Doesn't it sadden you that you will probably never be Ivy league?

Doesn't it sadden you that you will probably never be Ivy league?

Not really.

Nope. Harvard is going down the gurgler anyway

Not at all. College is just a fucking expensive indoctrination center these days.

But I dont need to attend college so why would I care

Academia isn't really my thing. Just seems like a big circlejerk.

Not really, I prefer my rural homogeneously white campuses

I went to Illinois State, thats better than ivy league.

I graduated from community college with an associate's in art history, so I'd say I did pretty good desu.

No. The humanities are toxic shit anywhere.

fucking this

only thing in the world that really makes me sad .....that i'm not Pierre Woodman.

Read up on what Ivy League actually means and understand it's meaningless.

>drop out of school due to depression and mother telling me I'm not smart enough for education past 16, had shit grades
>go back after wagecucking for a few years
>depression wasn't as bad, graduate valedictorian with top 1 percent grades in my country
>uni applications completely fucked due to previous bad grades
>go to above average but nowhere near what my later grades could have done

It triggers me more than anything, especially as it's becoming more and more obvious that I just failed due to shit parents.

It's how I'll NEVER EVER get a second chance without ridiculous levels of stress. Completely and uttterly btfoing everyone I know grades wise just to find out it was a waste of time.

No, I went to an Ivy League. It sucked, but I did it.

Without scholarships? I've very happy that I'm not.

This right here. Didn't they recently give some nigger a degree after he submitted a shitty rap album where he just rapped about Obama and black people?

Depression is a bitch. Dont blame your parents tho, still enough time to turn shit around.
Every kind of resource you can imagine can be found online. Spend your time working on a portfolio in an area you are interested in / passionate about with skills you learned on your own through MOOCs, join meet ups and network network network .. you WILL find a job that way, guaranteed.

>writing "black lives matter" hundreds of times in your applicaion can get you into an ivy league school these days

Fuck no, Western universities have lost their great status 40 years ago back when liberalism was starting to spreads its roots

In my four years of college, the only thing that disgusted me more than the autist that jizzed in the communal shower and the sluts passed out on the sidewalk and the sticky floors in all the bars was the smug, shitty attitude floating around academia

extremely glad to be out

>future tense
Underage b& pls go.

Ivy Leaguer here. No one cares after you graduate/get your first job.

Thankfully my family was not rich and I incurred 0 debt because my grant from the school was so ridiculously large.

Harvard is literally filled with blacks, spics, asians and jews. Only 2% of the harvard population is christian white.

I went to a UC so desu dgaf about east coast rich white boy schools

>christian white
Shiiiiieeeeeettt, I'd settle for just white at this juncture.

yeah at this point my midwest state university is whiter (and probably safer) than harvard.

"Just white" will include the jews. Who clearly aren't white, pic related.

>writing "black lives matter" hundreds of times in your applicaion can get you into an ivy league school these days

yeah Stanford university gave that islamist a place in class.

>fellow white men

Nope - I joined the most bad ass frat in the world. Ivy league fags will never know what it's like to slay bodies and pussy in the same stroke

This. Harvard is blacked and with it comes the lower IQ. They are even cutting back on their Asian acceptance rate. RIP meritocracy.

t. live in the neighborhood

Really dude? You live in Cambridge and this is how you feel about your neighbors?

You're a piece of shit and I would whoop your ass any day if you said something like that.

I live in the neighborhood.

t. somerville nu male

>You're a piece of shit and I would whoop your ass any day if you said something like that.
ape hoodrat.

Why would I want to be in with that spoilt brat crowd??

t. violent brainlet nigger

Not in ivy but still top 5 lol

>I graduated from community college with an associate's in art history, so I'd say I did pretty good desu.
>so I'd say I did pretty good desu

Do non-STEM fags actually believe this? Is this what it means to be a brainlet?

it did. then 2 years ago i found cryptocurrency. Now ive made more this year than 98% of any ivy league graduate.

there is nothing impressive about western colleges anymore. all you have to do is be a minority (not Asian) or an sjw to get in.

>t. poorfag/brainlet

You couldn't even get in even if you were a nigger

The benefits aren't as amazing anymore. If you want to make big money charisma and connections are going to be more important. If you don't have that you may as well go to a run of the mill state school.

It's all bullshit anyway.

>Princeton undergrad and master's degree from Columbia
>Not a jew or old money wasp
>None of the aforementioned groups actually accept me
>Making 300-400k/year working at kike firm, can't advance
>Not worth having to live in this fucking talmudic immigrant freakshow hellhole (NYC)

b8ed fagget