Over 60,000 Americans were sterilized against their will...

Over 60,000 Americans were sterilized against their will, patriotic Americans who loved their country and were American citizens. This didn't end until the 1970s.

Over 400,000 Germans were sterilized against their will in Nazi Germany by the end of WWII.

21,000 Swedes were sterilized between 1934 and 1975.

Other urls found in this thread:


And? Sterillization is a good thing

Sterillization is good though lol

>patriotic Americans who loved their country

If they loved their country why were they a burden on it?

Voluntarily yes, but if its against their will. No its not.

Why not? Look at Africa and India now, that shit is unsustainable, they could use some involuntary sterilization there.

Nobody with a triple digit IQ disagrees with mass sterilization of the inferior, it's the most humane solution to overpopulation.

Sterilization is kind of a stretch, but I am all for limiting families to only one child.

Minority families, that is.

We're not overpopulated.


>/Pol/fags literally defending eugenics and totalitarianism behind the ideology.

We won't be overpopulated until two minutes before resource decline.

>that shit is unsustainable
Not really.

There is literally no reason to be against sterilization of retards and people with rare genetic diseases etc. Other than muh feels.

Well if the State decided to sterilize you, don't come crying to me abut "muh feels" because you asked for it.

I'll believe that when they stop pushing the overpopulation meme in white-majority countries.

Or you could believe it now and call people out on bullshit. Why would you use your personal butthurt politics to be wrong?

>le pol bogeyman


>Lol only beta cucks are against eugenics. Eugenics hasn't been abused or used for evil purposes, n-no it-it hasn't. Tumblr lol.

>believing in good and evil
Life isn't Harry Potter you retard

>believes in a flawed and discredited pseudo-science bullshit in the 21st century. Supports totalitarian eugenics policies because "muh genetics"

I bet you believe there are over 100 genders as well.

There isn't anything wrong with eugenics and eliminating dysgenic traits, other than reducing the overall number of unique alleles and effectively inbreeding the population, but that would happen only with breeding for very specific traits. There's absolutely not a single wrong thing with aborting retards and cripples and fetuses with debilitating heritable diseases. Is this why you're so butthurt about it? Realizing that if we had mandatory retard abortion, you would've never been born?

Again asshole, what if the State considered you retarded? And who gets to decided who lives and dies? Plenty of retards and cripples actually work and contribute to the economy and society. Do you contribute to anything?

t. retard

Why is it pseudo science? Iceland pretty much eliminated Down's syndrome thanks to eugenics, nothing pseud about it.

Not an argument. You're avoiding the question. What if the State considered you retarded? Care to follow through? They said you are a cripple and a retard so you should start offing yourself.

>a tublrite is accusing someone else of being part of the 100 genders crowd after denying biology

Not him, but that's a thoroughly unconvincing response. I bet you actually do contribute less to society than the average retard

>law states blind people cannot get a driver's license
So this is the argumentation prowess of reddit

>Plenty of retards and cripples actually work and contribute to the economy and society.
people actually believe this

Not an argument. I don't go on Tumblr. Why are you defending state sponsored fuckery?

wow BTFO by a headline

>continues to ignore examples of retards and downies working hard and contributing to society

They do, why are you on a Chinese board that literally caters to autistic types.

There are plenty of jobs out there that have people with mental disabilities working.



>getting a job mopping up shit at 7-11 after the company makes a shitload of adjustments to make the working environment retard-friendly so they can get a tax break/government subsidy for employing retards
That's not contributing to society, that's a complete charade.

>that second link
Confirmed for retard

Again, still a greater contribution than you offer

>you disagree with me so you contribute less than a retard!
Considering you don't know me, that's pretty much a retard tier argument. I expected no less.

What can I say, you're very tiresome. I suspect it's difficult for the people you are a drain on.

I agree, it's really quite a shame you lot haven't been yet.

>What can I say
Nothing, you literally have no argument.

>pro lifers, retards and lolbergs seething because some people would want future generations to be less retarded
This board is full of contrarians.

I want future generations to be less-crime ridden, too, but I don't advocate for sterilizing all blacks, because I recognize that personal autonomy is important.

>it's okay to live in an environment full of criminals and 60 IQ retards because FREEDUMZ is more important
Libertarianism is a mental disorder. Maybe we can eliminate it through sterilization too.

It is interesting how both eugenics and nationalism were things started by the rational enlightened left, and then blamed on conservatives when they became evil.

No one's forcing you to live in the country that chose Liberty as one of its three founding principles.

Conservatives literally never wanted eugenics, they always pat themselves on the back for saving retard babies.


No, seriously, if you hate freedom so much, why don't you go live in a country that doesn't value it? China's all in on this eugenics thing, see if they'll take you.

Again all you faggots defending forced sterilization and government coercion on this board, as well as defending the government's abuse of its own citizenry go get sterilized yourself.

I use to be an edgy teen but I grew up when I got out and talked to people instead of becoming some sort misanthropic cretin that fanaticizes about murdering the weak and defenseless.

They also have terrible living conditions and when you have 1.2 billion people, the average human life isn't too valued

>countries that do what I want suck
>better make my country more like that

Ironically, this is the same mentality that causes people to discuss politics outside of /pol/.

You're ignorant, and apparently know very little about the average Chinese life, but sure. China's not for you. Pick any country in the world. They all value freedom less than the US.

>wants eugenics
>wants average life to be valued

There is literally nothing wrong with eugenics.

If you believe in concepts like right and wrong, this is very easily disproved. If you don't it's a pointless statement.

How do you even know where he lives?

Only Americans sperg out about libertarianism.

You must be a sheltered American if you unironically believe that.

Considered that most Down children are born from non-Down parents (usually older ones), I will need something more than your word to believe it.

Right can you show me your IQ statistics.

Hey there you perfectly expressed my thoughts

>patriotic Americans who loved their country

Are we going to talk about how Planned Parenthood, with generous funding from nonprofits like the Rockefeller foundation, deliberately targeted black ghettos as areas to focus their eugenic efforts?

fuck sterilization. another war is what we need


>sterilizing downies and others who can pass on their genetic defects

t. Adolf Schickelgruber von Himmelbach Zimmerman Hans Muller

Imagine people in 1900 trying to predict the course of the 20th century.

t. Pol Pot

There are plenty of wars right now.

>inb4 Snopes isn't reliable because it doesn't believe Hillary Clinton participated in a sex trafficking ring based in the back of a pizza parlor

There's an obvious danger presented with blind people driving, and there are tests that clearly designate legal standards of blindness. These tests don't vary much between geographic areas.

The Nazis were definitely not liberal nor Enlightened.

t. edgy fuck that doesn't know what war is like

Snopes isn't reliable because of that, I just think it's hilarious that your proof comes from Snopes instead of a scientific journal

Reminder that Thomas Malthus was 100% wrong

Your source there does not even say that Iceland eliminated Down syndrome. It says that of the women who were told that their baby would have it, 80% aborted. It's also doing nothing to weed the genetics that cause it from the gene pool, so mostly it's just aborting babies the government thinks are bad.

This is one of the worst articles I have ever read
>muh leveling out meme
>muh plenty of physical space to spread into meme
>muh europe is already contracting meme
>muh rising Africa meme
And not a single fucking point bout whether or not the 7 billion we have now (let alone the supposed 'plateau' of 9 billion) is fucking sustainable or not

On one hand it's a good thing, but on the other if we eliminate our retards the lefts*its will just forget about it later and invite whole africa to come over.

Eh, who cares about eugenics, the elite will just wipe everuone else out after they genetically immunized themselves against their artificial decimation plague

>Two Population/Conservation Biologists writes about overpopulation
>Microbiologist with political angle try to counter it

I'll try two population biologist over microbiologist when dealing with population. Conversely, I'll trust the microbiologist when we're talking about microbiological issues.

For what reason did we sterilize them though?

>Your source there does not even say that Iceland eliminated Down syndrome.

Which was the point he was trying to make.

Snopes has literally the study's article about that, surely if you dig a little more you can find the definitive proof that Down's Syndrome hasn't been, in fact, been eliminated from Iceland.

>Le "The left is actively inviting immigrants" meme.

In a lot of cases in the US, for being gay. You know, because gay men are known for having many children.

>21,000 Swedes were sterilized between 1934 and 1975.


I suppose we'll find out, won't we?

None of those are memes, they're all valid points. Do you also need to know that we reached peak farmland? Or that our mineral estimates are always limited to 15 years into the future because that's all the mining companies bother to scout?

Not him but it'll sort itself out. The first world isn't the part that will endure famine.

Reminder that Malthus is 100% right, and the reason why we have avoided the Malthusian Catastrophe is due to eugenics programs like abortion and birth control combined with massive police states.

This is also ignoring the environmental sustainability of such a high population in the world

No, actually all of those are actually memes.
>Durr we can all just cramp together in muh urban environments because so much of the Earth is uninhabited
>Let's just ignore the environmental impacts of large scale pollution caused by population growth tho
>Dude, fuck the ocean and ozone layer lmao

Except Malthus himself renounced his former conviction as not taking into account man's ability to plan for the future way before eugenics campaigns were introduced in the first world.

That is the trashiest opinion piece I've ever read
>Assumes that religion is going to go extinct and the extremely religious Muslims and Christian 3rd world is suddenly going to engage in eugenics programs like the west does
>Because everyone completely agrees with "gender education" around the world
>Therefore population rates will decline
>Let's just ignore the Calhoun experiments and how he proved Malthus right

Except Malthus always said that the way to avoid the Catastrophe was through self control? What is your point lad?

What you're proposing as the cause of 'averting' Malthusian's 'correct assertion' was introduced a hundred years after Malthus himself disavowed the formula. You don't see an issue with that?

Except they are memes.
All land is not equally suitable for habitation and creating an ever larger urban sprawl will only be detrimental to the environment.
There is also no reason to believe that the contraction the largely secular West experiences will be mimicked by the whole world, especially as even China is now going headlong into an attempt to rapidly increase its population and avoid the decline the one child policy is threatening to create.
Africa (and to a degree South America) have been hailed as 'rising' to their place as top tier countries for decades now but never change. Brazil in particular has been trying it for about 300 fucking years.

The only hope I have is that the huge uptick in obesity will cause the collapse of the healthcare systems in many of these developing countries and so allow the jaws of the trap to close again.

>disavowed the formula.
Wrong. He disavowed the fulfillment of the formula because of his optimism towards mankind's ability towards self control.

We are still an extremely overpopulated planet heading towards catastrophe, we are only prolonging the inevitable through destroying the environment around us.

downies are infertile. How much of an imbecile are you?

He disavowed the formula because it was bunk and history showed it to be bunk. It had nothing to do with 'self control', birth rates in the 19th century were as high as they'd ever been, what changed was manking's ability to accommodate the extra population, not a limit on the population.

Writing “muh” in front of valid points is not an argument

>Scientific information about the fertility of men with Down syndrome is limited. There have been at least three documented cases where the paternity of a man with Down syndrome was confirmed. It is likely that additional cases will be recognized - especially since more men with Down syndrome have an increased life expectancy, have the opportunity to live in the community, receive treatment for physical and sensory impairments, receive optimum nutrition, and develop intimate relationships.
Were you proud of your little false pedantic factoid? Sterilize yourself retard.