What does it mean to be human?

What does it mean to be human?

Have blue eyes

To suffer


Stay mad darkie

100+ IQ

There really isn't a massive difference between the brains of humans and say ravens, humans just got incredibly lucky with our physiology.

Anything that walks on two legs and doesn't have feathers

120+ IQ *

People below barely qualify as sentient beings

maybe we have souls too and they help us think

"I think one man is just as good as another so long as he's honest and decent and not a nigger or a Chinaman. Uncle Wills says that the Lord made a white man from dust, a nigger from mud, and then threw what was left and it came down a Chinaman. "

wut about green

prove to me animals don´t have souls

Chins. I'm completely serious, name one other species with a chin. You can't because they are the only exclusively H. Sapiens feature. Chins are what it means to be a person.

holy shit you’re right
wait, don’t some monkeys have chins?

>a weakness is what makes us human

white skin, blonde hair and blue eyes

We're a particular species.



Why does /pol/ pretend this 5/10 is a good poster girl?


any better?

tall, blonde hair, blue eyes and intelligent

4/10 not enough wheat fields

Are fat people even more human then?

no americans aren't human.

I know this was a President. Truman? FDR?


here you go user wheat fields as requested.

>Nazis are pedos as well

t. fag

>I like little girls because they're abusable and not as judgemental actual women

Amassing miserable piles of secrets.

diogenes would disagree

green eyes are clearly superior lol


Slavs are Aryan now? You germanophile fucks can't fucking decide that can you.

aryan=indo european.
only jews want to divide europeans

>only jews want to divide europeans
So Hitler, Himmler, Rosenberg, Heydrich were Jews?

t. fag

>not Jews

not Jews but divisive, i'm not a Nazi btw.
also war time brought out radical ethno-nationalism in those days.
it wasn't just the Nazis who hated other Europeans based on ethnicity.