White people = Evolved albinos

I think evolution of homo sapiens is meant for him to become whiter, white human appeared in Europe only 8000 years BC, which means that a mutation suddenly happened in some migrating population around the world, while knowing that Europe was populated by neggers around 40 000 years ago.
I so w*ite people are the result of essentially of albinism. not essentially of sub-saharan decent ( lol at the big noses, brow bones, huge lips ... ) , Let's say albino Dravidian. + we all know where do European languages come from, INDIA !!

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Ok i get it, white people evolved to enslave black original people, but brown people are stuck in between.

This is wrong though, it is fact proven by science that we all come from a White ancestor. Early hominids were White underneath their fur/body hair, but when these early hominids left their habitats in the forests and caves they evolved to the sun's rays, this evolution cause their fur/body hair to shed due to the increased heat, their skin got tanner/darker to protect themselves from the increased UV rays, their noses got wider and flared to breathe in air better, and their hair got nappy in order to sweat more easily.

Albinism is a literal disorder..
When you are albino, you're not "white" in the classical sense; you're "white" in the literal sense.

Though, I think it would make sense if a group of actual albino Africans migrated North as a result of skin cancer/conditions. And maybe if albinos were the ruling class of that primitive society, it'd make sense that lighter varieties of people would be seen in a higher regard. And after the albinism gene slowly turns off in the whole population, the whole population is shades lighter as a result.

Early homifurred nid skin color is irrelevant. The earliest fur-less hominids had dark skin and afro-textured hair.

>Dark skin
Debatable, and it depends how dark.


Which I explained they had these things because they had to adapt to their new habitat. Evolution takes hundreds, maybe thousands of years for an entire group of people, which means the earliest fur-less hominids actually had White/light skin, not dark. If you're the OP, you say Black people inhabited Europe, which could be true(not likely), but you're also forgetting about the other hominids that existed during that time which were White, for example, the Neanderthal, which lived primarily in Europe and America, and in which all Whites share 1-5% DNA with today.

But hey aren't human. The earliest humans had dark skins. What's with this new push to try to shift the focus of human development from the out of Africa theory? The fine details are pointing to pre-human hominids originating in Europe, and such. But none of that changes the fact that the first HOMO SAPIENS were in Africa.

And the first homo sapiens were White/light skinned, then due to Africa's habitat they evolved into darker, nappy headed, uncivilized peoples'

Neanderthals lived in Europe, the Middle East, and parts of Asian Russia. If they were anything like us, they would have varying skin colors. The Denisovans (who split from them 700,000 years ago) sure did. As for the percentage of DNA, there exists no Europeans or even Asians (they have more of it) with anything close to 5% Neanderthal ancestry. Recent estimates place it somewhere around 1-3%.

The Khoisan's genetic ancestor split from the Mandinka's ancestors around 260,000 years ago, with genetic evidence putting the evolution of Homo sapiens to be at the very least around 300,000 years ago, and at the most, over 350,000. Skulls were also found in Morocco that appear to be a primitive Homo sapiens as well, with them being 310,000 years old. The first Homo sapiens were not light skinned people, they were dark skinned people that looked either like the Khoisan or populations that straight up don't exist anymore.

Forgot to mention "With the Neanderthals in Europe obviously having pale skin due to living in Europe for over 300,000 years". Europeans did develop light skin way later, somewhere between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago, but it should be noted that this would only include the now extinct proto-Scandinavians (who looked like Asians) and the people who would eventually develop into the Yamna, who were still darker than the rest of Europe. The hunter gatherers of West, Central, and Southern Europe were all dark skinned (at least as dark as Native Americans), with some of them having blue eyes.

Hominids with fur/body hair = white skin under it. Homosapien(human) = hominid
Hominids left forest/caves = adapt = become darker
Hominids who became darker now seen as black
First homosapien was white/light skinned that then adapted and became darker/black

Percentage of Neanderthal DNA was just assumption since I forgot what the exact percentage estimates were, but again, this is an ESTIMATE, so to state there is "no Europeans or Asians with anything close to 5%" weakens your argument since we don't know the exact ESTIMATE.

Europeans have always had light skin. Mostly Neanderthals who lived in Northern/Central Europe were tall, with light skin, and had blue eyes and blonde hair due to the habitat. It is true however that those that lived in Southern Europe had darker skinned, that appeared tanned White, and this is because they were closer to the equator, and also from the migrations of the tanned/dark skinned homo sapiens, which lived and reproduced with the White Neanderthal.
Back to OP's post, he stated that all Whites were evolved albinos, which is untrue since we know Neanderthals and early hominids(including homosapiens) who still had their fur had White/light skin.

Yeah, "evolved" is the key word.

everyone who was of any historical importance was a sub saharan african that may have had some sort of skin pigmentation disorder and there is nothing you can say to prove otherwise

That's a nice pro-"olive" skin narrative you got there. It kinda gives away your nationality, I bet it's Italian, South.

Eastern and Central Hunter-gatherers were light-skinned.


"Western hunter-gatherers (WHG) had a distinctive blue-eyed, dark skin pigmentation
phenotype1,2 that emerged in the Mesolithic.6 In contrast, we show that Mesolithic and
Neolithic individuals from Ukraine, Latvia and the Iron Gates had, like Scandinavian and
Eastern hunter-gatherers, intermediate to high frequencies of the derived skin pigmentation
allele at SLC24A5. Unlike Scandinavian and Eastern hunter-gatherers, however, they have
low frequency of the derived SLC45A2 allele. The derived OCA2/HERC2 allele associated
with light (particularly blue) eye color is common in WHG, SHG, and hunter-gatherers from
Latvia, but at low frequency in hunter-gatherers from Ukraine and the Iron Gates. This allele
appears to be differentiated in a North-South gradient, as it is today – suggesting the
possibility of long-term balancing selection due to geographic variation in selective pressure.
The WHG phenotype of light eye and dark skin pigmentation1 thus appears to be restricted to
western Europe and is far from universal in European hunter-gatherers, with light skin
pigmentation common in Northern and Eastern Europe before the appearance of agriculture."

Also, you're speaking as if evolutionary changes happen overnight, and until you realize this is not the case, you simply lose all merit and me conversing with someone such as yourself would just be a waste of my time. *Tips fedora

> so w*ite people are the result of essentially >of albinism
why not black race are the result of essentially blackening of Caucasus race members caused by the Sunlight?
Black race and Caucasian race had a lot of differences apart from color of skin, you should know.

Interesting how Mongoloids evolved independently of Whites and still obtained light skin

why whitey refused to be called albino? you people look the same to me

I am pretty sure that whites evolved from Cro Magnon/Neanderthal DNA merging, for which both were in Europe for pre-human times as evident by stuff like the Lascaux caves.

And blacks lack this merging of DNA from two pre-humans.

>you're not "white" in the classical sense; you're "white" in the literal sense.

[damage control intensifies]

Pic related is an albino Indian. You would think he was white if you saw him walk by on the street.

Face it white boy. You are an albino Indian. The more you're able to come to terms with this then the easier it will be for you to claim you wuz Indo-European

Looks irish to be honest

No, other way around, Indians are shitskin Europeans. Probably a result of fecal matter in the womb.

this tbqh

white people are white becauze there is no sun in europe

Yes, Indian albinos look just like Europeans.

...or maybe not.

Veeky Forums - Race Discussion & Stalin Apologism

Neanderthals were not tall, what the hell are you talking about? By the way, we are hominins, not just hominids, and starting with Homo ergaster/Homo erectus and possibly Homo naledi, we had dark skin. Any human species who moved up north would also have varying skin colors as well.

>indian women got MICKED during colonization.
>humans look like humans
>ancient pre-historic Dravidian-Hibernian empire


What the fuck are you trying to say?

the genes that cause albinism are not the same genes that cause light skin in Eurasians.

Infact, there are three different genes that cause the skin of Europeans to be white, none with cause albinism.

please, stop posting here.