"The Bible is corrupt"

What do people mean by this?

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wanna fug the gote desu

It has been corrupted

Who would have guessed that just stamping "word of God" on documents didn't make it fact?


Most (Christian) sects say that although the Bible was divinely inspired, it was still written by humans, which means that it is prone to human error. This is usually allows reinterpretation of scripture without saying "the Bible is wrong".
Islam and Judaism (especially Hasidic) hold that their holy books are textually infallible, since they believed that they were transcribed verbatim.

shiites dont

Into the trash it goes.

(Orthodox) Jews only believe that the set of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy were divinely dictated verbatim. "By the mouth of God and the hand of Moses" is the formula rendered into English. The rest of it is divinely inspired but ultimately written by humans.

>Nobody has scriptures
>Jews come around and start writing their religion down in scripture
>Everyone has scripture

>>Nobody has scriptures
>>Jews come around and start writing their religion down in scripture
>>Everyone has scripture

People had sacred texts, statues, and artwork... The purpose of the Jewish book is to undo all that. Pagans believed the gods were alive (god of poetry, god of wisdom, god of storms, god of agriculture, god of theater, etc.) so lots of things in the world could come from the gods rather than just a psycho-killer's mass murder fantasy.


If the Bible really is the words of god, then there should be no contradiction. On top of my head,

>Luke told the Ascension happened the same day as the Resurrection while John said a few days after that and Acts say 40 days.
>Jesus said to the disciples to baptize all nation in the name of all three, yet they only baptize the Jews(not the gentiles) in the name of Jesus only.
>John the Baptist said Jesus is the lamb but when he is in prison he sent messengers to find out who Jesus is, which doesn't make sense.
>Jesus told his disciples that he will rise up from the grave in three days after his death yet the disciplines on that day go were shocked to a ridiculous degree when they saw the tomb was empty.

These looks like forgery to me.


>the faggot that spams his stupid anime character recolor on /a/ has infographic-level knowledge of the Bible


WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO MEAN YOU CUNT? I'm just giving examples of why I think the Bible is corrupted based on the internal evidence. At least say that I'm wrong on one of my meme arrows.

gimme the verses
I'm no Bible expert still in a rut with the Illiad tbqh

Why should (I believe) post-facto accounts contradicting each other necessarily be demonstrative of forgery? Perhaps discrepancy has been generated by differing transcriptions of differing oral accounts, both of which are subject to mutation? My proposed explanation has been as substantiated as yours. Be a keen lad and don't surmise.
Keep in mind that some numbers and phrases are symbolic and/or poorly translated in languages insufficiently broad to convey full meaning of text (thank pr*testants)

Isn't furfagshit bannable or something?

>If the Bible really is the words of god, then there should be no contradiction.
Seems non-sequitorial to me. The first assertion that the Bible is really the word of God does not strictly follow that it would have to be accurate.
The Christian apology is that despite the divine nature of the Biblical text through divine revelation - inspiration of the Evangelists by the Holy Spirit - has resulted in an imperfect, mundane interpretation of the original Biblical text and is thus liable to very human error.

Wanna fug the gote desu

Not contradictions, sorry child!
>hurka durka i dont understand so its le contradiction xddD
Also, you're interpreting rather than posting the source material.

Undertale isn't a furry game.

They mean, "Look at me, I am edgy as fuck!"

It has a lot of furbait

Who fits the bill of being the Asriel dreemurr of history?

They mean their souls are corrupt.

Yes, but so does a lot of games and the protagonist and antagonist are still human.
The goat characters are there as a reference to Satan.

Nobody gives a shit about the lore of your shitty furry tumblr game.

Let's start small:
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ascension_of_Jesus#Biblical_accounts >Lukes and Acts appeared to describe the same event, but present quite different chronologies, Luke placing it on the same day as the Resurrection and Acts forty days afterwards;

And Thomas said "My lord and my god" a week after the other disciples meet him(John 20;26), which contradicts Luke too.

I agree. We don't know whether or not the Bible teachings is from the true teachings of Jesus at all. If they are prone to error, then false teachings can sneak their in the Bible too. Paul said the Second Coming will happened during his lifetime, and we know that never happened. That makes him a false prophet and since 23 out of 27 books are influenced by him, Christian as a whole are built upon books that aren't divinely inspired.

I'm sorry, more than half of the NT are written by Paul. Not sure if the other books are influenced by him.

>they were wrong once so all they say is invalid

While it shakes the trust we can have in a source, it is fallacious to reason as you have

So why are we even here? You aren't a Christian, right? I'm here because I want to discuss this. You?

I'm not a Christian

idk why I'm participating at all, I feel society is better with Christianity, institutionalized especially, than without, and though it's plain to see it's time is past I still feel viscerally compelled to defend it

Not a valid source, sorry!