Is quitting a callcenter job if you only worked there for two weeks acceptable?

Is quitting a callcenter job if you only worked there for two weeks acceptable?

fuck any job you hate after 2 weeks. Just quit. You can do better

it is not necessarily 'acceptable' but there is certainly nothing 'unacceptable' about it.

Do you have a back up plan?

I worked at a call center when I was 20, as the billing department for a hospital. Holy shit I would rather kill myself than go back to that job.

this just do it fuck that place its probably soul stealing get out now before you linger

Is it that bad, user?

It's horrific. I'm willing to literally coldcall companies to find a new job, anything but this.

Why is it so bad?

Boring AF, long commute, don't really learn any transferrable skills besides helping people on the phone

don't let any feels distract you. quit while your new. be formal about it, no sweat.

start a graffiti cleaning business and go door to door where you see graffitti

But it feels awkward to throw in the towel so early. ...

companies don't have feelings, just quit if you hate it, don't be a pussy

For me specifically, I had to deal with people bitching and moaning about health care costs. To give you one example of many, Idiots would go to the emergency room for having a bad cold and would get 2k bills then complain about it non stop. I had to explain about 200 times that unless it is a major incident you shouldn't fucking go to the emergency room.

But I just started man what if it gets better

a call centre job will absolutely not get better

you'll be suicidal within a year

But what else will I do instead

You can't get back your youth. Take chances, don't look back and see that you spent your best years in front of a monitor, instead of taking chances

It's your life, you decide. But don"t pussy out if you truly want out. Just quit.
You really don't want get stuck at a job you hate and waste several years of your life there.

How fullfilling can a callcenter job actually be? You don't think you can find a better job? Could you handle a month or two unemployes while you find something better? What exactly is the issue with quitting now?

I was neet before it though

The money. I was neet for a while and it's a job that isn't physical labor. I dont have much options as I dont have a degree. Is it possible to find something better?

I worked at a call center once.
I spent all day calling OP a faggot.
was a pretty cool job desu

Yes. You got to get creative. Your on a business board, ffs. Perhaps entrepreneurship is your key to happiness? It's not easy, but it's way more fulfilling than wageslaving your life away. Consider investing in cryptocurrencies on the side as well.


Yes, people quit shit jobs like that all the time, no one expects you to work there.

any entry level job will be more fulfilling than a call centre, even working in a supermarket is better because you at least see the real world


Yes brah.

At my current job there were people who didn't even last a day after training.

The only reason I can take is because I don't take shit from customers and just laugh at them when they think being a dick is going to get them their way.

I'm also one of their quickest, most competent techs and I know how to game the system to the point where I barely even take calls and just sit around playing vidya, reading books, and browsing Veeky Forums on my phone and get paid to do it.

I still want to quit because it's unfulfilling, pays like shit for the actual stressful calls I get (helping actual sub-80 IQ retards fixing their computers for 3+ hours will fuck you up), and I don't even have the chance to fuck the only 3 attractive female employees.

Yes, Fuck. That. Shit.

Wait two more weeks

So you guys really think I should throw in the towel? Surprising response desu

working at any kind of callcenter is the fucking worst (worked at 4 different ones) Verizon FIOS and DSL, MetroPCS, BeachBody and fucking Jawbone. just quit user like it isnt worth it, but a backup plan is strongly recommended start looking for another job while working then just leave

also if your studying just apply for a paid internship
the experience and the pay are totally worth it

Outbound or inbound?
If outbound:
Do you know how to queue shuffle?
If not learn how

Do YOU think you should throw in the towel? Would you be happy working at such an environment for the amount of pay you receive, or can you do better? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I quit a call center job at lunch on my first day, fuck that shit.

of course its acceptable, you can do what you want. I wouldn't expect a reference from them but if you have a backup plan, other options or enough funds to just sail for a bit while you apply for other jobs go for it.

Op still here

It's inbound

How though? Just said you quit as you got set up...?

How do you do you quit a job after 2 weeks?

Do you just stop showing up?

It's a callcenter. What do you think?

I just drove home and never came back. That feeling when you know you never have to go back was pretty nice. Bills are a drag tho...