Is this historically accurate?

Were Christians really the majority before Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire?

Pretty breathtaking really.

Nope, they were maybe 25% and many of those 25% still kept faith to the pagan gods on the side

When Constantine converted everything changed (for the worse)

I've heard that Christianity was only around 10% of the Roman population, mainly centered in the eastern Mediterranean during the time of Constantine, but I don't have a source for that.

That part about jesus returning from the dead is absolute nonsense though, such things are impossible. The reason Christianity gained a foothold was its promise of a glorious afterlife to every believer. Since Rome relied very heavily on a slave economy this was quite appealing to many. During the Crisis of the 3rd century it was bolstered again by the increasing disillusionment with Roman society as a whole.

Every unbiased scholar disagrees with you though. Even the athiests ones.

>I get my history lessons from the front page of reddirt
I'll pray for you, friend

>320 AD when Rome was forced to convert
Except Constantine didn’t covert Rome to Christianity, he merely decriminalized/legalized it

>what is crypto-christians


>Is this historically accurate?
No, pretty much nothing in that screencap is accurate. Any book about early Christianity written by an actual historian will confirm.

Not him but he's right, Christianity did not become official state religion until Theodosius.

This is actually what Christians on Veeky Forums believe HOLY SHIT

And the philosophy schools of Greece were not closed until Justian

Is it true be everyone loved jews until Jesus came along? Was Jesus the first anti Semite? Breathtaking if true

Why'd he close the schools?

> >I get my history lessons from /pol/
Mein siden

1. We know jack shit about whether the apostles were rich or not.
2. Apostle just referred to anybody who had visions of Jesus.
3. Nobody ever saw Jesus before he died and was resurrected they only saw him in visions.

> For I handed on to you as of first importance what I in turn had received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures, 4 and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures, 5 and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. 6 Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers and sisters[c] at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have died.[d] 7 Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. 8 Last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also to me

1 Corinthians 15

4. Judaism was already starting to become popular among the Romans. There were many half-converts (virtuous gentiles) already to Judaism. Christianity with Paul prosyletized much more heavily to gentiles and so there was an explosion.

Came to check this out. I'm sorry, but does anyone have any primarary sources for their claims?

Of course they don't. What do you expect his hates anything and everything Christian. They flat out lie about all of this fully knowing it's untrue

On a similar note, Islam only became the majority religion in Egypt in around 1500, 900 years after it was taken from Byzantium

Your point?

To share an interesting anectdote

But what is your point

showing that Muslim can convert people only thought violence and need much more time to convert country even when having the power .

Your point? Islam will domina The arth, who cares how long it takes them you fucking cuckold. Go pray for them and my cock

>Christianity spread because the apostles practiced magic spells

Constantine converted decades before Christianity was made the state religion.

Don't listen to JW's, they're a fucking insane death cult
