Remind me again what he did so bad to get a life sentence?

Remind me again what he did so bad to get a life sentence?

He was behind Mein Kampf

he helped establish the Kr*ut war machine thar destroyed europe and plunged the world into its worst war

he was a nazi
all nazis deserve to suffer, no exceptions

Is that Ted Cruz?

>he deserved to die because he wrote a book Hitler dictated to him

Held high position in a state that engaged in dire violations of peace and committed horrible atrocities?

Guilt by association

>born in Alexandria, Egypt
You can tell, one of his ancestors fucked some Egyptian slut.

That whole "second in command and helping to start the war, in addition to being responsible for the Nuremberg Laws" thing?

He had a monobrow, that's a crime by itself

This would make a fine addition to my collection.

Why do you talk like redditors

Why do you whine like a little bitch?

I dont

What's a redditor?

You're whining about reddit, just like little bitches do.

What are some punishments issued to leaders or ministers captured by Germany during WWII? Just curious how they treated leaders they defeated.

His eyebrows were a crime

Well if the Nazi's won he would have gotten the death sentence for treason after the whole flight to England thing, so he can't really complain

they sent the chancellor of Austria to Dachau after the Anschluss, and he did literally nothing other than not let terrorists take over his government

>Christian X of Denmark
Left him as nominal ruler (even after he helped facilitate the escape of Danish Jews from the Holocaust), often rode through the capital on horseback to show the people he was with them.

>Miklós Horthy
House arrest in Bavaria for trying to withdraw from the Axis

>Kurt von Schuschnigg
Straight to the concentration camp (his precessor, Engelbert Dollfuss, was whacked for opposing Hitler)

>Leopold III of Belgium
House arrest, caused a constitutional crisis in Belgium, was later deported to Germany and was unable to return home until the 1950s.

>Albert François Lebrun
Also, went to a prison camp

>Charlotte of Luxembourg
Was allowed to go into exile in Portugal

Comparatively few leaders of Allied nations during WW2 fell into German custody, most fled into exile and resigned/returned to power after Nazi Germany's surrender.

why don't you actually have anything to say?

It's worth remembering the SS kidnapped Miklos son and threatened to kill him so he'd agree to hand over power to the Arrow Cross and go into exile

yeah, no, i don't buy it. engage what they've said or shut the fuck up. substituting either of those with ur a reddit is completely transparent.

Why are you such a redditor cuck? Implying that they actually did all those "atrocities" like you've alleged they did. No one has any good evidence of the Germans and their alleged wrong doings. In fact, I would say that a lot history we have been told is just bullshit lies in order to serve their agenda.

Do you have any evidence that Hess was actually given a life sentence?

Why are you such a /pol/ faggot? We deal with history here, not your bullshit conspiracies. You say that much of history is to suit an agenda well you faggots do the exact same thing claiming the Germans dindu nuffin, whereas in reality you're trying to bring more beta cucks into your failed cult of an ideology.

Schindler was technology a nazi did he deserve to die?

What if its possible that I am just fucking with you?

He raped Anne Frank so yes.

She was asking for it


I just asked him if he could get some extra rations for my baby. Is that really so much to ask for?

>realizes how much of an idiot he sounds like
>"it was only a joke guys"


Of course
He profitted from the war and only started saving his ass by saving jews once the war was lost


Was being the ugliest motherfucker around a requirement for joining the Nazi leadership? Hitler was kinda average, but the rest of them are like a freakshow.


>he doesn't know about the pregnant Anne Frank drawings.

Boy are you in a show.

I would be so happy if I never saw this again

If that drawfag does more and lets me pay him for it, I'll switch to exclusively shitposting it on /pol/

This is why Hitler had his no surrender policy. It's never enough for the Anglo. You might as well go full genocide and die guns blazing, because you'll be treated the same.

You sound like my 55 year old basic bitch (((professor))).

Second most powerful man in Nazi Germany (technically)? He was clearly guilty.

I didn't know editing another man's novel was grounds for a life sentence.

Anne X Heinz Heydrich is otp

completely overshadowed at the outbreak of the war. Left before the holocaust was a thing.

truly underrated

wow i can almost hear your little faggy voice within that post

I think their argument is that he enabled the laws that enforced Jewish segregation and German rearmament before being captured in Scotland.
Stupid answer. Editing a book that caused violence isn't a crime.

If this were true there would be no Saturn V rocket

>Implying that they actually did all those "atrocities" like you've alleged they did. No one has any good evidence of the Germans and their alleged wrong doings.

I'm pretty sure there's tons of evidence everywhere. It's hard to find anything that would be more damning.

War crimes like mass executions were a thing since the first days of September 1939. As number two in the country he was responsible for the actions.

>profitting from a war
Communists out please

His eyebrow game was too strong

Show me a good looking american leadership