Veeky ForumsFacts

Taiwan was ignored by china for 5,000+ years and was only colonized by them during the Qing Dynasty with the help of Portugal and Spain

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There's this thing called "the sea" that got in the way. Also Taiwan was not empty, it had natives.

Everyone knows you couldn't sail that far back then, it would take decades

They knew about it during the Han dynasty 200 + ad, but settlement only started in the Qing.

You're right, if only there was some way to travel by sea. Not even the Europeans could accomplish a feat like this until recently. That's why the Mediterranean was largely ignored until around the 1600's.

Same reason the Romans never conquered Ireland desu. Who gives a fuck, it's just a big rock in the sea covered in a bunch of idiot monkeys with no civilization

Same reason Sardinia was left untouched by humans until about 400 years ago. I don't think people understand it'd take literally years to get from Italy to Sardinia by boat, let alone China to Taiwan.


Redpilled as fuck


is there any goof reason why it was ignored so long it certainly isnt a small island

Negrito natives they slaughtered, but still have celebration remembering/honoring them'ai

You do realize there are still Islands in Asia right now l, not colonized, populated by indigenous people?

Polish magician is that you?

It got colonized by Ming refugees led by a general who destroyed the Dutch colony there and set up a kingdom before submitting to the Qing and led to its incorporation into China.

1) China is big and is a global center of world trade.
2) See # 1
3) Nobody of consequence lived there. Just a bunch of aboriginal cultures who are somewhat related to Filipinos (i.e. Igorots)
4) To be fair, before the 1600s, there *were* Chinese there, but in small numbers and most of them were tradesmen setting up trading posts to barter whatever with local abbos.
5) Or if you were a Chink pirate/smuggler running away from the law.
6) Your average Chinese doesn't migrate away from his ancestral lands for no good reason. Unless he is a merchant or a pirate or some crises falls on him like famine or war.

Related to the last point: the first major Chinese settlement was when Ming Loyalist/Pirate Warlord Koxinga took every Ming loyalist he could find and invaded the place, ousting the local dutch presence. He wanted the Island as a base of Ming loyalist resistance against Manchu invaders hoping to restore the Mings as Emperors of China. He died, and his sons wanted to be Island Kangz instead, founding the Kingdom of Tungning, which raided the Qing Dynasty China's coastline until the Qing got pissed off and invaded Taiwan for good.

Comparing Ireland which is an Ireland in the offskirts of the Empires furthest boundaries to Taiwan, right off their mainland
Nice try. More like Sicily or Sardinia

"‘I am firmly convinced that Spain is the strongest country of the world. Century after century trying to destroy herself and still no success"
- Otto Von Bismark

Sardinia had resources and civilization unlike Taiwan

>claim a Veeky Forumsfact thread
>posted a fucking bullshit bait nonsense from the start.
Nice try, user.