Assuming Hitler had someone won WW2 and annexed Soviet territory up to the Urals...

Assuming Hitler had someone won WW2 and annexed Soviet territory up to the Urals, and got the Brits to sign an armistice.

What would happen after Hitler dies? What were the major factions in Germany's government?
I imagine there would probably be some sort of civil war. What could the different sides be?

Did Hitler really plan to annex the Slavic lands up to the Urals? How was he expecting to hold it if he also wanted to genocide the Slaves?

The only way that Germany wins WW2 is if Britain decides to accept a negotiated peace after the fall of France. Hitler then either decides not to invade the USSR, or he invades the USSR sooner and with greater success, taking Moscow swiftly and forcing the Soviets to capitulate. And Japan either doesn't bomb Pearl Harbor, or Japan does bomb Pearl Harbor but Hitler doesn't declare war on the United States. It's an unlikely, but plausible, series of events.

I'm not asking if Hitler could or how He would win it, I'm mostly asking what would happen after He dies. (assuming he magically won)

of course it fucking matter hows he wins it you utter retard. If he just barely wins, expect a large insurrection and another war against the soviets and brits against the third reich that would be in the middle of a secession crisis. If the Third Reich magically gets advanced jets, nukes, and modern tanks then destroys the Soviet Union handily then there will still be a civil war, just with no outside intervention. History didn't occur in a vaccum, each event and outcome were affected by previous events and decisions and just changing a single variable can result in a large change everywhere else.

I already told You in this scenario Hitler annexes Russia up to the Urals and the Brits just sign an armistice, while America doesn't get involved. I'm not asking if it's possible just answer my fucking question about Germany's internal politics

I know what You're trying to say but I don't want this to be another "cud hitler have won ww2 xdxd??" thread

It's possible that Hitler could have adopted a more pragmatic point-of-view after winning the war, softening his racialist agenda in favor of a more conventional imperialism where the locals are often recruited to police themselves, with German officers being brought in to act as advisers. This is more or less how the Kaiser did his business in during Germany's short-lived colonial empire, the East-African Schutztruppe being the most notable example. Whether Hitler was flexible enough to adopt such a model is impossible to know.

It would fall apart without Hitler almost instantly. I don't understand why idiots think great man theory is a meme when Hitler is a direct proof of it being real, he was the one who managed to energize the German people, and make them fanatical enough to do something that was almost certainly a suicidal effort. Can you imagine some beta faggot like Dönitz, Himmler or Schirach as the Führer, as someone that would be followed without questions?

That shitty empire wouldn't last a second
Even without hitler

Its absolutely beautiful...

It would probably look similarly to what happened after Stalin died. Party infighting, few assassinations and arrests, but full out civil war isn't very realistic.

He did but when he started losing he changed it to a total disarmament policy of the Soviet Union
You have to realise hitler flip flopped more than any other political sans perhaps Woodrow Wilson

>Assuming allied post-war atrocity propaganda and anti-axis strawman slander are actually true

But they aren't OP.

Hitler wanted russians and their nation to prosper.

Alexander the greats empire

>assuming hitler meant Russia and not ostland


so much so that he called them Untermensch in his "Mein Kampf"?

autism strikes again!

>How was he expecting to hold it if he also wanted to genocide the Slaves?
>round up Ukrainians
>round up all the other Slavs, Balts, Jews, etc.
>give the Ukrainians guns and vodka
>repeat until there are no non-Germans left

>Hitler wanted russians and their nation to prosper.

>pearl harbor happening
>without the english pulling the yanks into the war

the absolute state of /his

The SS and Heer duke it out, Kreigsmarine and Luftwaffe probably mostly side with the Heer because one was run by Goering who hated Himmler and the other's led by Donitz who didn't like the SS either

everybody hated the SS except the SS themselves.

He meant "Ostland" not "russia"
Russians had to go at some point, he was quite favourable of the russians in his young years before the bolshevick shit started kicking off.
Germany and Russia were best buddies for hundreds of year before.
Communism changed all that very heavily.

>Germany and Russia were best buddies for hundreds of year
Germany didn't even fucking exist until 1871


Excuse me?
Are you a yankee by any chance?
You surely cant be serious with that statement.

I think realistically he would just install puppet governments instead of annexing them

>Germany and Russia were best buddies for hundreds of year before.
What's it like to walk around all day and try to interact with other humans while being this fucking ignorant?

Pretty much this,
Clear anything of Russians that is somewhat close to Germany and make it German soil with german gov, set in place.
The rest is set up with puppet governments.
the absolute state of americans on this board.
The German Empire was the unification of Germany in 1871. Germany existed for a long time before that little one. Pick up a book sometime.

>what are the napoleonic wars

I might have overstated it with "hundreds" of years but my point stands.
Germany and Russia were buds. (As long as they were monarchies)

The state of Germany didn't fucking exist in the first place, then how the fuck could they have a friendly ("best buddies") diplomatic relation in the first place? Fuckwits.

Obviously OP assumes both Austria and Prussia bring allied to Russia for some time means they love each other apparently

I dunno I kinda agree with the sentiment that Russia/Germany were best buds, but rather a more accurate statement was that since the monarchy of Russia (House of Holstein-Gottorp, later ROMANOV) had been German that the German states would have a more preferable status in diplomacy and relations.

Like seriously Prussia under Frederik I would have been anally raped by Russia if Peter I hadn't masturbated so hard to the Prussians.

Russia called on German states to settle its regions and send its brightest minds as well -- the Volga Germans/Black Sea Germans