Is he right? Was racism a historical result of capitalism?

Is he right? Was racism a historical result of capitalism?

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Power gradients exist in all human societies.

This is a shitposting thread.

>Racism and ethnic conflict didn't exist until modern capitalism was developed
>Only black people were lynched in the US, in fact any kind of mob mentality and vigilante justice is racist

People may have been lynched, but not for being black like they were. Can you actually refute what he's saying or are you just here to shitpost?

The thing we call RACISM sure. But it's not like ethnic tension was invented some time during the C19th.

>Racism gets his power from capitalism
>The most racist regime in history was a socialist worker's party


Ask to marx

>no other ethnic violence has ever happened outside of whites lynching blacks in a capitalist country

2/3ds of lynching victims were white, and lynching victims were never dindu nuffins, they were usually people suspected or already convicted of having committed heinous crimes.

>2/3 of lynching victims were white
>the states where lynching was common were at least 1/3 black

This is beyond retarded, for two big reasons:

a) racism came about during the renaissance and enlightenment, about 400 years before the rise of capitalism, 'pure Christian' Spaniards needed a way to distinguish themselves from the converted Moors and native Americans, because they were seen as being worth less than those who had given their soul to another deity. Racial science developed out of this idea.

b) racism was just as common, if not more so in communist countries. See Cuba, East Europe and China. Hell, see Marx himself.

Capitalism has nothing to do whatsoever with racism, that black guy is a retard communist (double negative, I know).

>user in charge of reading comprehension

He's confused.

Fuck. I hate negroes like him, I would smashare his nigger head with a hammer

>just nature
>also just nature
he's right, but not for the reasons he thinks

Then why do white farmers get lynched by niggers in Zimbabwe even though the Communists took over the country?
Guess Racism happens even when the ebil capitalists aren't in charge.

Never is a heavy word, my dude.
What you're saying is that no white person ever committed an unjust act of violent racism. You're just dindu'ing yourself.

>it's almost as if he's claiming that blacks weren't disproportionately lynched, and therefore not just lynched for being black.


GET out of here with that weak shit.

Racism as a science, categorising people intro 3 major races, is a XIX century imperial capitalist development. It became a tool for rationalizing colonial opression, but its roots trace back to the beginning of the Age of Discovery.

Ethinic conflict is old as man itself and happens even among what the XIX racism call "same race" like athenians vs spartans, tutsis vs hutus, chinese vs japanese, irish vs englishmen, etc.

>Racism didn't exist before capitalism

This, I think a lot of people forget that the history of vigilante justice in the US Predates KKK by hundreds of years. Especially out west, pretty much anyone was hung if they were suspected of a crime. Shit, in some mining town sheriff's would just should prisoners they didn't like in their cells.
T. Montana fag

>) racism came about during the renaissance and enlightenment, about 400 years before the rise of capitalism, 'pure Christian' Spaniards needed a way to distinguish themselves from the converted Moors and native Americans, because they were seen as being worth less than those who had given their soul to another deity. Racial science developed out of this idea.
Pretty sure the concept of race and heritage predates the Spanish Caste systems by, I dunno, a few millenia?

>should prisoners

I guess people forget that we didn't always live in a police a state


Zimbabwe is black nationalism masquerading as communism.

>Implying Capitalism's drive for gaining the widest market possible doesn't cause LESS discrimination in order to gain the most customers
This isn't hard to grasp either, just look at any of the recent boycotts/pandering by corporations.

>They aren't representative of real communism!

>Was racism a historical result of capitalism?

2000 years ago:
"I fucking hate Gaulish scum with their long hair and swarthy appearance"

It is and always will be eternal based on in group preference which in itself is purely natural.

Does he actually make an argument beyond this quote or does he just assert a connection between racism and capitalism?

>2/3ds of lynching victims were white, and lynching victims were never dindu nuffins
Cite your sources, or be wrong.


Retarded nigger

Yes and no.

Capitalism is a tool by which we progress ourselves individually. It's justified to say "Yes, it's exploitative, but also mutually beneficial". For example: You own a factory, and your factory produces tools; you notice that your business has finally hit its peak, and you can't pay any more money to the people for them to produce better product, so you resort to exploitative tactics; you find labor markets where they work for next to nothing, or you employ slave labor; the tools are produced for no extra cost, saving you lots of money; and you use that money to invest in better equipment and engineering that can produce even better tools. Ultimately, your exploitative efforts become an advantage, as the slave labor comes back to provide the slaves with better tools, which means that they work less.
However, capitalism doesn't work this way; it always ensures that someone is always drained and working to their maximum capacity. This is why, for example, work weeks went from 15 hour averages in the medieval times, to 100 hour averages during the industrial revolution, then down to 50 hour averages; lots of regulation involved to make sure the work force wasn't "too" exploited. Overall, the living standards went up, but the slavery stayed the same.

How this ties into racism, is that capitalism is what originally drove us to adopt third world populations into our labor market. It was an exploitation tactic done by the powerful business owners onto the African slaves, Irish slaves, English slaves, Italians, Mexicans, and it's still happening in poor parts (which happen to be mostly non-white). Ultimately, capitalism is what perpetuated civil rights, because the workforce is more efficient when it is less focused on racism. Leftists fall for this, thinking that they're anti-capitalist, when they've been propagating a factor of capitalism all along.

it's true that racial laws were introduced in america after capitalism finally toppled slavery in the south

The idea among Europeans that certain races were better than others arose about then, although you're right. Indian caste system for example.
Just makes OP even dumber.

The more I see memes from TELSUR, Venezuelan state media, the more angry I am with myself for actually looking up to Abby Martin as a journalist when she was working for RT. (RT, which I will get flak for this does some okay work on talking about topics and issues that you wouldn't get from MSM stuff but they are still biased and pretty bad) Now she has gone full retard by cucking for Venezuela and for socialism. She makes me want to resurrect Pinochet and give her a free ride. Not from a helicopter but a ride from the top of Angel Falls down to the bottom.

>free exchange of goods and services created racism
What a fucking idiot

Yeah that's what most socialist countries turn into

I don't know who that is but the quote in your pic sounds like the exact opposite of the words you are trying to put in his mouth.

>capitalism is when you sell things

It is you economically illiterate fool, no wonder you take socialist propaganda as fact.

the problem with black people is that they are superstitious and have been fucked over, and see this all as a sort of illumainti tier conspiracy instead of people just not liking black people. Also, american blacks thinks the world revolves around their misery and they base their entire collective existence off of this misery. This is why they get mad at mass shootings or terrorist attacks in europe, because it takes attention away from them and they think they will vanish into the ether if everyone stops feeling sorry for them for too long.

lmao did people actually think you could unite races against people who have more money? What a parasitic ideology

>The idea among Europeans that certain races were better than others arose about then, although you're right
You realize that ethnic tensions based on heritage have been a thing since the dawn of mankind, right? Darwinism ringing any bells?

nigga what kind of nonsense are you talking about?

>Is he right? Was racism a historical result of capitalism?
He literally didn't even say that. Why do everyone in this thread relying as if he did?

>Quoting Telesur
>The literal propaganda channel of the Venezuelan government

Non sequitor. That is all.

>Nazis were socialist
End this meme

>it's true that racial laws were introduced in america after capitalism finally toppled slavery in the south
Though they were introduced to stop Capitalists from serving people in the free market, not as a result of the free market.

If anything Jim Crow came about because too many whites wanted to profit off of integration, and entrenched politicians didn't want that.

No, humans have always been racist and in all forms of human societies, though in various different ways. While not the ultimate root cause however, Capitalism has often exacerbated and encouraged various forms of racism both in order to justify economic exploitation, such as with colonialism, and to keep the working class fighting amongst itself instead of together, as in much of U.S history. You can however find racism alive and well in non-capitalist societies as well. The Soviet Union for instance was very racist against non-slavs and too a lesser degree non-russians. One can also look at the various historical empires from that put the rulers ethnicity/race over all others.

>quoting a Telesur screencap
latin american left is almost Africa-tier left. To hell with them

It had socialist roots with Hitler's rhetoric and appeal and socialists elements with more centralization and public ownership of capital invested in the state for the benefit of the people, it just didn't advocate for class antagonism and Hitler cooperated with the German private sector and foreign corporations for the benefit, or what he saw as being to the benefit, of the German people.

>It had socialist roots with Strasser's rhetoric
FTFY. Hitler was anything but a socialist

Hitler wanted class cooperation and thought class struggle was something the Jews introduced to divide nations as they seemed to be dividing Germany with the communist uprisings and agitations, he still appreciated the working class like a socialist and advocated for them without advocating for their seizure of the means of production totally, just to trust in the state providing for them through its control of the capital and centralization. Or something along those lines, his speeches are full of remarks regarding the working class even after he gained power.

>public ownership of capital invested in the state

Literally never happened on nazism. Hell, do I have to link Hitler's "true socialism maintain private property" stuff? It's private capital with State planning, but not enforcing, part of the production. In the end, the capitalists had more say in the economy than the party itself.

i seem to remember a man named karl calling one of his colleagues a "jewish nigger"


he wasn't racist. he just lacked of political correctness :^)

Capitalism is a late 19th century phenomena.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to fall for this fake shit

wtf i'm a marxist now??????

>fake shit

>"The Jewish nigger Lassalle who, I’m glad to say, is leaving at the end of this week, has happily lost another 5,000 talers in an ill-judged speculation. The chap would sooner throw money down the drain than lend it to a ‘friend’, even though his interest and capital were guaranteed. In this he bases himself on the view that he ought to live the life of a Jewish baron, or Jew created a baron (no doubt by the countess). Just imagine! This fellow, knowing about the American affair, etc., and hence about the state of crisis I’m in, had the insolence to ask me whether I would be willing to hand over one of my daughters to la Hatzfeldt as a ‘companion’, and whether he himself should secure Gerstenberg’s (!) patronage for me! The fellow has wasted my time and, what is more, the dolt opined that, since I was not engaged upon any ‘business’ just now, but merely upon a ‘theoretical work’, I might just as well kill time with him! In order to keep up certain dehors vis-à-vis the fellow, my wife had to put in pawn everything that wasn’t actually nailed or bolted down!" (Letter dated July 30, 1862; Vol. 3, Marx-Engels Correspondence, German edition, page 82.)

>"It is now quite plain to me — as the shape of his head and the way his hair grows also testify — that he is descended from the negroes who accompanied Moses’ flight from Egypt (unless his mother or paternal grandmother interbred with a nigger). Now, this blend of Jewishness and Germanness, on the one hand, and basic negroid stock, on the other, must inevitably give rise to a peculiar product. The fellow’s importunity is also nigger-like."

>Hitler wanted class cooperation
Which is the opposite of what socialists wanted. Using socialistic rheortic doesn't make one a socialist

caste isn't tied to race.

racism is a much more recent concept user.
Racism as we know it is to being paraplegic as what people back then did is comparable to having a broken leg

Being crippled its innate to the paraplegics state of being and thus you have to confront it since you interact with them because it is always visible and your views on the handicap will paint your interactions with said Paras. Having a broken leg is something temporary and

Racism imo is applied to too many things. Like guy A dislikes group B but he'll never debase him or shit on him because regardless of their disparities he will always respect him as person at a base level. If guy A thinks that certain traits are innate to being a person of group C then it's much much easier to remove his humanity.

> Having a broken leg is something temporary thus you can not have broken leg and be fine.

but it's a black man so that makes people mad.

Best post ITT.

Communists and Dictators with anti-free market ideologies have shown themselves to be pretty racist, so to suggest racism is solely within the realm of capitalism is false. But also his logic is retarded on another level.

If a white man wants to lynch him, said white man doesn't need anything besides the physical strength to subdue him and access to an implement to hang him with. Both things can be readily found in non-capitalist societies. Stokley talks about power as if its this all encompassing thing but the amount of power needed to pull off a lynching is pretty low.

>I'm 12 years old and don't know what free market socialism is
I hope that you at least realize that there were market economies before capitalism existed.

Liberal capitalism is the most progressive anti-racist, anti-traditionalist and anti-nationalist force in history tho

>If a white man wants to lynch him, said white man doesn't need anything besides the physical strength to subdue him and access to an implement to hang him with

There's a massive difference between lynching and getting jailed/arrested because you aren't a shithole with no law system and the shit that happened in the reconstruction/Jim Crow South where it happened quite frequently with little effort by the state and law to stop it.

lynching is a type of power projection. where one group uses it's ability to lynch to fuck up the targeted person/group by administering "justice" outside the law..

Being able to kill and get away with it with no punishment in a nation that has the resources to quite easily administer the law suggests that said government supports the action either through negligence or deliberate action

True but Stokley's thesis (as per the quote) is that lynching is only something that could occur under capitalism because...reasons. He doesn't make a plausible connection between a generalized racial hatred prevalent in the majority ethnic group of a given society and an economic system that disincentives racism because appealing to as many potential customers as possible makes economic sense.

Then why are the clickbait sites that push anti-racism so much so goddamn ad-infested?

oh haha its not real communism I see
thanks for clearing that up

Stokley never said OP's quote.

Blacks were lynched for raping or murdering someone and not for being black.

What Mugabe did isn't actually communism though.
The ONLY reason farm seizures happened was because Mugabe's supporters forced him to do it or risk losing their big support. It wasn't a "muh commie seizure" peopel paint it as.

Either way the people behind Mugabe were JEWS and jews are behind communism.

lol that was proven wrong so much times.
Even if a guy robbed a store or shot a man to death he should still be tried by the law since you know you do have a legal system (and he's black so it's stacked against him regardless of his innocence or not) not by some emotional lynch mob of fools.

>Allen bought the Frank postcard for $15, then found another, of Laura Nelson, a black woman in eastern Oklahoma. Nelson's 14-year-old son was accused of shooting the local sheriff. When Nelson tried to hold off a posse of white men who came for the boy, she too was arrested. Weeks later a mob broke into the jail and took Nelson and her son to the Canadian River. They raped Nelson and hanged her from a bridge, and hanged her son alongside, his pants around his ankles.

See you have just proven me right.

The 14 year old killed a white sheriff and was lynched for it.

Hanged. They weren't shirts, they didn't get hung. They were hanged.

Are you talking about social Darwinism?

he is one case of being an actual murder and you didn't even note his mom getting getting arrested, raped and hanged?


Didn't people lynch irishmen and other immigrants during the 19th century?

Not that guy but you just proven him right. That guy wasn't trialed and his mother sure as shit wasn't guilty

'Racism' is a spook

He doesn't even explain any justification in that quote. He just states his counter intuitive view and that's it. He sounds like a loser.

>spooked poster abusing the term spooks
Striner will be the new Adorno

No. That's a white supremacist myth.

I just engaged in a mutually agreed contract between two private individuals. If that makes me a racist then so be it.

>Striner will be the new Adorno


>spent his whole life critiquing about how capitalism is degrading culture
>decades later right wingers abuses his critiques but blames the degradation on him