Why is god so cruel?

Why is god so cruel?

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they weren't made in gods image

which one?

the true one.

for an atheist, the answere is obvious.
Why theists believe that god is so cruel, i do not know

He gave us freedom

Starving to death is nothing compared to an eternity of hell, now which religion will get us out of that hell, I have no fucking clue.

Get off its case, its just incompetent.

What is three days of hell like?

Pure suffering

What is original sin?

this, just do your job instead of being an atheist fuck, god will understand that you tried

Gods portion of responsibility for all the suffering the world. Obviously.

That is inccorect
>Baptist Christians
You went to hell because you did not have complete faith in Jesus
You went to hell because you did not get baptized as a catholic
You went to hell because you did not believe that Allah is God and that muhhamad is his messenger


>You went to hell because you did not believe that Allah is God and that Muhammad is his messenger
wrong, If you didn't get the whole message you don't go to hell which is basically most people

That's why I do Vodou.

Look into Gnosticism.

From Gods point of view you are bacteria thus it doesnt matter what you think.

because YOU don't stop masturbating.
Fore example in this thread right now.

because he works in mysterious ways.

Also, I doubt there is any god that interferes or looks over us.

Not cruel, well balanced.

Exactly, which one?

based God

imagine having retarded parents popping out massive amounts of kids out of wedlock that you can't even take care off.

Yeah. just blame God for your problems or the problems of other caused by themselves.

>family allowance fund: the picture

Neither were wh*tes. Only Middle Easterners

Because he is testing us, he wants the maximum of human potential and when our technology has reached its peak, he makes it fall.

So the kids have to pay for the parents' irresponsability? More like God caused it and blames it on his children.

those kids didn't choose to be born into an overpopulated shithole

he cares about human potential as much as the potential of the bubonic plague
if there is an authority on life all it cares about is success

Thevone his holy book says is true

What success?

not going extinct

but he is almighty

conversely, why should God be merciful to a creature which He endowed with an immortal soul, which then rebelled against their Maker and in claiming the same rights and privileges as their Creator, declared war on Him?

i don't know about almighty but i meant all life
i bring up a plague and its little hayday meaning humans are at the very least not gods favorites if there is one such

humans aren't equal to god only because humans are better than god

Who else is more fit to secure the eternal survival of his biological creation, than a species able to travel through space?

thats still a dream and we can ruin ourselves and our planet

hes not
people who want to flood africa with aid are

I am talking about potential.
Also I doubt that any catastrophe of non-cosmic scale would be able to extermine all life on earth.

>human cruelty exists because God is cruel, now let's just completely disregard the fact that he gave us free will
Gee, I don't know!

>hurr humans are shit
this isn't self-congratulatory bullshit, humans are apparently the first species capable of building a civilization using abstract thought (as opposed to instinct like ants), not only this we have entered the industrial revolution and are advancing science at a rate that is a blip on the evolutionary timescale, we are objectively an exception compared to snails, boars, grass and such

>one chance of life
>god places your life in the hands of fallible flawed humans

>human cruelty
>environmental disasters

He gave us freedom

If you can't feed your kids then don't have them………

i dont feel so sure about such potential and cosmic scale selection program is not out of the question in such a fantastical discussion

Gee, too bad he didn't give those kids freedom then.

that wasn't what i meant
i meant that there is never any intervention no matter who is suffering or how

>human chooses to inflict suffering upon others
>somehow this is God's fault

Environmental disasters are just consequences of nature itself, like having an apple fall on someone's head.

God reigns over nature

>religious writings are never altered

God can reign over nature, but that doesn't mean he chooses to completely rule over it all times. If an apple were to fall on someone's head, he would just let nature do its part.

So god doesn't actually do anything?

This nigga knows.

He can choose to alter nature, but that doesn't mean he will at all times. Also, creating the universe is not "not actually doing anything" but basically "actually doing everything".

Why does god alter nature some times but not at other times?
we only got his word for that.

Read the Bible to find out.

No has to pay. They'd just die like the worthless animals that they are.

those are p-zombies, dont worry about them.

i know a jew who told me earth is like a washing machine, so basically we "suffer" to clean us from evil, like a sock gets in a washing machine gets bathed in cooking water in thrown around so that the dirt leaves it.

>Why does God inflict suffering
Why do people say this? You realize that within Christianity there is someone called "Satan" right?

>it's due to Satan
ok, why does God permit Satan to operate?
Isn't he all-powerful?

why does God let Satan wreak havoc on earth

doesn't exist


>Isn't he all powerful
Lucifer lead a rebellion of angels against God. God has far more power than Satan, sure, but Satan still has power.

God is omnipotent to a degree, but mankind still has free will that can definitely his presence and plans but this is due to God's choice.

>God let's Satan wreak havoc
Nope. You do because you deny the calling from him

So this is pretty much a copout that gives god a get out of any responsibility-card.

Yea, nothing that special.

God is cruel because He has created a system to increase the virtue of the Alpha-Omega soul.
By creating a system in which he does not interfere, the Mystic Soul must do its own work all alone which glorifies the quality of it's moral character. To keep this greater glory pristine, he allows the system to run out on its own, which brings forth much evil.
Being responsible for evil, God has corrupted his own will. To rectify this corruption, he exacts justice upon himself, by making an apt sacrifice, his Son.

>be unable to sustain population
>have 12 kids anyway
Africans were a mistake

>It's a copout
Literally how? God decrees that certain laws be so, some of which is do to original sin and mankind being given free will, which is then abused by Satan (he who is totally without God) that deceives men into distancing themselves from God.

Thats what hell is, it's just being separate from God out of your own choice. Fucks sale athiests, try to read the Bible and learn about Christian theology before you criticize it , lmao

Because god is omnipotent, he should have a degree of vision beyond time, and this clearly implicates him as having let Satan operate.
>You do because you deny the calling from him
So I am forced into something? Thats a kind God.

>and this clearly implicates him as having let Satan operate.
Yeah , because Satan is an inevitability when you give man free will to choose what he can and cannot do. He shows you the path to him and gives you the option to follow or not.

If you don't follow his path, then you follow Satan's and begin to distance yourself from God. He gave us this choice because we defied him and continue to defy him. Read Job

How can Satan be an inevitability when you give man free will when the serpent is usually identified as him, who gave human beings this freedom.

>if you don't follow his path then you follow satan's and begin to distance yourself from God.
Not valid, because I would have to believe in god but have to have chosen Satan to follow his path. Being an atheist is the lack of religion, and as such, I do not believe either as right. I only interpret what I read.

>no social safety net
>don't want to starve to death when you get too old to work
>there is a high probability of a given child getting killed before they get old enough to look after you

Americans used to do the same thing. It's not complicated shit.

I'm not so sure there actually is a Satan in Christianity, there sure isn't in Islam and Judaism. Evil there is controlled by God and serves the purpose to tempt humans. You do evil, you failed and will be punished by God. So in Judaism and Islam God gives humans the possibility to do evil, but only humans themselves are the ones who can actually act evil. God can not be evil.

Now of course there are forms of suffering no human is responsible for, for example people who die from a Tsunami or something. In that case "god works in mysterious ways."

Besides, isn't all of humanity saved from damnation by Christ sacrificing himself?

>Americans used to do the same thing.
The difference is that americans know how to farm and africans are fucking retarded

>Satan gave people free will
No, Satan tricked them into eating the apple in the Garden of Eden. Free will was already given to us before that in Genesis.
>I have to be aware of Satan to distance myself from God
*On purpose. You can distance yourself from God regardless of your awareness of him

>be offered EXPERIENCE, a miraculous phenomenon 99% of the universe is incapable of knowing
>hurr why is god so cruel look at teh starving babby

The privilege of experiencing the beauty of even a single sunrise is more than just recompense for a life of "suffering".

>isn't all of humanity saved from damnation by Christ sacrificing himself?
>Athiestic intellectuals
No, your soul is not immediately saved just because Jesus gave his life for mankind. You still have to choose to follow the path of God

Africans know how to farm too

Having ten kids is a completely rational decision for a subsistence farmer to make.

They're extra farmhands and a pension plan all in one.

>Africans know how to farm too
Barely. Hey they are pretty good at hunting rats and making food out of mud though

>They're extra farmhands
Not if half of them starve because you couldn't just raise 3 kids and maintain them so they actually survive to become competent and well fed

How could you have free will without knowledge of good and bad?
Lets also be clear, I'm atheist and I will believe in God the moment he appears in front of me and provides proof of his existance, certainly something he has time and power to do. I'm not a dumb follower who would just be told something and not be proven anything.

I will choose to follow the path of god when god proves his existance. Otherwise, I will gladly live in damnation knowing that god, regardless of what has been written about him loving helpless sinners, does not care about them and would expect them to just blindly believe him.

They starve due to other issues that lead to starvation just like in other cases around the world throughout history like War, famine/drought/flood, environmental issues user. Not because lack of food initially

Two of your pics are about the something but the last one is about the massive drought Southern Africa is having which is a different thing altogether.

>How could you have free will without knowledge of good and bad?
>How can you have the ability to choose your outcomes if you don't have a concept of good and bad
Wat, just because you lack a Christian moral system as your ethos doesn't mean you suddenly are an animal driven only by carnal instincts, humans have the ability to delay impulse gratification, have sentience, and can solve abstract/complex puzzles. You still have a free will regardless of your knowledge of God.
>I'm an irrational denier that there can ever be something outside of my immediate experiences who thinks that is somehow rational
>Noumena? Ha, I don't think so kiddo
Have some quotes by Georges Sorel for you on scientism coming up here.

But I'd you want a secular interpretation on God's laws and the path of the righteous without all the fancy religious language, it's simple a method of preserving intergenerational wisdom of the paths that other men followed and which paths ended up with their misery or happiness. Call it a book filled with useful suggestions.

>Every famine is due to a drought
>Africans lack basic nutrition because it's just been a weird series of natural disasters for the past dawn of their existence

Africans can farm, they just can't farm well. Every attempt at teaching them modern farming techniques has failed miserably.

>He dismissed science as "a system of idealised entities: atoms, electric charges, mass, energy and the like – fictions compounded out of observed uniformities... deliberately adapted to mathematical treatment that enable men to identify some of the furniture of the universe, and to predict and... control parts of it." [1; 301] He regarded science more as "an achievement of the creative imagination, not an accurate reproduction of the structure of reality, not a map, still less a picture, of what there was. Outside of this set of formulas, of imaginary entities and mathematical relationships in terms of which the system was constructed, there was ‘natural’ nature – the real thing…" [1; 302] He regarded such a view as "an odious insult to human dignity, a mockery of the proper ends of men", [1; 300] and ultimately constructed by "fanatical pedants", [1; 303] out of "abstractions into which men escape to avoid facing the chaos of reality." [1; 302
>T.Georges Sorel

It is our greatest gift and our greatest curse.

You went to hell because you did not accept Martin Luther king Jr. as your Lord and savoir

But some bacteria can kill us

>You went to hell because you did not get baptized as a catholic
>What is purgatory

My questioning of free will is about how could they have free will because if they had, they couldn't have been tempted to eating the apple or at least, could have asked god for reasons of "why not".

The garden of eden is about Adam and Eve being apathetic and knowing nothing about the world, and being given knowledge about it dooms them, which, by never having a way to resist satan/serpent's tempting, dooms them straight away. God is a shitty designer.

And yes, I'm not an animal driven by carnal isntincts because I do not have christian moral system, because no human can escape their natural animalistic instincts and developement of morality, even those that have a christian one pasted on top of it have that develop over time.

The biggest problem with my religious tendensies and how I would interpret them is that anything straight from the source (read: god / heaven) is most likely a lie or not reliable.
This guy sounds very nuts, dismissing rationality, verifiable evidence and not understanding science as a built system to replicate, test and experiment.

There's no god, just nature taking its course. Some people are born into a life of wealth paradise while others are born into an African savannah with nothing to eat and a million ways to die. As edgy as this sounds, this is simply their fate and no amount of praying will save them.

correction, anything NOT straight from the source