Can someone lie to me about TNT being listed on new exchanges soon...

Can someone lie to me about TNT being listed on new exchanges soon? Refer to yourself as an insider too if it's not too much trouble. Tell me how much it will multiply when this occurs. These bags are getting heavy and clearly I'm easily led so lighten my load please Veeky Forumsraelites

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Just set up some nodes and get comfy af. Ever since their software release, I've set up nodes and don't even think about exchanges anymore.

Literally unstoppable


sgreengap dis :DDD

china fud is keeping these coins off new exchanges, it'll come. there's no dividends or anything like etheroll keeping us off big exchanges

if this never ever hits a big exchange then it's a longterm hodl and you'll have to wait like a year for other companies to use the tierion network services to drive the price up

Hey Bittrex employee here. I can get fired for doing this, but I just have to get it off my chest. TNT will be listed next week, and not only that, but the inner circle at our company are planning to pump it up REAL GOOD. Think Numeraire. How do I know this? let's just say I'm pretty close to one of the top dudes in the circle... you know nepotism and stuff. Not lying btw.

I posted on a thread earlier. I am an insider.

>hitting bittrex in 3 weeks
>easy 3x

Thank fuck for that. Nice one m80s

what the fuck is happening with coinmarketcap. Is someone trying to wash trade ? lol

On coinmarketcap it says it's 88c on etherdelta. I don't understand why. It must be a mistake eh, that sort of discrepancy is ridiculous

Just typical Etherdelta manipulation trap.

I think someone's buying his own sell orders to cause a pump

cunt got greedy, he was trying to 9x it in a matter of minutes

tierion is a solid coin still. most of us are nervous because we bought before the big china fud for like double what it is now and the tierion launch was a bit of a blunder since people didn't read the white paper and started fudding and the way it was done wasn't the best, so it didn't moon anywhere near where people expected it to

I'm honestly stunned at how badly the devs have handled this launch. The actual software issues are one thing, but the way they have basically cut off all communication with the outside world since launch day is what's really killing the price. How hard would it be to acknowledge there are issues and discuss how they are tackling them?

I know they have a Telegram btwa. Here's the thing, Telegram is a group chat room, it's not a suitable vehicle for providing wide ranging updates to investors.

Yeah, tierion got really unlucky with timing. It would've been $0.5 already if the china thing didn't happen.

agree. Or maybe they're smart enough not to release any major news during the market uncertainty. Qtum launched the mainnet while bitcoin was raping the market, in normal conditions it would've mooned like crazy, but it dipped even lower instead.

My third cousin, 2nd removed, works at a trendy hipster coffee bar in Seattle, and he overheard two Bittrex employees saying they have to get back to the office to work on the TNT addition, because TNT is so great and it has partnerships with Microsoftpenis and Phillipz.

TNT tooo daa moon, 10X by October 1st bucko.

Don't let these guys fool you. I'm a serious insider and just hold onto your bags. Everything will reveal itself soon.

lol, that's an incredibly generous reading of the situation. It seems more likely to me that they are intentionally trying to keep discussion about launch issues confined to the Telegram so It's hidden from their business partners.

Glenn Rempe:
Hi everyone. Its been a busy morning. I wanted to give you an update on a few things. We came under what might be classified as an attack this morning, which ultimately resulted in many many millions of requests coming in to our Core system. We continue to investigate that. This event put significant pressure on parts of our brand new infrastructure including one of our key databases. We have since resolved that issue and upgraded both hardware and software on multiple systems. During that process I added some caching on our Calendar API, which had the unintended side effect of causing many Nodes to fall behind on their Calendar. This caching has since been removed and I believe all Nodes self-healed, as designed, and have since caught up with the Current state of the Core Calendar. We will investigate any possible loss of credits and if any are found to have lost credits you will be made whole. Many of you have also noticed that we removed the tool we added yesterday that allowed you to get a quick view of your current credit balance and the health of your Node. This tool, provided in good faith to solve a need, was abused. We plan to provide information about credit balances using a different mechanism. We’ll have more information about that at a later time. The system now appears healthy, and we are stronger for it. Please keep in mind this is a brand new production system that has been live for less than 48 hours. In a way we have become a victim of our own success with MANY Nodes having joined the system during just the first 24 hours. Thanks for your patience, and thank you to those of you who avoided advancing negative agendas, or spreading FUD, and who provided us with useful information and reports. To those of you that are stating that we are ‘avoiding questions’ or other such nonsense, all I can say is that we were pretty busy. I have a little time to answer questions of a technical nature.

That's 3 days old and copied directly from the telegram You're actually backing up my point.

>How hard would it be to acknowledge there are issues and discuss how they are tackling them?


Oncr again, thats a 3 day old post from telegram. Nothing on their official site Nothing on their blog. Nothing on Twitter. The best we have is a 3 day old post from a CHAT ROOM that actually ignores many of the issues people have with the launch. I was there when he posted that, contrary to what he claims he immediately proceeded to avoid every meaningful question put to him after that poibt.

What would you like to know?

It's not backing up your point at all, are you autistic? That entire post is literally addressing your exact FUD aka that they aren't being communicative, and he addressed it literally 3 days ago. They don't care about sitting around Telegram helping hold people's bags for them. They've fixed plenty of problems, and if you find a problem yourself you can report the issues to

We have extremely differing views on what being "communicative". You consider a single post, on a chat room that allows the pinning of one message at a time to be communicative. I think that's absolutely laughable for an enterprise level company that raised 25 million off a token sale. For all your talk, you obviously don't consider Tierion to be a serious company if you think that's acceptable. Imagine if microsoft or apple addressed a major security flaw in a once off post on a chat room, lmao. Stop fucking deluding yourself.