Influential people outside academia

How many cases do you lnow of influential thinkers or notable people who influenced history but were rejected by or by other means failed at academia?

>inb4 Hitler

I'm talking more about people who wanted to be professors, researchers, writers, Ph.Ds, etc and by some failure (either their own or intentional from the outside) they were left out the formal academia yet their writings, work, or any other kind done outside academia, etc is influential or even studied today

Dropouts like Bill Gates doesn't count as it was voluntary

>I'm thinking about pic related as one but I'm not sure how influential he is actually

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The virgin Wittgenstein

The Chad Weininger

every day


>sees the truth of his people's nature clearly
>enacts the holocaust before hitler has a chance

Best philosophers had little contact with the scum of society also known as university students

After Hegel, the most famous philosophers were outside academia

>outside academia
Didn't he teach or something?

Genuine question, not my field

Yes. He only made Birth of Tragedy while being an academic. It wasn't liked and he fell off. His other works are written with him not being an active academic.


David Hume tried multiple times to gain a position within the academia which were all refuted

Side question. Has there been anyone who's drastically affected architecture without being an architect or some kind of ruler?

what kind of question is that

>Has there been anyone who's drastically affected architecture without being an architect or some kind of ruler?
Andrew Carnegie? Without Carnegie Steel you wouldn't have any steel bridges, nor any urban high-rises.

very briefly before he fucked off to italy

The Jews control academia

>when you realize that the academia is just a covert failure and the great men of history didn't take part on it

How so

Doesn't even attend academia, scrolls Wikipedia and menaces academics into giving him summaries

Stephan Molyneaux solved ethics.

>when you don't know if satyre, bait or real

Stevan Molinaux spent about six years in academia.

>Esteban Molino

>Sickfan Moulindeau

J. M. Keynes was ostracized from both governent and academia. He was at the Paris Peace Conference, but resigned in disgust over how many brainlets there were there (not joking) For his 1919 polemic, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, he was blackballed by everyone who mattered. His verbal caricatures of the allied leaders were hilarious though...

It was only when he became a millionaire on the stock market that he could basically buy his way into Cambridge. He wasn't an academic, but he wrote mathematical and economic theory along with journalistic and polemical attacks on the government.

When he heard about the New Deal he flew to Washington and demanded he talk to the President. He was very disappointed with FDR and dismissed him as an economic illiterate and a brainlet-- lol... It was only when the General Theory was released in 1936 that he began making waves with academic, rather than professional economists. Even then, he was not at all involved with actually defending it, and the huge academic debates around the General Theory didn't seem to interest him, he preferred to apply his ideas.

The problem with being influential outside of academia is academics bastardise you: Marx, Nietzsche, Keynes, etc. So Hicks then produced "what Keynes really meant :^)" after Keynes' death and there is still arguments over what he meant.

Wtf I love Keynes now

That's based