Could this work?


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I'm not sure why anyone would want that abomination in the first place


Shared distrust of Russia and hatred of the EU.

Throw Chinese economic development and you have the makings of something more powerful than the EU and Russia

Only one of these countries had their own Pope so it's obvious who should rule this

Would pope give good milk? XDD

This plus the Balkans, Italy, and Spain could have been the Hapstards if they didn't blow it.

Yet how

Drop the baltics,germany, austria, moldavia and romania, only accept lithuania after a while.

Ukraine could join if it eventually gets partitioned because russians


Interesting.. I could see that actually happening

Don't mind the borders

Pretty much

also, as a Latvian, l would prefer this over the EU

What did you do to Romania? lol

Asshole fucking and-locked it



Romania is no longer

>hatred of the EU.
That's irrelevant, it's not like any of those country plan to leave or anything. Also isn't Ukraine pro-eu actually ?

Include Croatia that is interested in joining the group anyway.

I absolutely do not understand why Austria is in there.
Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia are much aligned culturally with the West due to being Catholic, and economically.

>hatred of the EU
[citation needed]

Essentially a unity of the borderlands sharing a distrust for the bigger countries due to history.

Austria is Catholic, and it's politics are much different from German ones, the only part of Germany that isn't 100% different from Austria is Bavaria.

Factor in the EU's ethnic replacement agenda and the massive influx of islamization that the indigenous europeans cannot match in fertility rates. This coalition would also be about cultural and ethnic preservation.

Only Kiev, which is controlled by Soros puppets. Most Ukrainians don't want to become a neoliberal multicultural chamber pot for the third world.

Austria, outside of basically like one city, is against that influx though.

In the same way as Yugoslavia

Posting Treaty of Trianon, it attracts butthurt Magyars.

Not even a Hun, they deserved to lose everything except the Carpathian basin.

>hates EU
>let's romania in
>as if that wasn't enough africa-tier it adds UKRAINE


Russians have small dicks on average.

None of these countries hate the EU, in fact the majority of their populations are pro-EU. They're just Euro-Skeptic, is all

Fuck Romania

>Crossing off Bavaria
That's a mistake

No, I don't think resurrecting a mega PLC would work. It'd be like Yugoslavia, but 10 times less cohesive.

They're tired of being "enriched"

Any union or alliance with Poland wouldn't work.

Not an argument.

That union wold get fucked by Brits-Germs-French, America, and Russia.

What argument do you need? Poles are much like the Chinese - backstabbing, lying and manipulative. Not to mention that the Poles have terrible leadership capabilities, as seen in PLC.

No they wouldn't because this isn't 1790, European countries aren't just randomly invading one another at will in case you haven't noticed. What a moronic statement user.

But all anti-eu ukrainians are pro-russians

They aren't becoming one country. They would be a union of European nations that don't want to be ethnically replaced by third world refuse.

Not Azov. The fucking nazis are literally the only people who care about Ukraine and don't suck foreign cock for cash.

>Poles are much like the Chinese - backstabbing, lying and manipulative
>Not to mention that the Poles have terrible leadership capabilities, as seen in PLC.
I suggest you read more about how PLC worked.

>not including croatia for adriatic access


whats with romanias coastline?
whyd you give it to bulgaria?

>majority of their populations are pro-EU
According to surveys conducted by the EU. Completely trustworthy, goy.

Autism. He wants 1 million Romanians to live in Bulgaria altho neither party really wants that.

Pretty sure that ukrainians fascists and nazis support Poroshenko

>Pretty sure
Pretty sure you're a Mongoloid who gets his news from Sputnik and RT. Poroshenko is a kike.


Neo-nazi paramillitaries did support Poroshenko during the ukrainian revolution tho

Poroshenko wasn't even a part of the revolution, he only emerged as a candidate after Yanukovich was out.

Hmmm. A solid generation of identity and cultural nationalism and you could create a Pan-West Slav or "Latin-Slav" identity. The Huns would tolerate being part of the Union because of similarities in ways of life. But the main factor will be money and power.

>Eastern Europe likes the EU
[citation needed]

>hatred of the EU
Poland is more pro-EU than Germany

Because they hate Russia more than the EU. Duh

>hatred of the EU
*hatred of immigration
don't get me wrong, they all love to use the theatrics of standing up to big bad Brussels to score political points, but the minute you threaten their citizens free movement to the western states to be the Mexicans of Europe they have a panic attack and are all for muh European unity

fuck if I know, I didn't made the map.