What are the major differences between the Angles and Saxons who invaded Britain in the 5th century and the Danes and...

What are the major differences between the Angles and Saxons who invaded Britain in the 5th century and the Danes and Norse who invaded Britain in the 9th century?

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Only the first invasion was successful.

Well no shit. What kind of answer is that.

How's so? They came in, they staid in.

A true one.

And became Anglo in the process.

Anglos and Saxons were invited to serve as bodyguards. Then they invited all of their cousins at home

Their language and religion were different, they still had similar laws and ideas about kingship and warfare. The Saxons kingdoms became Christian while the Danes were still pagan

Not OP.
Can you speak to the divide between the Saxons who conquered England and the ones that Charlemagne conquered in Saxony? How did they become two groups? Were they ever one?

The germanic peoples and kings of Britannia are descended from a number of tribes, most famously the Saxons and the Angles from northern Germany. They carved out kingdoms and subjugated the Romano-British peoples and gave their name to the land "Angleland". The Saxons of Britain were eventually baptised by the Roman Church while their distant kin in Northern Germany remained pagan. This ended when ya boy Karolus Magnus invaded Saxony and and slaughtered tens of thousands of the heathens effectively erasing Saxon culture on the continent.

I imagine a Saxon chief conquered England and then still retained control of Saxony at the same time, no? Did he just eventually lose it or was it lost in succession or something? Just trying to understand how the two groups were separated.

How in the world do you think a chief could project power from an island during the Medieval era? It’s not like he could write his vassals letters...

Have someone else rule in his stead like his oldest son or a trusted vassal.

The Saxons weren't one centralised state they were a number of chieftains and petty kings. Also remember, this was during the Migration Period where entire tribes and settlements would uproot themselves and conquer new land. Leaders and their soldiers would bring their families to settle. These warlords and adventurers were looking for new land to call home.

nigger what? The invasion of Britain was done by various tribes and they established petty kingdoms across Britain. I'm almost certain they had little to no connection to the people who remained on the continent once their kingdoms had been established.

A vassal left alone won’t remain a vassal for very long.

fuck i posted the wrong pic

What were you trying to post?

I think you meant "invited"


He was talking about the time of their migration. Which was basically identical process by identical peoples from literally same area. Even that helmet's owner had his roots in modern day Sweden.

The norses never invaded britania you moron nor did the danes. Anglosaxons are the rightful brothers and sisters of the celtic people. Anglosaxons are related to danes and the norway people, thus they are all brothers and sisters.

Ego forgetere in past: Norses are the weavers of the web not a folk.

Not without turning the English language half Scandinavian


I wondered what would've happened if ALL the continental Saxons emigrated to Britain?

t. assburger