Tfw just hit 21 BTC milestone

>tfw just hit 21 BTC milestone
Is there any pill I can take that will put me into a coma for 10 years? Life as sub-rich is a scam and I don't feel like having to wait 10 more years of suffering.

5 years maximum and you will be free

What's the significance of 21?

I'm at 15 BTC at the mo...

I just hit 21.59.

Yes, I want to join you in the coma, and have the state pay for it. When I awakw, we will be on the moon.

>at 15 BTC
>doesn't know the significance of 21 BTC

Why is life not fair. This cunt has 21 BTC. This cunt.

it's 1/1000000 of the total supply

It's crazy how obvious it is that if you just fast forward 5-10 years in life with your current crypto stash you'd be guaranteed to be rich. And yet for some reason it's still hard to hold when retarded neets are posting wojaks.

next stop 210 op.

.... then 2100

21 million in circulation.

You are literally 1 in a million.

only 300,000 people have more than 10k usd in btc. you're actually much more.

yup. basically if you have a wallet with some whole number amount of BTC in it, you're already super special :^)

Just spunk it on DICE - as in gamble it, not buy DICE

>used to make fun of friend for mining bitcoins
>he mined around a thousand
>I didn't listen

Now I have 1 BTC and I haven't seen him in two years, fucker

your friend has 4 mil. call him up

I printed my 1 BTC wallet onto a certificate I designed myself with all kinds of details and imagery so that it looks like a cyberpunk stock certificate. I keep that in storage and play with my remaining 0.2 BTC

How did you get to 21 BTC?

Prolly more, wouldnt suprise me if he bought ETH, STRATIS, ANS and so on early

He has no FB or I would prolly see his lambo posted on my wall

This. Anyone feel like sharing their general strategiy for us dumber folk?

>he still logs into fb
makes sense you're no lambo

t. Fedora tipper

Buy high sell low

Largest transfer of wealth in history.

There will be 21 million coins ever created.
If you hold 21, you are in a group of 1 million people.
Considering all the lost BTCs, less than 21 (but 21 is cool to hold).
There are 7.5 billion people on earth.

There will NEVER be enough BTC for all fiat millionaires in existence today to own ONE.

There will NEVER be enough BTC for all CORPORATIONS in existence today to own ONE.

Do the fucking math.

Bitcoin is designed to reward those that get in early (as it should). Risk/reward, cut and clear with the same rules for everyone since day 1, no bullshit. No sugarcoated crap for communists. Pure risk/reward.

Bitcoin is how we take control back. Vengance will be brutally served on boomers and normies. We are kicking Rothchild ass and taking their spot in a decentralized global economy. Get in on the winning team or become our slaves.


I own 20. I got them on bitcointalk around 2012 in the first jobs ever that paid in btc such as translating stuff, advertising (signature campaings), designing logos..

I was able to make a lot because BTC was real cheap back then, so im going to be rich thanks to shitposting after all (dont bother now unless you want beer money, if you want to make real money, offer services or programing skills for BTC, or just buy it with your waggie money)

dream is to hold 100 btc then ill just quit investing in shitcoins.

Ha. You better sell that shit right away, the bubbles about to pop.

this should be a copypasta motivational post

Sorry my man, im not new.

Btw, I should have 21+BTC since I didnt even bother dumping the Bitcoin Cash meme.

btw JP Morgan bought the dip after he made noobs panic selll

>bitcoinlet here
Still hoping to meet you on the moon guys, I'm ok with flying economy class

bought ethbet today. still has 16 hours left

put it all on IOC and double down nigga, save you 5 years of waiting

Who user?

Confirmed fake news
