What is even the point of this board...

What is even the point of this board? All the advice is contradictory and not a single person knows what the fuck they're talking about.

It's all just scam advertising, ego strucking of mug magic crystal ball and then group therapy for suckers. I am not wrong.

This board is reserved for the intellectual discussion for blockchain investors, such as myself. It seems clear to me that your IQ is too low, as that is hindering you from understanding the vast complexities of blockchain technology.

I remember being new too OP.
it gets better

>I am not wrong

Theres solid shit here but you gotta be able to filter my man.

Just like the real world, OP. It's full of liars and cheats and you have to learn how to sort through the bullshit.

I use it to collect pepe's and wojacks.

I meant to say
fuck off then.

Veeky Forums is here to shitpost nothing else matters

I thought this was serious!

how do I go long on this?

Veeky Forums is the best board on Veeky Forums.

Rarely is there anything of substance. Basically just a bunch of broke kids trying to turn their student loan refund into 5 million dollars.

>just bought 100k

If there is a nugget worth half a fuck here or there, you have waded through 10k posts of utter drivel. Least original and least funny board on all of Veeky Forums. Tons of PnD scammers as well. Invest in a few coins, set a sell order at double your investment, go do something productive. If you lose, who gives a fuck?

BNT BAT XRP XVG Monero and a few others have potential. Everything else is literally shit.

There is Great Wisdom in the Chaos.
You have to look with your higher vision.

Spicy memes and dubs. Check 'em.

It get better. You hear about a lot if bew coins here.

walk away OP
just walk away

to free /g/ of shitcoin threads

This is the only Veeky Forums board worth visiting. Best purpose and best memes. Entertaining and useful at the same time and as people are actually invested in crypto there is something at stake which gives it weight.
The others are simply boring in comparison.

Leave this board for the sake your sanity. It's literally a brokerage firm filled with kids and shills who do not know jack shit on how the stock market works. It's all based on intiution and speculation. The sad part is that the majority of Veeky Forums are fucking morons who believe that people shilling coins are doing it out of kindness to help them get rich when in reality they're in a pool full of sharks.

lololololol this

You just need to know the fundamentals. also,
Buy High, Sell low :)
Good luck user

so much truth


I try and help newfags out. I thought you could help them become like us
but instead of working it out together you take a colossal shit on Veeky Forums.
Think about your own situation user. why are you so upset?


>All the advice is contradictory and not a single person knows what the fuck they're talking about.

Which board in particular are you talking about? That could be any board.

yeah. i'm done....

Night night


>fried chicken

biz got me out of debt and is in the process of making me rich. just have to be smart enough to think for yourself and not just directly absorb the info you see.

I see you were in the OMG "SELL SELL SELL! It's going to 150k!!1!" larp thread as well. Take it as a learning experience kiddo. If somebody says something here and you don't get the associated reasoning with perfect clarity and agreement then don't even think about putting money on it. That goes for here or anywhere else.