American goverment can outsmart basic high school exponential math

>american goverment can outsmart basic high school exponential math

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20 trillion is too much. any number before that is ok, but not 20 trillion

That's not the whole picture though, debt-to-GDP must also be accounted for.

This. Somebody has to step up now and produce this information. Or this board will forever remain a poor man's stock forum.

>keep borrowing infinite money
>somehow Chinese will be ok with it

It doesn't matter because China is making oil deals with OPEC to sell oil in gold/yuan.

I have no idea what the fuck that even means.

>You can borrow infinite money from China because oil can be sold for gold.
>Selling oil for yuan allows the debt ceiling to go to infinity.
>The gold/yuan/oil price correlation makes debt much safer.

I cant even. What the fuck?

My take on it is that the dollar will have to devalue down pretty dramatically relative to real assets and commodities. Don't be surprised when gas hits $10/gallon is what I'm saying.

having higher debt is better though compared to other countries with low debt. Low debt countries are 3rd world countries like in southeast asia but they're still a shithole compared to us here. we have clean food, no crime, working trains thanks to debt. America can pay the debt anytime it wants to but we're too based to pay back to eurocucks.

US monetary policy, particularly QE, leads to further devaluation of, not only the dollar, but the debt issued in US dollars. China is one of the largest holders of US debt, I think OP was implying China doesn't like debt owed to them being continually devalued. Commodities like oil require purchasing through US dollars (creating demand for the dollar). If China wants to abandon dealing with a continually devalued currency, they can do this through dealing with purchasing commodities through gold.


I believe this is correct but it's worth noting that the leaders of countries that try and leave the petrodollar system have a tendency to suffer mysterious self inflicted bullet wounds to the back of the head.

user us is gearing up to be a oil supplier

>thinks oil is the trump card to become the next world superpower
>taking China seriously
user, I...

>every BRICS conference is about making an alternative system without the dollar
>huh duh

also all countries are in debt, EVERYONE

BRICS plan is to hoard all the gold before the economic reset user.

Nobody will pay all the debt.

who will have all the factories and gold after the economic reset will happen, that's the key.

It'll be fine, don't worry about it.

if it does reset a lot of countries would be wiped off the map and assimilated by other countries

probably world war 4 or 5, still a long way before that happens wed probably die first before america totally collapses its in decline wed probably die before everything happens tho

It will be a replacement and controlled demolition, nobody wants a WWIII.

naw some one will force its either america, china, nk, iran or muslim europe

ww1 started with some random assasination that shouldnt have started a war

WW1 had massive pent up tensions between rivals that were aching for a reason to go to war. No nation would benefit from war in this day and age. Except maybe the US.

Wow 53 trillion world debt. How much of that is the USA owing other countrys?


Guys I figured out how to fix the debt thing:
>print enough money to pay everything off
>give it all to creditors
>immediately switch national currency from USD to Bitcoin so we don't have to use inflated currency

>pent up tensions
user all declining superpowers go to war history thaught us that theres nobody right or wrong here

no moral high ground to be had its simply inevitable human dont want someone on top of them, even if you do say the US should just step down what would you think china would do to india also a rising super power? let india take its place now that its on top? no china would go to war with india

>US monetary policy, particularly QE, leads to further devaluation of, not only the dollar, but the debt issued in US dollars. China is one of the largest holders of US debt, I think OP was implying China doesn't like debt owed to them being continually devalued. Commodities like oil require purchasing through US dollars (creating demand for the dollar). If China wants to abandon dealing with a continually devalued currency, they can do this through dealing with purchasing commodities through gold.

It doesn't matter how much money you owe to somebody when could wipe them out with your military.

The usa owing money to China, is like the mafia owing money to a regular person. If you really try to collect on it all, they will just kill you.

China screwed up lending money to someone who used some of it to build a better military. They will never be able to fully collect on it.

China owns the USA. Half the worlds debt is owed by the USA.
China has a much more powerful army than USA alone.

> (You)
>China owns the USA. Half the worlds debt is owed by the USA.
>China has a much more powerful army than USA alone.

If China could collect on the debt, they already would have.

Ssssshhhhh! For fucks sake, the /pol/tards were just getting comfy...

We rely on them for manufactured goods they rely on us for food and oil. Both countries have their cocks buried in each other's ass so deep that not even King Arthur could pull them out.

China has less than 10% of American debt, you stupid fucking cucks. The vast majority of American debt is owed to other Americans. This is why nobody gives a fuck about the debt, because it actually doesn't matter.

Veeky Forums is absolutely clueless when it comes to anything other than crypto. Don't let it bother you.

>the economy is fine because all the debt are college debt and other debt bubbles
>we're ok
nah, kys my m8.

>debt-to-GDP must also be accounted for.

pic related.

>GDP going up linearly
>Debt going up exponentially
>everyone in this thread thinks we're fine

Bring on the downvotes, but this cannot be sustained.

its not a problem because most of the debt is held local, so we have two options, devalue (more) or tax more. My thinking is that expect a mixture of both.

Remains to be seen how much farther the can can be kicked down the road. We probably have another decade before the shit hits the fan.

yeah, is not like an exponential curve goes to infinite in the last seconds.

It's OK there will be peace and harmony in the Middle East really soon and Americans can go home 100% victorious mission accomplished

>US goes to war to countries that want to move away from the dollar
>US uses the excuse they're dictatorships
>goes to war
>kill the leaders
>new democratic election makes an even more antiamerican goverment because the population hates the US
>waste trillions on wars they didn't win
>local infraestructure is collapsing because of 0 maintenance
wtf, I love being retarded.


>that debt line crossing the GDP line
I'm out m8

not even levered 1.5x fucking Poloniex gives you better leverage trading clamcoins you guys are all pussies.

But how sustainable is that solution? Say we devalue and tax, but debt continues to increase because we've shown no evidence we can slow it down. We can't just keep devaluing and taxing more forever.

Yeah this is probably close. Then we'll have a gigantic crash, get our shit sorted out over the next decades, and build a new debt churning machine to repeat the cycle.