So they didn't reveal anything in the tech crunch conference...

So they didn't reveal anything in the tech crunch conference... I want everyone who said they would to apologize in this thread

all you had to do was read why they were there and you wouldn't have been dissapointed in the first place.
don't blame other people for being a retard

Hmmm really makes me think... I knew they wouldn't reveal a thing and got shot down by retarded OMGollums. Apologize

remember when u sell they moon

I dont have to apologize for anything, I said multiple times in multiple threads to not expect any announcement.

Oh didn't they...

You guys are such fucking retards, I literally feel sorry for you.

But when do they announce partnership with Apple? Still during September right?

didn't you read the skateboard sticker?
+ google

thank you, apology accepted

Did they unveil another photo of them in front of a major company logo?

That's probably the spacex announcement

FUD harder, you aint getting my coins. This is the most stable shitcoin there is, and the only one that actually combines a huge vision with the means to accomplish it.

It's pretty much money skells pet project at this point.

TechCrunch revealed to us that Jun is just a stuttering pothead that runs a scam.

>believing the apple hype
>believing the google hype
>believing the tech crunch hype
>still believing the """big""" news

I have 360 OMG, and have held through all dips - accumulated more, and will continue to do so. Know why? Certainly not because of some stupid fucking UTTERLY retarded delusional rumours such as the above.

It's because this coin is going to chance payments. You'll be able to buy a coffee with your frequent flyer points, purchase a car with your rewards cards, acquire property with your runescape gold etc. etc.

>he actually believes a 5 team start up in FUCKING THAILAND will be able to achieve their pipe dream highly sus, legally and computationally complicated vision


>5 member start-up team
>Conveniently ignores OMG being ETH 2.0 with Buterin, Poon and Wood all advising and promoting it heavily.

Take a deep breath and neck yourself, friend.

why didnt my filters pick this up

This coin is the biggest piece of garbage on this board. I dumped it the first time it went to $11 and have been making profit on other coins since. All the "OMG THEY ARE GONNA PARTNER WITH APPLE AND GOOGLE" have sat there making no profit for over a month.

I make profit every day by day trading OMG. It's so easy.

How did the breastmilk thing go?