Oath

The insinuation here is that a lack of Christianity implies/suggests a "vacuum" of some sort to be filled by other religions, e.g., paganism. However, what's really going on is that religions' *institutional functions* are still being upheld by new institutions founded on secular humanism, rationalism, etc... Hence, the prevalence of scientism amongst atheists. And also hence the lack of prevalence of paganism et. al.


Occult subjects sell millions of books a year.
>mystery cults
Use of psychedelic substances in orgiastic and/or spiritual settings is common nowadays.
Burning Man is an effective popular modern spiritual ritual-cum-EDM party-cum-art show.

The guy who ran into the pyre was pretty cool, they should make that an annual occurrence.

>Burning man is pagan
It's just a degenerate festival with a few Wiccas and party fags

>it's a thinly disguised /pol/ thread
>post Christian era when Christianity is the fasted growing religion in the world and the Amish will take over the US in 2-3 generations

>It's a retard thinks everything is /pol/ thread
We are talking in the context of western civilization, but hey talking about anything that is white must make us Nazis eh?

What is that about?

prove it

19th/early 20th century European occultism was heavily influenced by Hinduism

We're on Veeky Forums, you fucking moron; it's gonna get just a tad intellectual from time-to-time. Or fail/troll. Faggot.

>rituals for kek
Absolutely orderly, gross, disgusting, cut it out. Checkem

Some people didn't even believe in science, they just thought the idea of God is phony. If you look at what God allows to happen and the suffering he is personally responsible for, you realize he is not a god worth worshipping but a monster.

Except nothing about that post is intellectual
>God's omnipotence means mankind has no free will
Wew lad, all suffering comes from man not God. God does not give people suffering, and all suffering that does occur is simply a challenge from Satan

This is not even from a Christian viewpoint. The question of theodicy applies to every religion. There's not one explanation that makes a persuasive case without depending on the person to believe a buncha spooks first that are downright retarded. For example, with Christianity, I have to believe that God made us but some dude ate a fucking apple and got us kicked out of Paradise, then God came down and got his ass tortured and kicked because he needed to save us. If you told an uncontacted injun this, he'd think you're a moron.

>why aren't we seeing a pagan and occult revival and mystery cults in our post Christian era?

I feel like a lot of it has to do with marketing. No one's really trying to do it, that I can see, and most 'pagan religion' stuff that /is/ trying to market is just atheistic 'my national pride' stuff like Varg.

Personally I hate christianity and am a pagan polyheist, but I also think racism is outdated and dumb. 99% of the people promoting paganism on the *chans would reject me. More importantly, an attempt to use religion as a package for an atheistic philosophy with 'race conscious' trappings is going to come off as hollow and idiotic because... it is.

If you're going to make a pagan/occult religion, include actual mysticism.

Cus we're done withpaganism. We were done with it 1000 years ago. Now we're done with Christianity and we must find something new to fill the void

So what is pagan for you?

Most often it's defined as 'something not Abrahamic and not atheistic'.