Whether you're into NXS or just crypto in general, you should be watching this

They are debating crypto live literally right now.


lol this peter schiff faggot. why is he even here. NEXUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS


Because we all need people like him and Jamie Dimon to be martyrs of their public perception so we can unite in our hatred of them. They're /ourguys/ more than anyone

This guy is a fucking primitive. Stopped watching.

i want to see them both get up and fuck the girl in her ass


WTF is wrong with this dev?


how absolutely bored and dry is that womyn right now. this is why white womyn don't respect white men anymore. we're too busy arguing about gold vs. bitcoin and not fucking conquering and rayping our own women.

why can't people just own both gold and bitcoin and shut the fuck up about the difference already. it's called hedging.

max is insane...

>p-pls buy my gold guys


Raid the chatbox, Veeky Forums!

Thanks dude

holy fuck this guy is crazy


>88 viewers

Holy fuck how is it possible more people arent watching this

It bugs out I think, mine still shows 61 viewing lol

This guy speaking now is fucking captivating.

He seems pretty red pilled. I bet he knows.

cuz we are the /early adopters/


everyone leaves immediately after crazy old retard stops talking

He's been saying (((they))) and (((these people))) the whole time lmao

LOL Now he's actually talking about the redpill meme. O.o

This anarchist ison the money but his delivery is kind of dragging.