What is exactly wrong with Technocracies?

What is exactly wrong with Technocracies?

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Dumb people don't like smarter people to rule over them, hence a certain someone won the US election.

They're generally run by nepotistic shits putting profits about the nation, so like most modern government really

determines government and leadership based on completely unrelated shit, usually anything but mass psychology

The entire idea is stupid. Pulling your best scientists, engineers, agriculturalists etc. to do government work

A) Keeps them away from the jobs they're actually trained for
B) For something that nobody has ever demonstrated they do better than actual career politicians.

Hell, if you want someone who has actual expertise in legal systems, legislation, and administration, that's probably a lawyer; and yet technocracy is often hailed as an alternative to political systems where the dominant legislative and executive positions are held by attorneys.

Every single time it is tried, it ends in horror, mass death, and utter failure. Turns out, well-educated people can still be morons.

So technocracy = communism?

>real estate billionaire
>not smart
Tripfags everyone

Communism is not called scientific socialsim for nothing.

Well China is relatively technocratic and they're one of the top economies in world right now

It did take tens of millions of deaths and horror to get there, though you are correct.
Unfortunately China's culture is pretty much dead as a result today.

No, but Gommies have historically implemented technocratic systems. You can have technocracy under any non-democratic regime, for example modern Iran is highly technocratic.

>one of the top economies in world right now
Lol what?

experts affirm that by 2030 China will be the top economy in the world, but y'know, they can affirm things that may or may not happen

Yes and the people have lost many a right, sweatshops are all over the country and dumb laws are governing the nation. Tehnocracies tend to care more about the country than the people in the country.


China has a huge population, no shit that their overall economy will be big. But the average chinaman will still be very poor.

I mean by your logic Brazil is also a top economy since it has the same gdp/capita as China right now. Laughing at the Chinaboos.

Also, the opinion of "experts" is usually worthless.

>What is exactly wrong with Technocracies?

The fact that allowing lots of people (including engineers, scientists, etc.) to try many different solutions to problems and compete with each other is a much better way to find solutions to problems than having a single politically-connected faction decree what the correct solutions are.

Kill yourself you fucking tripfag

Because they try to use cultural manipulation to get rid of magic and they kill all the supernatural creatures. Something something muh counterculture remove establishment

t. Veeky Forums

wow, rude

Technocracy basically subordinates all power structures to an uncaring, bureaucratic machine. Imagine a far away central government can determine every aspect of your life with way more power than they wield now without any holds and checks.

it inevitably becomes a shitty bureaucratic feudalism in everything but name. See the soviet union for example


every now and then Americans elect a do-nothing who wastes a whole lot of effort and makes some minor changes but ultimately doesn't mess with the system that much either through design or sheer incompetence.

He'll be gone in 3 years. His approval rating is already in the low 30's. It almost certainly won't happen again for a generation

Smart people are not good at ruling dumb people, they are good at exploiting them. People are good at ruling themselves, when permitted.

That user was rude but he was also right. You should kill yourself, every second you live brings shame to your family.

>culture can die


>kill all members of a culture

>he won't win he primaries
>he won't win the presidency
yadda yadda yadda

English must not be your first language.

A "top economy" does not mean per capita GDP. It means total GDP.

Kuwait being built upon oil and filfthy rich per capita doesn't make it a well-run nation.

projecting much?

>His approval rating is already in the low 30's.

Every president gets shit approval ratings. Because people have problems and are shocked that the president isn't acting like a God-King and legislating paradise.


China's population went from 670 million in 1966 to 870 million in 1976.

>Inherited daddy's money.
>Blew it all on failed ventures and Slavic whores.

>f-fake news

three more years of trumpet damage control and then a year of trumpet tears

>went from millionaire to billionaire with his real estate empire and later President of the fucking United States of America
>not successful
Please tell us of your definition of success from shitposting on a history board of a japanese anime imageboard

But his are far lower than any other president since they started keeping track

*7 sorry I fucked up my post

7 years of whining when Sanders is president in 2020 :^)

>surviving to 2020
top lel

>trump's legacy
>surviving this presidency

top lol

*7 years of winning when Sanders dies in 2020 and Trump goes unopposed
fucking autocorrect

14 years of whining when a Clinton succeeds comrade sanders thx to just how badly drumpf fucked republican party

Yes, because the media establishment was so prescient on the matter of Trump getting elected.


Approval ratings are worthless because most people have no idea what the fuck they are talking about. Someone shit in their corn flakes and they blame the "president", regardless of who it is. Not to mention that the same firms also fucked with polls to try to generate a hype loop (in favor of Hilary).

So why should I trust them that Trump is an exceptionally incompetent person? So incompetent he won the presidency? Lol drumpf big fucking mistake there. Try to aspire to something respectable like mayor of London.

Good points user.

I'd say Trump is no different from Obama. They both do President stuff, but spin it in a different way because they have different audiences.


Yes he is trolling you nonce

nice shoop, my moorish monkey friend

>muh media victory means trump is immortal nothing can hurt trump

loooooooooooool gonna be funny watching this delusion die out as post-election euphoria wanes

*presidential victory for two terms

That's what the Soviet Union was at heart, especially after Stalin died. The dogma at all times was that the system was perfect and the technology was insufficiently advanced for the such a far-sighted system. Only scientific advancement could uplift the scientific state. Everything was draped in expert opinion and not trusting commoners to know how to make their common lives better. Marxism was the science of history, its devoted study nudging humanity toward a brighter future. Look at the All-State Automated System that was to network every workplace in the Soviet Union to permit maximum control by Moscow. To the technocrat the problem was not that the workers had no reason to work and the directions were bullshit. The problem was that their boss was not a computer. If only they were FORCED to input the perfect expert instructions of the Kremlin, utopia would dawn.

Are there any historical examples of technocracy? I'm curious to see it in practice.

China right goddamn now.

Stop defending the fact that he's a fucking rich daddy's boy. He's a draft dodging, adulterous, foul-mouthed retard with too much money for his own good.

Can you name some? Genuinely interested.

>implying that's impressive at all with the business connections, money, education, and mentoring inherited from his father.

He's only successful because he had money in the first place. Money to pay for other people to understand and do his work for him.


>Can you name some? Genuinely interested.
The Ur-example is Martin Van Buren, but the paleoconservatives (Harding, Coolidge, Hoover) all turned do-nothingism into an artform

Drumphy Wumphy inherited everything

Just because you are a specialist in your field doesn't mean you know how to run a successful government/country.
Just because you are a chemical engineer doesn't mean you know shit about what a reasonable tax policy would be.

science and politics are two different professions

a person that studies biology all his life might not know shit about economics or law
meritocracy on the other hand (though the meritocrat will just use the power for corrupt and nepotistic purposes).

Because tech lords are pieces of garbage. Not all technological advancements are advancements, and lot of "advancements" that people "happily" use nowadays like expecting people to pay digital distribution of games and music are extremely harmful to society. You can also blame the people who accept it.
Fuck off

5th Republic France.

About 80% of the political class are out of the same state-run political science college, Science Po, followed by the post-graduate Ecole Nationale d'Administration. When they graduate from ENA they join this or that party and pretend to hate each others guts, while they actually were fuck buddies back in college.

(cont) Science Po and ENA are part of a selective set of schools and colleges called the Grandes Ecoles, who administratively operate outside of the classical university system, thus benefiting from extra prestige and immunity to any of the numerous shenaningans plaguing the French educational system at large.

It's not like a very prestigious colleges you have in every country like the Ivy League ones or Oxbridge, Grandes Ecoles actually have a parallel administration and explicitely fuction as a pool of future political elites.

Sarkozy even got some flak during the 2012 elections because he "only" did Science Po and worked as a lawyer when he graduated instead of going into ENA. His contestant, Socialist Segolene Royale was Hollande's classmate and since then gf in the class of 1980 (pic related).

Thanks anons.

>that the president isn't acting like a God-King and legislating paradise.
He is LARPing as one though