My ancestors :)

My ancestors :)

Other urls found in this thread:

>horse riders


You're German?

Tolkinese Warriors!?

Nope :)

what am I seeing here?

My ancestors.

Are those flies buzzing around his head or fleas jumping away to find a cleaner host?

shittiest graph ever

I'm gonna have to WE you. Because you comitted a heinous crime. You have a unique culture and heritage, you have ancestors, your story didn't begin with you. Whereas I am an alienated urbanite that think all of this is boring and white dead men lol. I will disappear one day and leave no trace because I didn't cherish the memories of my extended family and I have no memories to pass on to the next generation. What am I talking about? I won't even have any kids because I want to be an adolescent in my 80s and ew babies are gross. Therefore WE, WE unto you sir.


I want to slaughter Slavs like my ancestors.

More like get slaughtered by Slavs like your ancestors.

my ancestor :)

35-2, 53, and 74 could have been Lusatians which would mean the Proto-Germanics won.

Get on your knees P*le.

Veeky Forums ain't no place for birds, pal

They're still dead, aren't they?


Point is that the idea that the Lusatian or eastern side won because of more western casualties is based on a lot of presumptions about all the intermediate individuals being Germanic while they could simply be from the western end of Lusatia.

Could be isn't sufficient enough to go on and spout some meme theories and this board loves them.

Funniest meme theory on this board is Suebi=Slavs

So? What did you expect from people like

That post was obviously a joke, not a "theory".

This board is clearly an extension of /int/ and /pol/. You can't have normal discussion without some teenagers getting butthurt about everything.

But I'm not butthurt, the image I made was not serious whatsoever.

u forgot the last pic



Nothin personnel bro B)



Second Battle of the Tollense when?

If I were you, I would have asked when will be the second Battle of Berlin...

For majority of Germanic tribes there is actually no evidence that they were Germanic, it just so happens that they lived in geographical land called "Germania".

Some might have been Celtic

There is plenty of evidence that the Suebi were Germanic. But yes, others are more ambiguous.

Some might've been Bantu

We already have established a link between Germanics and Niggers long time ago, user.

The Oder-Neisse?

Swedish-Finnish border.

Northern Euros share the same mtdna (U5) with Berbers

But it's related to the ancient European admixture in Berbers not Sub-Saharans.

Finns aren't even related to humans.

Was WEZ35 Human or was he African?

He was more human than your average Finn, that's for sure.

I think he may have been Afro-Polish and the Black Finns descend from him

There is no need for such extreme theories. Finns look like bleached blacks on their own

Every day, sites like realhistoryww continue to prove that ancient Europeans were black. And at the same time, genetic testing is revealing that all ancient Europeans wuz Polish. Coincidence??? I think not.

Stfu racist.

Blacks and Poles have a very deep spiritual bond.
Both have been oppressed by the Germanic man for centuries.

>Strontium isotope ratios show a wide range of values with some suggestion that two major groups may be distinguished by values above and below 0.712. The local baseline values, particularly if these are valid for much of northeastern Germany, would suggest that many of the individuals with 87 Sr/ 86Sr values in the range of 0.709 – 0.712 come from the local area. Individuals with 87Sr/ 86 Sr values higher than 0.712 would appear to be non-local and from several different places.

>The absence of values above 0.720 suggests that the combatants did not originate in the Scandinavian Peninsula.

>in southern Moravia in the Czech Republic, there are values between 0.710 and 0.715 reported (Smrčka et al. 2006) so that this area might also be a candidate for the origins of the non-local group.

So there goes the theory that Scandinavians had anything to do with the battle.

So now the question is which side was from Moravia and which was local.

>There are some areas with similar values in the eastern Mittelgebirge and the Ore Mountains. There are zones of similar values in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg (Knipper 2012)

Some of the outliers could have come from Austria.
I'm starting to think the battle was actually more like a southerners(multicultural Urnfield) vs northerners thing with Moravian Urnfield on the southerner side and the locals of northern Poland and northeastern Germany on the same side, trying to defend against the Celtic expansionist.

>The Tumulus culture (German: Hügelgräberkultur) dominated Central Europe during the Middle Bronze Age (c. 1600 to 1200 BC).

>It was the descendant of the Unetice culture. Its heartland was the area previously occupied by the Unetice culture besides Bavaria and Württemberg. It was succeeded by the Late Bronze Age Urnfield culture.

>The Lusatian culture developed as the preceding Trzciniec culture experienced influences from the middle Bronze Age Tumulus Bronze Age, essentially incorporating the local communities into the socio-political network of Iron Age Europe.[2] It forms part of the Urnfield systems found from eastern France, southern Germany and Austria to Hungary and the Nordic Bronze Age in northwestern Germany and Scandinavia. It is followed by the early Iron Age Billendorf culture in the West. In Poland, the Lusatian culture is taken to span part of the Iron Age as well (there is only a terminological difference) and is succeeded in Montelius VIIbc in northern ranges around the mouth of Vistula by the Pomeranian culture spreading south.

The pieces are starting to fall in place.

The southern guys from the Tumulus-Urnfield transitional phase won the war and Lusatian culture was the product of their domination over Trzciniec.

That image seems a bit too contrived honestly, although your theory is interesting.

It's guesswork which samples belonged to which side but so is the original edit with the imaginary Germanic vs Slavic conflict with a bunch of random mercenaries.

My ancestors :)

There is some indication of horses being ridden before they were used to pull chariots.

Urnfield had chariots

So did the Egyptians but some of them still rode horses.


Celts are invicible warriors that fear none but the Heaven

Sadly the Roma(ns) poisoned them with civilization

My ancestors :)

>went from sea peoples/Nuragics to maggot-cheese eating irrelevant monkeys

arent those germanics men?
also can you get me a source that say celts were light people?

Just ban this motherfucker already

You are LITERALLY too dumb to even look up the Celts wikipedia page.

That's an achievement.

Don't respond. He's literally retarded. So much for muh latin Domicana.

Dominican Republic > Haiti desu.

why would i be banned?
im not breaking any rules, all my post are history related, it doesnt matter if they are lies or truths
ok, im going to look for it

jaja mis ancestrores

they knew how to sew before they knew how to metal. especially iron.

my ancestors :-))

The only slave revolt that resulted in the founding of a free state ever> island mexicans

>only slave revolt that resulted in the founding of a free state ever

My ancestor :)


my ancestors :)



>arent those germanics men?
Yeah they are. And Celts were not light skin, they were proud black warriors who migrated north from the African motherland, they definately weren't a bunch of baby dick white boys.


so saying celts werent people with light features means im saying they were black?

you are retarded my man

My ancestors :))




my ancestors can beat up and outbreed your ancestirs

Take it easy Putin

>Genghis Khan
End yourself

>you gon' get raped