BREAKING: Thai government going to put $1.5 billion dollars in to Omisego

The big news that is going to come out in September is that the king of Thailand Maha Vajiralongkorn has ordered the government to make cryptocurriences more accessible to the common man and help startups in this space as much as possible.

The prime minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has announced internally that 0.75% of their budget will be spent on encouraging companies to adopt crypto currencies in general like BTC & ETH, but especially OMG so that it will bring pride to the Kingdom of Thailand to be known as a pioneer in these technologies in Asia.

Now the big news, out of the 0.75% of the budget, $1.5 billion will be injected in to OMG and its network. Omisego will announce this soon in an event where the Prime Minister will also be present.

Even though sentiment is not great right now and the whole market is bearish, this news will cause OMG to suddenly 5x or 10x NEO style.

Buy now, since they should announce this in the next few days.

Other urls found in this thread:

Pic related, his majesty the king who will make you all very wealthy.


They're all so derpy looking.


hes deads, its the guy on the right now.

Fuck off larper, link some proof or kys

Nice shill OP, Where's the news article then?, Omise is the biggest shill coin in crypto history.

Lol, i really hope this is true, its top notch larping if its not though. Its believable.

Fake news
i'm thai

Sawadee kaap!







I am Thai as well, but born and raised in London. I know the royal family very well, the crown price is heavily invested in crypto curriences and is a huge nerd. He has told me to buy as much OMG before the announcement.

This is where OMG has stooped to. Sad
Unloading my bags now and buying ELIX

big if true

great so I can dump at a higher price

Why no proof?

Join the collaborated pump group on Telegram..

We're currently up to 180,000 to pump with. Join and let us know how much you have. I'll see you there

Znb space 4rq space 215 space 88 space t18

Just bought 100K thanks!!

I actually want to buy and hold some OMG but all these bullshit threads make it look like a scam saged

Because it hasn't been announced yet?

No, because it's bullshit.

How much would OMG shoot up if this were true though?


If the moon was made of green cheese, would you eat it?


You want me to give you proof of something that will be announced in the future.

And let me ruin it for you predictable morons, inb4
>le insider man
>muh secret info
>muh secret society

i would

i love cheese

Not more than 650k sats.

>Thai government yearly budget is 76 billion
>Thailand is going to take 2% of its entire country's yearly budget and give it to a startup

sure thing op this seems legit

If it was real it would have been posted on this site

lmao look at those monkeys

you're not an insider you're a scammer who keeps fooling people on the omg threads

OMG threads' credibility is so far gone.

They want to be known as a "Technology Hub", this is going to attract more investors from outside the country and increase tourism. It is much more than just giving money to a startup. They are thinking long term and know they will make back that money in a few years because of this investment.

So don't be a dummy and think this is far-fetched.

Does this website know anyone in the Thai Royal family? Is this website being operated by God himself that it will be able to post news before it is announced? Get out of here with your bullshit.

Taylor Swift posted on /b/ so what ever.

thats bullshit Raul

Anybody who likes money DONT GIVE YOURS TO THIS GUY

adres is wrong mate?

>Does this website know anyone in the Thai Royal family?

yes actually the admin is a bogdanoff

>Is this website being operated by God himself

yes actually the admin is a bogdanoff

Fuck her

1. there is no essential need for this kind of money for omise. no logic behind it, at least use your brainlet before larping.
2. if Thailand wanted to promote technology as you put it they would not fucking take 2% of their entire budget and give it to one startup. outside of this being retarded there is no precedent for that, nothing even close.
please kys

Schrödinger's FUD

they met with the thailand prime minister yesterday though...

won the best digital startup award...

so could something be coocking?

from what you claim make it very unlikely to be true

They are not going to wire a billion dollars in to Omisego's account dumbass, there will be a MOU and an agreement which states that this support will be available for the next 5 to 10 years. The point is this news is huge for Omisgo because it is getting support from the government. Please educate yourself and learn about how business is conducted at the highest level.

And also
>there is no need for a company to receive funding to accelerate its technology
Are you even thinking before you type? Why would a company want money to carry out its daily operations and developers? Is this what is confusing you? Fucking retards, jesus christ you guys are dumb.

What don't you believe my Thai bro? Why do you not like it when people inform you about the future?

I believe you bro

the only downside is that I don't have enough money to buy enough omg to make it
only 370omg holder :(

It's believable because you want to believe.

Ok I just got the date, it will be announced on Tuesday, 26th September. You all are going to be rich soon.

That's a lot of words. Allow me to break them down for the common people:





I always find these types of posts fascinating what comes over a man to type complete rubbish when presented with facts.

i want to believe

>increase tourism


Bullshit ain't facts, bagboy.

>No source
Stop replying pls.

>pls by my bgs


Guys, this is true. My uncle is king of Thailand and my dad works at blockchain.

this is all starting to come together

this guy (with insider info) stated that

Price will continue downwards all the way to $6, you might see a slight rise every now and again, don't be tempted, it will continue going down.

Time wise by Tuesday or Wednesday next week we should see things starting to pick up again. Make sure you put whatever you have in to this dip, it is highly unlikely we will ever see these prices again.

yesterday, they won Prime Minister Digital startup of the year award from PM of Thailand

I BELIEVE THIS SHIT, damnit why do i have so little omg

hey OP I'm a journo who covers thailand, mind sending me an email?

Wow I did not even see this guys post yesterdat → , you are pretty smart to put this all together.

I dunno who that guy is who posted that yesterday, he might be in contact with some people at Omisego, this gives me even more confidence that the information that I have is correct. The announcement will definitly be on 26th September.

which newspaper/station?


To educate who exactly? Who is your audience?

haha fucker

you are not thai fucker

are you talking to yourself or did you just forget to set the vpn on?

ITT: larping retards

Consult reddit before making any trades based on anything posted there because this place is more of a shithole than usual right now.

The fake news shitposts seem to have coincided with Neo being overtaken by OMG in market cap.

just missclicked user

>Doesn't even realize that's not the King.

>Trust me guys

Lmao weak shit kys

>no precedent for that
>something can only happen if it's happened before
>therefore nothing new ever happens

Step it up brainlet.

>Consult reddit

I think these rumors are horseshit but that's the most stupid thing I've heard all month on here.

Most pathetic pump attempt I've ever seen. Nobody wants your shitcoin.

That's not the thai king he died last year, the new king is this and fyi the previous king was the second richest royal with a net worth of 30 billion.

Will you honestly put your confidence in him?

A good coin but please stop the Fud rubbish ....
It ruins the maket

I will ask a friend and revert back ?
Particularly about
The prime minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has announced internally that 0.75% of their budget will be spent on encouraging companies to adopt crypto currencies in general like BTC & ETH, but especially OMG so that it will bring pride to the Kingdom of Thailand to be known as a pioneer in these technologies in Asia

where to cop shiny gold chair

As much as I think this is a shill post,one thing is sure, Thai Government hates Jewish bankers and investors.
And crypto is a way out of it.

Google thai goverment criticizing soros

Please stop spreading fuds.... this is a good coin and please do not ruin it

Hey guys I just spoke to the Thai King also and he said you all are faggots

KEK that was good


He is literally a disgrace for Thailand. A junkie, bisexual and never sober trap imbecile. The move is awesome but this is not a good publicity.

OMG needs all the help it can get, this will be great publicity.