What is it about this photo that makes it so recognizably British?

What is it about this photo that makes it so recognizably British?

why germanics are so obssesed with pale skin?

why they view it as something pure and superior?

>ugly ass woman
>balding numale man in fucking girly panthyhose and shoes
>boys dressed like girls
All it needs is a burka, a rotten smile and a knife bin at this point.

The ugly shape on the female face, and the balding male + sideburns

Because white is the symbol of cleanliness. If you were rich, you had white linens to show you were rich. Its only natural this mentality would carry on into race, especially when life is always worse or harder for the nonwhite countries comparatively.
Queen Victoria and Albert, the idealistic portrayal of the family. Perfect features, near angelic. Although not realistic, its a nice picture.

What a depressing thread.

Being "pale" was a sign that you were a rich fuck who could stay indoors all day instead of having to work the fields and get tanned from the sun.

Paleness was valued across most agrarian societies as a sign of wealth. Women would use a lead-based powder to make their skins whiter and truly show that they didn't have to do any actual work like plebs.

That was then, now being pale means you are too poor to take vacations and get a tan.

Pale is still sexy though. I'm a man and I still use ceruse.

The perfidy

>stoic, well-mannered husband
>caring, greaceful wife
>well-behaved children
>posh environment

It simply screams "civilization", which as it happens, the British excel at.

I'd say anything with Victoria and Albert in it is pretty fucking recognizably British.

> German Father
> Half German
> Married a German
> Quintessentially British.

Salic Law doomed Hannover, and by extension Germany.

but that is a germanic thing, that is what you start to believe after you got civ from roman and greeks, they didnt value pale skin , you are the first group of people to think i believe

Shitskin from halfway around the world here.
White skin i seen as a mark of beauty and high class.

>British excel at
Pretend to excel at.

thats not entirely true. i dont know the specifics but in some "white-based" cultures they wore black as a sign of royalty/wealth.

Albert in his prime was cute as fuck. Would cuddle.

the fact that queen victoria is in it? otherwise nothing, the average person would have no idea what is depicted here

>they didnt value pale skin
They actually did.


The weak chins

Veeky Forums is a bisexual master race board, faggot.

Beady eyes full of lies

Nothing? I would certainly not recognize it as British, as opposed to any other 19th century European royal family.

Pale, fat, weak manlets

You are brainwashed then

Back when most people had to work outsider in the fields, rich white people wouldn't tan like poor white people. Paleness became a status symbol.

"Blue blood" relates to aristocracy, because the veins of aristocrats would look blue through their pale skin.

"Fair", when used to refer to a girl's skin, also implied that her family was well-off enough that she could be kept indoors instead of serving as a farmhand.

Only in women. In greek paintings, heroic men are dark, their women are pale.

Men were supposed to be buff and tan, even the rich ones.

It's not called being brainwashed when you're objectively right. As someone from a swarthy region of the world, pale skin is just more beautiful and better in general.


Those are children user.

Fucking how? We barely get western media here.
Has always been so since time immemorial.

Where you from, mate?

There's nothing british about it, just another generic Winterhalter