Have to write a three quarter page summary on an egypt documentary that's only 50 minutes long

>have to write a three quarter page summary on an egypt documentary that's only 50 minutes long
>been working on it for 5 hours now because it's incredibly boring and i can't stay focused

why is egypt so fucking boring lads? Why are people so interested in some fucking stones in a desert?

How are you struggling to summarize an hour long documentary on less than a page? How fucking lazy are you?

go watch grass grow for an hour and try summarizing that, fucker

The fuck is wrong with you? 5 hours on less than a page?

>durr hurr egypt built pyramids and they're toooombs lmaoooooo!!!1111

try stretching that to a fucking page

>a page being an intimidating assignment
how's high school?

I wouldn't know im in college

I think it's you that sucks OP

>complaining about less than a page assignment in collage
Shut the fuck up
Any ways, if you for some reason find egypr boring than tell us some history you enjoy you dumb frog poster

i like greek history, which is what we will be learning about next class

Then it's even more pathetic that you can't at least bullshit less than a page of writing

So if im reading this correctly, you made an assumption on the entirety of egyptian history, purely because you where assigned a three quater pages long assingment about the pyramids?
You really are stupid, autistic, idiotic fag of a frog poster OP

there question here is if there is anything wrong with my assumption

Learn english you inbreed mongoloid and just do your fucking homework instead of throwing a autistic bitch fit
If you really want too learn about egyptian history do some research on it

>have to write a twenty word paper on the romans
>its due tomorrow morning
am I screwed Veeky Forums?

the romans were fags and they loved to fuck eachother in the ass. they were known for their tiny penises.

there you can use that

t.germanic rape baby

at least give me credit for it being exactly 20 words

>a autistic


you forgot formatting

user 1

Dr. (((Noseberg)))

HST 101

October 1, 2017

Romans: Fags or Fiction?

The romans were fags and they loved

to fuck eachother in the ass. They were

known for their tiny penises.

good luck reading Herodotus if you find Egypt boring

stop being such an insufferable fag


My friend, theres a hell of a lot more to Egypt than the pyramids. Their bureaucracy was beautiful and their technology was impressive. Egypt is essentialy Greece but way cooler. user, I implore you to read some more about Egypt, because I think you might find their culture fascinating. The pyramids, despite being a marvel of engineering, are talked about way too much, and I feel its kind of a turn off when learning about Egypt. Hold on, let me find some good books on Egypt, I'll send them in another post

Ok so I have not read these in 5+ years, but I remember them being good

The Handbook to Life in Ancient Egypt
by A. David and Rosalie David

Religion and Magic in Ancient Egypt
by Rosalie David (I remember this being really interesting, but thats probobly because I'm a huge sucker for the occult)

Ancient Egypt: Its Culture and History
by Jon Manchip White (this ones a little dated, but it's still a fun read)

Those are 3 i found laying on my shelf, I could find more if you want

Sometimes, I find it hard to believe that this was considered the peak of military technology at around the time of the unification of Egypt.

Egypt never was too innovative with their weapons, probobly because they never felt threatened by an outside force. However, Egyptian war charriots fascinate me. I forgot where I heard this from, but apparently they made the wheels in a way that reduced bumpiness, which allowed the charioteer to aim easier. Can anyone confirm/debunk that?

>5 hours
>3/4 of page
Brainlet. Your source was given to you, and probably an outline as well

Jesup fucking christ

>an hour is 10 minutes

If you have trouble staying focused enough to complete a less than a paper long summary on a documentary then maybe college is not the place for you, Cletus/Pierre.