How many people shorting killed themselves yesterday and today

How many people shorting killed themselves yesterday and today

32016 people turned into ghosts today
yesterday 46545 people turned into a ghost

My shorts are still open and green friend.

i sold 50% of my eth at 330-350$

so im still good

not planning to buy back, i needed the cash

Holding on to my CHK stock for them oil gains. I've already made a few thousand, hoping to make my escape if I can hit 100k.

also 33 Draculas were made
and 21 Frankensteins created

umm i made money off the shorts lad


posting from the afterlife.

you just turned into a ghost too huh?

I got 3$ shaved off my ass, does that count?

I would have made a fuck load yesterday but kraken just magically shit the bed at the start of the monster pump and I walked away only making a few hundred. I know there are some poor souls who got torched by krakens incompetence

>the monster pump
the mash, user, the monster mash.

I literally blinked when it hit $2995 and krakens servers "went down" and when they were back up it was at like $3500

>"went down"
Same here. I "went down" to the lab. late one night

Oh, really? Well that makes me feel better about being asleep during it. God I can't wait to get my money off Kraken.

sorry, i'll stop.
Just like the idea of people turning into ghosts.
Makes it all sound nicer somehow.

shorting 1$ for x100 on bitmex.
Pumping btc to the moon by only myself.

Shorted at 3050 balls deep, have been liquidated in 20 min. Don't judge me i'm brainlet.
It hurts guys..

It gonna crash even worse now that China is banning BTC nodes.

No fucking way

"bitcoin is shit because its controlled by china"

"bitcoin is shit because it isn't controlled by china"

china ban just means miners have higher costs, demand higher price for mined BTC, supply is lower, price is higher.

still shorting from 4k faggot.


I went to bed with a short at $3690 last night at one point I was down over half my portfolio but ended up closing for like a $50 gain

Hopefully all of them.

I was working in the lab late one night
When my shorts got called at $3009
Then my BTC from it's crash began to rise
And suddenly I check blockfolio and to my surprise

It did the crash

I was seriously considering selling off $15,000 of my ETH when it was at $390

Decided to fall for the hodl meme because Metropolis was around the corner

Not really gonna kill myself just gonna keep waiting it out, it'll go back eventually

I've decided once cryto is back at its all time high I'm gong to sell half my coins and stick them in the stock market instead. Once you've grown so far its time to diversify.