So I expect to have over a million dollars in the next 6 months or so...

So I expect to have over a million dollars in the next 6 months or so. I don't know actually know what I am going to do with the rest of my life. I'm still young and been relatively poor my whole life.

How? Is getting into crypto still worth it if I haven't done it yet?

Keep some money in the market to play with on risks, but use most of it to invest in property and hold in fiat. I dunno where you live but property values are dirt where I live. I can buy a beautiful Victorian 4 bedroom home for ~$100,000 in a good (read: all white) neighborhood.

It is still extremely worth it. If you had bought $10,000 in Ethereum a year ago from today, you would be worth over $500,000.

It's even crazier for other coins. The key is PATIENCE.

Where do you live user?
If it's some flyover state then no thanks

>I don't know actually know what I am going to do with the rest of my life.

Keep investing until you get the rest? You don't honestly think 1 mil is enough to be retired on, do you? Maybe if you're already 45.

hey congrats man. the 1 mill will pass without much excitement, but you will start to constantly think about whether your net worth is above or below 1m.

Im trying to invent some stuff I've wanted to make for a while, but sorta disheartened after watching youtube videos of NEETs in their workshops that dont seem to have accomplished much. I hope it doesnt turn out that way. Maybe I can join a team after I have enough to leave cryptocurrency forever.

Stick it in vanguards and don't touch it for 10 years.

Try and live your life for 10 years, get a job etc.

Trust me. You need to learn what life really is before becoming rich, then you will actually appreciate your money.

Please help me reach one btc if you have it. I know what I want to do but dont have any funds for it.1EMfnKoUCaLoST7P7CL8tkZABQYKyAzHKu

Pennsylvania (not Shittsburgh or Filthadelphia)

It's not enough to retire outright but it definitely changes the calculations you make in life

Fuck man. Makes me want to invest in some cheap ass coin and hope it takes off.


My parents went from being dirt poor to having a ton of money. They bought two giant houses and then lost it all in a couple years because they were dumb.

I would say look into how to invest it. If you already have a couple million you can afford to do long term, safe investments and don't have to dick around with memecoins.

Don't buy a lambo or a mansion. You said you're young? Go explore. Just go explore and do things. See things.

You don't have to know what you want out of life yet man. If you're not trolling, you're incredibly lucky. See what's out there, see what makes you happy.

Also I know a lot of people want to immediately buy a nice car, but you should seriously look at motorcycles instead. Starting riding was the best thing I ever did, and for $20k you can buy a superbike that's as fast a 200k super car. DON'T GET ONE AS YOUR FIRST BIKE THOUGH. Please. Just, don't.

>don't buy a car, buy a deathtrap and die

thanks mate

Protip: Don't crash

works wonders :^)

>get bumped by some other idiot
>in a car: feel a bump
>on a bike: die

hmm ya good purchase

Thanks for your comments. I don't plan on wasting it, I've always lived modestly. I still work a regular job and I don't really talk about it because almost everyone I know doesn't really understand. It has just happened so fast. I was pretty much hopeless but just hanging on, and now I am planning a future for myself. I feel happy, but life has just been brought in to a whole new perspective.

Help this poorfag become just a fag


Cars don't do wheelies


>not wanting to die

Alright, I'm not gonna shit up this thread anymore. But I have one last question. How the fuck does this shit work. There are bitcoin wallets, but some only allow you to buy certain crypto. And then there are things like Gemini which isn't considered a wallet? Senpai... help. I want to be rich autist.

I was a millionaire a week or so ago. A little under now. Expecting to be under for a few more years now until going past 10. What are your holding that you think it will go up? Majority of this shit is worthless, you know that surely?

Don't want to be mean, but if you're too dumb to figure this out by yourself, you're better off not investing.

No, I hear you. It's just I don't want to use a wallet that doesn't deal in all crypto, that sounds fucking retarded.

People who get spoon-fed get scammed. Smart people don't have time for dipshits. Scammers love them though. Good luck, faggot.

Try putting a few thousand in a couple of coins that won't take off anytime soon but will actually do shit down the line and don't post on Veeky Forums for a couple of years before burying your wallet

This is probably some of the best advice I've ever seen on Veeky attention to this man.

I'd like to take this opportunity to say pic related