Its another Soviet apologist denies the extent of Stalin's crimes episode

>Its another Soviet apologist denies the extent of Stalin's crimes episode.
>Its another Lenin was a good person episode.
>Its another communist telling me that the bajillion people falsely accused and sent to gulags deserved it episode.
>Its another communist pointing me to favourable / contrary statistics to """disprove""" my claims even though they came from Soviet source, which they unironically believe aren't bullshit episode.

>its another commie that fights against the bourgeois and global imperialism telling me that the gulag forced labour system which was really a front for populating remote areas across Russia and central Asia is not imperialism episode.

>its another commies announce theyre taking over the country in parade and fanfare so all the wealthy people leave and the citizens all starve epsiode

>it's another communist telling me that the reason communism fails is due to western influences while the soviet union pushed billions into satellite states and guerilla groups

>it's another communist pretends that Trotsky would have been better than Stalin despite the fact that Trotsky was even more radical politically, and was utterly insane in his leadership of the Red Army

>Its another commie sees that picture of Lenin giving a speech in front of a crowd and reverse engineers favourable opinions of him because he looks cool episode.

>its another Stalin killed gorrillions episode
>its another Lenin was literally hitler but also Hitler did nothing wrong episode
>its another gulags weren't comfortable enough for the inmates episode
>its another I totally accept CIA speculation but first hand sources are propaganda episode
>its a gulags are colonies episode?
>its another we should be grateful for our oppressors episode

Ahh yes, those first hand """"sources""""

>>its another Stalin killed gorrillions episode
Gorrlillions its an exagerated meme term, but it's otherwise true
>its another Lenin was literally hitler but also Hitler did nothing wrong episode
Never seen any respectable person aside from /pol/tards saying that
>>its another gulags weren't comfortable enough for the inmates episode
If you consider having to overwork to not starve, then yeah. Or are you one of those tankies that thinks Gulag Archipielago is fiction?
>>its another I totally accept CIA speculation but first hand sources are propaganda episode
Refer what are those "first hand sources", please
>>its another we should be grateful for our oppressors episode
Ok, so you're just another full blown tankie that thinks that capitalism flaws justify authoritarianism and repression of a communist dictatorship

Source that trotsky killed millions?

>implying wealthy people add anything to society

>Khanin's recalculated statistics were estimated using a variant of the physical indicators method. They were based on the output data for a small number of sectors (e.g., electricity production and freight transport) which were used to generate estimates for mesoeconomic and macroeconomic data.
>a small number of sectors
And funny you put the fucking CIA there, I'm sure they don't have an agenda.

>Its another first hand sources aren't propaganda despite the fact that the Soviets literally just made shit up as they went and used torture to make people confess bullshit episode.
>Its another Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago was fiction because his pissed of ex-wife who was influenced by the Soviet KGB said it was camp folklore episode.

>its another person who unironically believes its possible for a communist system to survive without a state episode.
>Its another i'm supposed to believe philosopher kings who can precisely formulate resource allocation and production quotas exist episode.
>Unironically wanting to abolish currency.

>stalin personally decided how many rations each individual person in the USSR received

hurrr some guy i dont know iz biased
hurrrdduururururucus haowei;dsc hc-]jaio;cz i[0dq3nILWJCX[O:DKQWnj cxkd

praise stalin

>its a civilization can function without slavery edition

>Not discerning when someone writes the plural form of a word.

They do. Stop being retarded.

stupid dumb commie scum

>it's another people use literal Cold War propaganda as "evidence" episode
>it's another illiterate fucks pretend all socialists/communists are Stalin apologists or tankies episode

slavery is a spook

>implying every record taker was on a torture rack and forced to exaggerate every statistic
>implying the Gulag Archipelago is 100% literal truth and not a literary take on an atrocious system