Accounting is for cucks. You're basically counting the money of other people...

Accounting is for cucks. You're basically counting the money of other people, it's like measuring the dick length of your wife's bull.

Prove me wrong

Any job is for cucks, you're basically doing something else for other people prove me wrong

thats true tho
everyone higher on the ladder sees wagies as cattle
rich people, investors, your boss, even your family all just leech off you as a worker.
thats why u cant win if u play the rat race

I was just being ironic but you do have a point

Accounting like most other professional jobs is just dick riding the biggest dick in town, the government.

I miss UO :

Any goos shards open you fucking bastards? Ipy was my shit

What job isn't for cucks though?

I haven't played freeshards for a while. Last good pvp shard i saw was Pestilent, aos era

That's not the UO I miss....

I miss the Sahara desert, not the kids sandbox.

first game I learned to bot on ;^)

Construction worker here, can confirm that I'm just making money for other people

Counting your bosses money is better than cleaning up after him or making it.

Atlantic/Test Center player checking in.. It is the best mmo of all time. I feel bad for the people that missed out on this game in its prime.

Accounting and plenty other jobs will be dead soon enough thanks to AI/automation

i used to work at a big 4 as a specialist, in the audit department.

what astonished me the most was

a) the normal auditors are the most plain and boring people every.
b) for some reason, they are obssesed with what other people think of them
c) 95% of these auditors are bald by age 30, maybe even before.
d) they all seem to have literally no intrinsic interests

Baja / test center here. Really feel bad for anyone that didn't play UO from Beta -> T2A. No other MMO has come within a sliver of what UO offered in the early days.

In analogies, every other MMO is watered down AM/PM coffee while early UO is snorting powdered caffeine.

mom bought me UO when I was 9 because my friends played.

Computer was too outdated and it had a monthly fee. Never played :[

I played so much UO one month that the phone bill for the line on the modem was $300 (it didn't have unlimited local calling apparently)...

My mom lost her shit and then upgraded it when she realized that $300 was nothing compared to the spergout I would deliver if I couldn't play UO and Diablo.

Man I miss the days if dial-up gaming in a Pentium 90...

I need to use the phone!

But I just started a game of Star Craft!

To some degree is true.

Agreed. Also ultima online is GOAT

OH DAAAMN, ULTIMA ONLINE WAS DA BOOOMB, fuck. My first mmo, nothing will compare to the adrenaline of hauling ass through wilderness from a couple of PK's

I remember when this house got introduced and the fact it had a protected outside on ground level blew my mind

Ultima Online... amazing. Dem Russian unofficial shards were hardcore too. I'm a software dev now and I read that they didnt even use a db in the first few releases, just flatfiles and synchronizations between them... people knew how to do things properly back in the day.