How do I get out of the cave?

How do I get out of the cave?

Become a pilgrim

Suffering that cripples or destroys the automatic self


How can I track my progress?


Playing the game you cannot win.

walk out the entrance you fucking faggot

360 walk away


DAE think Plato's liberator was always meant to be Jesus Christ?

Getting out of the cave can't be something you want to do, because getting out of the cave simply means understanding.

A simple example would be, in terms of political discourse on any given subject, what side do you take? Who is right and wrong? If you view things as an out of the cave ''''''enlightened''''' thinker, you should want to understand the discussion. Not that you should try to or fool yourself into thinking you do when you don't, but you should genuinely want to, through the desire for comprehension and the simple knowledge that comes from honest attempts to view the human soul in action, for no reward other than the love of the pursuit of knowledge (not necessarily knowledge itself).

You can't get out of the cave by wanting to, you have to desire understanding of a different level, the proper pursuit of which is the essence of being out of the cave.

You also can't choose what you desire. This is important. As you must not fool yourself into thinking you desire something you don't, simply in order to have others think highly of you, or to think highly of yourself.

Being in or out of the cave doesn't matter, it's not perfection of enlightenment, or any brilliant reward you can claim, it is NOT a status to which you should aspire, it's just different states of being and levels of understanding, and everyone is comfortable in different realms. Everyone has their place.

Grandiose cave.

You don't want to
It's shit outside of the cave
Just barren wasteland

There is only one way.

Become a 4th dimensional being.

Dig a tunnel up

stop litsetning to empircial evidence

by coming up with a more appropriate analogy


the world of the forms isn't accessible to experiential beings

Why does this cave look like a BDSM dungeon, with only women chained?

Psychedelics can give you a glimpse of what lays outside when used properly

How do I get out of the iPhone?

dig deeper