*fucks your whole country up*

*fucks your whole country up*
pssh, nothing personnel, America

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living proof that democrafts are losers and republicans are true alphas of americanland


Every politician from that era looked haggard and uptight, moreso than usual.

Did I miss the meme or is this more /pol/ shitposting?

Wallace did nothing wrong.

well, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone with a brain, left or right, that thinks that LJB was a good leader, and that he meant well. Ive seen neo con's, and literal welfare slaves praise him, but thats it. You could argue "b-but civil rights!
except he pushed it back every chance he could get, and while he celebrated it as a public figure, he wished he had never done it, because he was a racist, corrupt sack of shit.

>except he pushed it back every chance he could get

That was JFK

>fucks up your country
(not true by the way)
Based Nixon keeping commie scum in check.

it was both of them, LBJ, just wanted to institute a welfare state, so he used civil rights as a bargaining chip, effectively not only re enslaving poor blacks, but every man and woman beneath the poverty line.

What a shit slogan. Can't be worse than Goldwater though

>passed bill that made it nearly impossible to just deny immigration into the USA based on country/race/religion.

gun control
>gave government too much broad power over sale and import of firearms. allowing future administrations to ban shit through executive power alone.

New Deal
>creates modern welfare state and the modern urban ghetto.

civil rights
>improperly implemented. created problems where other people's rights are squashed to favor protected minorties. combined with welfare to lock up the negro vote for the democrats.

vietnam war
>escalated the vietnam situation into a war. tens of thousands of americans sent into the meat grinder to feed the military industrial complex. massive civil unrest. eventually put an end to the draft.

Wilson, FDR, and LBJ are the biggest "progressives" of the 20th century and probably the biggest screw ups as presidents.

That's not a fair characterization of his role in the civil rights act in the slightest. Without LBJs support it would not have gotten off the ground, period.

They made mistakes but it's outright Mises-tier revisionism to deny that they did a lot of good things too.

yes im sure Lindon "ill have those niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years" Johnson sure did care about the oppressed, and wasnt just using it as a calculated bargaining chip, to keep his ultra rich friends in power, and further push the military industrial complex

You're changing your argument now and you're also strawmanning. Did he oppose it every chance he got or did he use it to court the black vote? Also conflating the Civil Rights Act to be, in any way, related to the military industrial complex is outright ridiculous. This isn't /pol/-lite. Do some research and support your statements.

>federal reserve
>income tax
>persecution of people who dissented against the government for our involvement in the war.
>state propaganda to support the war.
>governments agents in schools telling children to report their parents for being dissenters
>let the british and french have their way with the war victory

>makes depression worse for years
>NFA. gun control on the poor.
>ww2. he baited the japanese into attacking. probably knew the japanese were going to attack and did nothing to prepare. hoping that germany would some how give him reason to fight them.
>ignored the tradition set by washington by running for more than 2 terms. caused a constitutional amendment to happen.
>wanted to increase the size of the supreme court so he could stack it. got denied, but got to change the courts anyways because he stuck around so long.
>gave away half of europe to stalin

>Income tax
>FDR made the Depression worse for years
This is the sort of Mises-tier revisionism I was talking about.
>knew about the Japanese plan to attack
>gave away half of Europe to Stalin
He was dead months before that happened.

>other people's rights are squashed to favor protected minorities
Ummmm, sweetie, is that supposed to be a bad thing?

the supreme court is about to decide if a bakery can refuse to make a gay wedding cake.

this is the kind of shit LBJ caused. where private enterprise is forced to conduct business with anyone that walks in.

government shouldn't discriminate. though private individuals should be allowed to.

The US was already a Great Power with out an income tax.The revenue stream it creates has lead to reckless spending and foreign entanglements.



US had cracked the Japanese diplomatic codes well before the war.

just bake le cake ;^]

>The US was already a Great Power with out an income tax.
"Great Power" is more than a name. It means an entity that is both willing and able to exert its influence on the world stage. A "Great Power" that sat on the sidelines in WW1, the defining conflict on modern history until that point, and forewent the economic, political and military transformations that process would ultimately entail which allowed the US to meaningfully throw its weight on the scale of human events would have been a "Great Power" in name but not in fact.

>ill have those niggers voting democrat for the next 200 year
He never actually said that

Perhaps i misspoke in saying that he pushed back at every chance he got, but Johnson certainly wasn't fond of blacks. Also the civil rights moment, and the general unrest of the era can be easily tied in with the growth of the military industrial complex. people aren't going to be looking as hard at all the money your spending on glassing a bunch of gooks, when Tyrone and Cletus are beating each other to death in the streets. Not to mention that black Americans were sent to die in disproportionate numbers compared to other races.

LBJ didn't take direct action to grow the MIC. He inherited it that way in addition to the mess left by JFK. Hindsight shows us he should have deescalated action in Vietnam and he himself would say that was one of his biggest regrets as president; however, Johnson didn't have a "glass the gooka" agenda and he was working with what he inherited in the context of the Communist boogeyman that was so pervasive among officials in that era.

In addition to this the reports he was getting from the war ranged from very optimistically embelished to outright lies. The war seemed to be going great until suddenly it wasn't, since something as big as the Tet Offensive couldn't have been spun to be a positive.

I don't think foreign policy was his strength nor do I think he took adequate amount of time to look at the solutions from all angles, but laying the blame of Vietnam squarely on his shoulders, much less something that he wanted to perpetuated to cause unrest to champion his legislative agenda, is not fair to say IMO.

Or the state will use violence to seize your property and your liberty.

>burns a bunch of the King's men alive
Heh, yeah...nothing wrong...

Welfare is not slavery. Christ Almighty that shit people say is as cringey as saying working is comparable to slavery because you need it to have a decent level of living. Complete insult to anyone who suffered being a slave or into forced labour.

>when Tyrone and Cletus are beating each other to death in the streets.

Segregation was a thing boy.

It's the Democrat voter plantation. If you don't pick democrats. Then your welfare could be cut.

Why do some republicans see LBJs efforts to win over the black vote as some major sin in US politics? Is forming a coalition and then appealing to its interest in order to form a trust wrong or undemocratic? Why have I never seen a democrat make up Reagan quotes about getting evangelicals to vote for GOP for two centuries?

indeed, how could a man from a extremely improvished villages poorest family whose peak academic destination was a teachers college in an Austin suburb have any sort of faith, personal interest or ideological bend in improving the welfare system

Growing up in the sharecropping South, . He decided at an early age, he said, that “I was not going to be the victim of a system which would allow the price of a commodity like cotton to drop from forty cents to six cents and destroy the homes of people like my own family.”

>but laying the blame of Vietnam squarely on his shoulders, much less something that he wanted to perpetuated to cause unrest to champion his legislative agenda, is not fair to say IMO.
but his handling of the war was completely idiotic. his phased escalation designed to gradually put pressure on the north had the opposite effect and allowed them to recover easily.

rightist and leftist both hate this ass holes policies, so his only support is neo-liberal capitalist apologist aka democrats

It was Mcnamara's fault.

This is true.

To be fair to the guy, he made his bones in politics during the appeasement period leading up to WW2, and pretty much his entire cabinet was in favor of an escalation of the war.

It wasn't that he came up with the idea of a war and made it happen, he just didn't have the courage to prevent the war from escalating.

Parts of the Republican party are super racist, and they still resent the Democrats for blowing them off in favor of black people with the civil right movement.

There is literally nothing you can do that will make somebody as angry as beating them in a just war. They don't have the comfort of knowing that they won, and they don't have the comfort of knowing they were at least fighting for justice. They can't even admit to themselves what they were fighting for, because it became political poison as soon as they lost the war.

See: South after ACW, Germans after WW1, Russians after Cold War, Serbs after Bosnian and Kosovar Conflicts.

>"win" over the black vote

"vote for me and I'll give you money" is not "winning them over". LBJ destroyed the black family, more and more blacks were entering the middle class before LBJ fucked everything up. The left wasn't winning in actual policy or argument because the world saw what was happening in the Soviet Union, so they switched gears to both buying and importing votes.

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic". Anyone who isn't a brainlet understands just how much damage he's done

>more and more blacks were entering the middle class before LBJ fucked everything up

Literally a lie.

When the Civil Rights Act was passed, 80% of black families were in poverty.

Today it's 40%.

Truer than I care to admit.
t. Serb

if FDR was such a screw up why were they gonna elect him for a fourth term