Anybody want access to the Google sheet I made which is designed to pick out undervalued coins?

Anybody want access to the Google sheet I made which is designed to pick out undervalued coins?

It pulls data live from coinmarketcap. Once you have a shortlist, you DYOR into the specifics of the individual coins.


I would love to use it for my high market cap positions.

>buying yobit scams

Is elix on list?

That'd be great actually, thanks

How did you get drive to pull live data?

>not knowing the point of buying microcap coins
>not doing any research

yeah how do you get live data? Can I do it in libre office?

Of course!

They have an API but i just used one of the commands built into Google docs.

OK if I make it production quality & make it work with all the top 1000 coins would you chuck me a few random ERC20 tokens to my wallet - don't really care what they are.

Yeah I reckon you could for sure.

All I can do give you my appreciation. I'm looking to get into coins. So this'll be a great help to me.

Nice work.

Would love access, this looks great! My gmail is [email protected]



you are the hero we need, but not deserve

would love that sheet!

Email is [email protected]

Anything you wanna know in particular?

op is this your mail? should we mail it there to ask you for the sheet?

I'm interested. Share it to [email protected]


You dont need that shit. Just go on this site and look for upcoming fundamental events for coins, buy and sell, rinse and repeat :

Nice share.